Tamriel Rebuilt:Beasts
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The mainland of Morrowind is full of natural creatures, some of which can be found on the island of Vvardenfell and some of which never made it over the Sea of Ghosts. This is a list of all creatures exclusive to the mainland.
A common tailless two-legged creature found in the grasslands and ash wastes of Morrowind. It is similar to its more powerful cousin, the Kagouti, and resembles a disproportionately large walking mouth.
- For a list of Alit defined in the standard game, see this page.
Creature | Drops | ![]() |
Attacks | Soul |
Mating Alit TR_m1_Mating_Alit_Uni |
Alit Hide | 45 |
20 (Petty) |
Cephalopods are large, sea-dwelling molluscs with six legs and a body protected by a tough shell. The shells are prized trophies among fishermen and shipmasters. They're often kept as good luck charms by the superstitious seafarers. Those of a more practical mind will appreciate it for its useful effects in the hands of a skilled alchemist. They are aggressive and can be found in many locations around the mainland.
Creature | Drops | ![]() |
Attacks | Soul |
Cephalopod T_Mw_Fau_Ceph_01 |
Cephalopod Shell Fragment | 58 |
45 (Lesser) |
Diseased Cephalopod T_Mw_Fau_CephDs_01 |
Cephalopod Shell Fragment | 58 |
45 (Lesser) |
Diseased Giant Cephalopod T_Mw_Fau_CephBgDs_01 |
Cephalopod Shell Fragment | 68 |
60 (Lesser) |
Giant Cephalopod T_Mw_Fau_CephBg_01 |
Cephalopod Shell Fragment | 68 |
60 (Lesser) |
Only minimal information about crabs has been collected at this time. More information is being gathered, however and will be added as soon as it can be integrated into the whole.
Sea Crabs[edit]
Sea Crabs are a variety of crustacean. They appear to be only marginally related to Mudcrabs and Mole Crabs. They are hostile and can be found in many locations across the mainland's beaches and oceans. They have a habit of triggering battle music and being very hard to find at the same time. This is mainly because they can travel between land and water.
Creature | Drops | ![]() |
Attacks | Soul |
Diseased Sea Crab T_Glb_Fau_SeacrDs_01 |
Crab Meat | 280 |
120 (Common) |
Sea Crab T_Glb_Fau_Seacr_01 |
Crab Meat | 280 |
120 (Common) |
Molecrabs are another species of crustacean. They appear to be related to Mud Crabs although not Sea Crabs. They are not hostile and can be found in the Sarvanni Molecrab Farm and on many coasts.
Creature | Drops | ![]() |
Attacks | Soul |
Molecrab T_Mw_Fau_MolecDs_01 |
Crab Meat Molecrab shell |
20 |
5 (Petty) |
Molecrab T_Mw_Fau_Molec_01 |
Crab Meat Molecrab shell |
20 |
5 (Petty) |
Molecrab TR_m1_molecrab_s TR_m1_molecrab_w |
Crab Meat | 20 |
5 (Petty) |
Ancient half-human, half-octopus sea monsters commonly hunted for their skin (to make armor) and Dreugh Wax from their shells (for its magical properties). The wax found within their shells is highly valuable and useful if the player has a high alchemy skill. You will often encounter them in shallow water in caves and along the coastline.
- For a list of Dreugh defined in the standard game, see this page.
Creature | Drops | ![]() |
Attacks | Soul |
Diseased Dreugh T_Glb_Cre_DreuDs_01 |
Dreugh Wax | 60 |
75 (Common) |
Dreugh Warlord TR_M1_i42_Dreugh_Warlor |
Dreugh Wax | 200 |
75 (Common) |
Eyestars share attributes with both plants and animals. They are immobile but can retaliate against unwary alchemists attempting to take their eyes.
Each time an attempt is made to take an eye, the player's luck, agility and alchemy skill are used to determine whether or not the attempt is successful. A failed attempt may result in the player becoming infected with Witches' Pox, Chrondiasis, Caliron's Curse or Wizard Fever, although resistance to disease reduces the chance of this happening. The exact formula for your percentage of success is 0.25(Alchemy Skill + Luck + Agility)
it should be noted that Eyestars are now just containers and the ones listed below were disabled due to bugs.
Creature | Drops | ![]() |
Attacks | Soul |
Diseased Eyestar T_Mw_Fau_EyestDs_01 |
Eyestar | 20 |
5 (Petty) |
Eyestar T_Mw_Fau_Eyest_01 |
Eyestar | 20 |
5 (Petty) |
- Rowdy Anne — A notorious sturgeon swimming north of Ebon Tower
Creature | Drops | ![]() |
Attacks | Soul |
Rowdy Anne TR_m3_ATMG_RowdyAnne |
Sturgeon Meat, Sturgeon Roe |
50 |
50 (Lesser) |
The primary domesticated herd animal of Morrowind. In general, the ones in the wild are aggressive, while others are not.
- For a list of Guar defined in the standard game, see this page.
