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Tamriel Rebuilt:Sarvanni Molecrab Farm

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Notable FiguresTravelMapsNotesQuestsAround Sarvanni
Sarvanni Molecrab Farm
Added by: Tamriel Rebuilt
Alignment: House Telvanni
Region: Boethiah's Spine

Almsivi Intervention:

Divine Intervention:

  • Blacksmith
Outside Sarvanni Molecrab Farm
Inside the Farm
Looking down
"A big pit full of mole crabs. They're bred, harvested, slaughtered and shelled there. We sell their eggs, their meat and their shells." - Gulen Belaram

Sarvanni Molecrab Farm is a Telvanni settlement in Boethiah's Spine. The farm produces mole crabs bred in a waterlogged cave containing dwellings for the farmers. The farm is operated by the manager Muldyne Ienit. Although the mine does not offer services directly, Bradasou Gilvani sells items of mole crab armor. Gulen Belaram is seeking for passers by to assist with the farm's deliveries. Many of the farm's inhabitants are also eager to provide ample information about mole crabs.

Getting there and around[edit]

The farm is located at the north entrance to Aranyon Pass, which can be taken southbound to Ranyon-ruhn and Llothanis. The road to the west leads to Tel Ouada, and the road to the northeast leads to the Sunad Mora Lighthouse.

Related Quests[edit]


TR3-map-Sarvanni Molecrab Farm.jpg
Map Key
  • 1. Gilvani Cave Dwelling
  • 2. Sendala Cave Dwelling
  • 3. Ienit Cave Dwelling
  • 4. Udulas Cave Dwelling
  • 5. Nethre Cave Dwelling


Name Gender Race Class Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
Ararvy Arelas Male Dark Elf Commoner 4 63 86 90 30 Molecrab Farm
Bradasou Gilvani Male Dark Elf Smith 4 75 84 90 30 Molecrab Farm Blacksmith
Dolms Sendalas Male Dark Elf Commoner 4 63 86 0 30 Sendala Cave Dwelling
Gulen Belaram Male Dark Elf Commoner 5 68 88 100 30 Outside Starts the quests: Sarvanni Courier: Molecrab Eggs, Sarvanni Courier: Molecrab Shells
Muldyne Ienit Female Dark Elf Commoner 4 58 86 90 40 Ienit Cave Dwelling
Relave Gilvani Female Dark Elf Commoner 3 52 84 100 30 Gilvani Cave Dwelling
Sodril Nethrend Male Dark Elf Commoner 4 63 86 100 30 Nethre Cave Dwelling
Tadali Udulas Female Dark Elf Commoner 3 52 84 100 30 Udulas Cave Dwelling