Creature | Drops | ![]() |
Attacks | Soul |
Diseased Guar T_Mw_Fau_GuarDs_01 |
Guar Hide | 38 |
20 (Petty) |
Diseased Wild Guar T_Mw_Fau_GuarFrDs_01 |
Guar Hide | 38 |
20 (Petty) |
Guar TR_m1_deadguar2_i1-65-t TR_m1_deadguar_i1-65-te TR_m1_q_AttackGuar |
Guar Hide | 0 |
20 (Petty) |
Guar TR_m1_SA_FG_guar |
Guar Hide | 38 |
20 (Petty) |
Pack Guar TR_m1_Q_Raiderguar |
Guar Hide | 0 |
20 (Petty) |
A common animal with a stump tail. It has tusks although they are worthless for anything, with the possible exception of trophies, although removal of these is so difficult that it is almost entirely the province of fools to harvest them. The hide is used in alchemy. They are quite territorial and enter a state of heightened aggression during breeding season.
- For a list of Kagouti defined in the standard game, see this page.
Creature | Drops | ![]() |
Attacks | Soul |
Kagouti T_Mw_Fau_KagRn_01 TR_m1_q_AttackKagouti |
Kagouti Hide | 45 |
20 (Petty) |
Kwama are insect-like creatures separated into several distinct categories. these categories are mostly self explanatory as they are named by function (for example Worker, Warrior). They produce Kwama Eggs which are "mined" in Egg Mines (mined and Egg Mine are actually misnomers, a better description being, harvested and Kwama Lairs as the eggs are not actually encased in anything which has to be gone through before reaching them and the tunnels are already dug). Kwama queens can become infected by blight diseases in which case they must be either killed or cured.
- For a list of Kwama defined in the standard game, see this page.
Creature | Droops | ![]() |
Attacks | Soul |
Diseased Kwama Forager T_Mw_Fau_KwaFrgDs_01 |
Kwama Cuttle | 23 |
15 (Petty) |
Kwama Queen TR_m2_kwama queen_He |
Kwama Cuttle, Kwama Eggs | 0 |
30 (Petty) |
Kwama Queen TR_m2_kwama queen_Kapid |
Kwama Cuttle, Kwama Eggs | 68 |
50 (Lesser) |
Creature | Drops | ![]() |
Attacks | Soul |
Diseased Muck Leech T_Mw_Fau_MuckLchDs_01 |
Muck | 40 |
5 (Petty) |
Muck Leech T_Mw_Fau_Mucklch_01 |
Muck | 40 |
5 (Petty) |
The Netch is an airborne creature similar in appearance to a jellyfish. Male, or Bull Netch, are poisonous but passive. Female, or Betty, Netch slightly more territorial, but less dangerous. Despite the Betty's more aggressive nature neither gender is particularly hostile. Netch can be found both in the wild and on Netch Farms, where they are slaughtered for Netch Leather, which is used for both alchemy and armor-making.
- For a list of Netch defined in the standard game, see this page.
Creature | Drops | ![]() |
Attacks | Soul |
Diseased Betty Netch T_Mw_Fau_NetBtyDs_01 T_Mw_Fau_NetBtyRcDs_01 |
Netch Leather | 113 |
75 (Common) |
Diseased Bull Netch T_Mw_Fau_NetBlDs_01 |
Netch Leather | 45 |
50 (Lesser) |
Diseased Bull Netch T_Mw_Fau_NetBlRcDs_01 |
Netch Leather | 45 |
10 (Petty) |
The Nix-Hound is a dog-like scavenger and/or mid-level predator. Despite certain similarities in body structure, however they are not named for their appearance but rather for their distinctive call. They travel in packs and are highly aggressive. While not generally a threat alone, a large pack can cause serious injuries even to experienced travelers.
- For a list of Nix-Hounds defined in the standard game, see this page.
Creature | Drops | ![]() |
Attacks | Soul |
Diseased Nix-Hound T_Mw_Fau_NixhDs_01 |
Hound Meat | 23 | 10 (Petty) |
Creature | Drops | ![]() |
Attacks | Soul |
Diseased Ornada T_Mw_Fau_OrnDs_01 |
Ornada Meat | 20 |
5 (Petty) |
Diseased Ornada Queen T_Mw_Fau_OrnQnDs_01 |
Ornada Meat Ornada Egg |
25 |
5 (Petty) |
Ornada T_Mw_Fau_Orn_01 |
Ornada Meat | 20 |
5 (Petty) |
Ornada Queen T_Mw_Fau_OrnQn_01 |
Ornada Meat Ornada Egg |
25 |
5 (Petty) |
Plain Striders[edit]
Creature | Drops | ![]() |
Attacks | Soul |
Plain Strider TR_m1_tame_plainstrider |
nothing | 300 |
100 (Common) |
Silt Striders[edit]
Creature | Drops | ![]() |
Attacks | Soul |
Argil TR_cr_sstriderArgil_UNI |
nothing | 800 |
200 (Grand) |
Silt Strider T_Mw_Fau_Slstrid_01 |
nothing | 800 |
200 (Grand) |
Sky Renders[edit]
Sky Renders are large wasp-like insects that the Dres typically use as mounts. Note: The Sky Render pictured here is not the finalized design and will eventually be replaced with an entirely new design.
Creature | Drops | ![]() |
Attacks | Soul |
Diseased Sky Render T_Mw_Fau_SkrendDs_01 |
Skyrender Venom | 200 |
100 (Common) |
Hatchling Sky Render T_Mw_Fau_SkrendHtc_01 |
Skyrender Venom | 90 |
40 (Lesser) |
Mounted Dres Guard TR_m1_PTdresGuardMtd |
Native Gah'Kogo Boots, Cuirass, Left and Right Gauntlets, Greaves, Helm, Left and Right Pauldrons and Tower Shield, Common Pants, Dwarven Halberd |
350 |
90 (Common) |
Mounted Dres Sky Render T_Mw_Fau_SkrendMnt_01 |
Skyrender Venom | 180 |
90 (Common) |
Ravis Hlervu's Sky Render TR_m1_cr_dres_bug |
Skyrender Venom | 200 |
100 (Common) |
Sky Render T_Mw_Fau_Skrend_01 |
Skyrender Venom | 200 |
100 (Common) |
The Swamp Troll, currently very rare on the mainland, runs after its prey like a large gorilla or similar ape. (as is typical of most trolls in the Elder Scrolls series)
Creature | Drops | ![]() |
Attacks | Soul |
Diseased Swamp Troll T_Mw_Fau_TrllSwDs_01 |
Troll Fat | 200 |
100 (Common) |
Swamp Troll T_Mw_Fau_TrllSw_01 |
Troll Fat | 200 |
100 (Common) |
Creature | Drops | ![]() |
Attacks | Soul |
Diseased Tully T_Mw_Fau_TullDs_01 |
30 |
10 (Petty) |
Diseased Tully Calf T_Mw_Fau_TullCfDs_01 |
15 |
10 (Petty) |
Tully T_Mw_Fau_Tull_01 |
Scales | 30 |
10 (Petty) |
Tully Calf T_Mw_Fau_TullCf_01 |
Scales | 15 |
10 (Petty) |
Grey Rat in the Empty House, Llothanis
Rats and mice are common throughout Morrowind. There are many types of vermin, mostly with only minor differences.
- For a list of Vermin defined in the standard game, see this page.
Creature | Drops | ![]() |
Attacks | Soul |
Black Mouse T_Glb_Fau_MousBk_01 |
nothing | 17 |
7 (Petty) |
Black Rat T_Glb_Fau_RatBk_01 |
Rat Meat | 23 |
10 (Petty) |
Cave Rat T_Glb_Fau_RatCv_01 |
Rat Meat | 37 |
10 (Petty) |
Diseased Cave Rat T_Glb_Fau_RatCvDs_01 |
Rat Meat | 37 |
10 (Petty) |
Diseased Rat T_Glb_Fau_RatDs_01 |
Rat Meat | 23 |
10 (Petty) |
Grey Mouse T_Glb_Fau_MousGr_01 |
nothing | 17 |
7 (Petty) |
Grey Rat T_Glb_Fau_RatGr_01 |
Rat Meat | 23 |
10 (Petty) |
Mouse T_Glb_Fau_Mous_01 |
nothing | 17 |
7 (Petty) |
Rat TR_m1_TORat |
nothing | 75 |
50 (Lesser) |
Veles the Pack Rat TR_m1_Q59_PR_Rat |
nothing | 23 |
50 (Lesser) |
White Mouse T_Glb_Fau_MousWt_01 |
nothing | 17 |
7 (Petty) |
White Rat T_Glb_Fau_RatWt_01 |
Rat Meat | 23 |
10 (Petty) |
Long-Legged Velks are a type of domesticated creature kept by the native Dunmer. They use their long proboscis to extract nectar from flowers, which is then harvested from the creature's stomach to create a delicious sweet food ingredient. They are non-aggressive and more frequently found on farms or plantations rather than in the wild.
Velks were first mentioned in People of Morrowind.
Creature | Drops | ![]() |
Attacks | Soul |
Velk T_Mw_Fau_Velk_01 |
Velk Nectar Sac | 50 |
50 (Lesser) |
The Hoom is a domesticated herd animal found in the Velothi Mountains Region that is typically used by the Redoran. There are wild ones also found in the Velothi as well. While normally docile, a Hoom may become aggressive if it feels threatened and attack. The pipes on their backs make a horn-like noise, which can be tuned to make pleasing music. Currently, the only Hooms that have been placed ingame are only in TR_Preview.ESP and are located in the Uld Vraech Region. As for the primary TR_Data.ESM, they are in the file but not used yet.
Creature | Drops | ![]() |
Attacks | Soul |
Hoom T_Mw_Fau_Hoom_01 |
none | 699 |
10 (Petty) |
- Halli the Wolfdog — Tame wolf found in Hhontjulf Fire-Mane's house in Old Ebonheart
Creature | Drops | ![]() |
Attacks | Soul |
Halli the Wolfdog TR_m3_OE_HhontjulfDog |
Wolf Pelt | 75 |
50 (Lesser) |