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Tamriel Rebuilt:Other Items

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This page lists the unique miscellaneous items added by Tamriel Rebuilt. These are usually quest-related items or items specific to a location. For generic items, see the Tamriel Data page.


  • Light: The number indicates the radius of the light. The background color of the table cell shows what hue the light is.
  • Time: The length of time, in seconds, the light source will last before burning out when equipped by the player character. A value of 0 indicates lights which are already burned out. A value of -1 indicates lights with infinite duration. Three have an extremely long duration that is also effectively endless.
Name ID Weight Value Light Time Notes
MW-icon-light-Red Bamboo Candlestick.png Bamboo Candlestick TR_m3_q_TheRiftCandle
2 3 64 120 Used in the Quest: The Rift
MW-icon-light-Ceramic Candlestick.png Ceremonial Candle TR_m3_A9_q_ritualcandle 1 5 64 120 Used in the Quest: Religious Inquiry
MW-icon-light-Torch 03.png Ebony-Trimmed Torch TR_m3_RaathimTorch01
5 128
Used in the Quest: An Empress' Ransom
MW-icon-light-Candle 02.png Elvilde's Ritual Candle TR_m3_OE_MG_ritualcandle 1 1 128 120 Used in the Quest: A Watery Fate
MW-icon-light-Candle 02.png Expended Ritual Candle TR_m3_OE_MG_ritualcandle_Lit 1 1 128 120 Used in the Quest: A Watery Fate
MW-icon-light-Silver Candlestick 03.png Friela Antoni's Candlestick TR_m1_FW_TG2_Candlestick 7 500 128 150 Used in the Quest: Friela Antoni's Candlesticks
MW-icon-light-Glass Lantern 02.png Glass Lantern TR_m3-794_lantern 3 12 256 150 Located in: Orphaned Shipwreck and Orphaned Shipwreck, Hold
MW-icon-light-Glass Lantern 02.png Glass Lantern TR_m3_Lgt_Lantern1 3 12 200 150 Located in: Lan Orethan Outpost
MW-icon-light-Iron Candlestick.png Iron Candlestick TR_m3_Lgt_Candle 0 3 175 0 Located in: Merihayan
TD3-icon-light-Colovian Lantern 05.png Kaishi's Lantern TR_M2_Kaishi_Lantern 3 300 256 999999999 Reward for the Quest: Lamplit
MW-icon-light-Paper Lantern 01.png Paper Lantern TR_m3_q_A7_NethrilLantern 3 10 128 150 Used in the Quest: Lights Out
MW-icon-light-Candle 03.png Ritual Candle TR_m3_TT_RIP_ritualcandle 1 1 16 360 Used in the Quest: May She Rest in Peace
MW-icon-light-Silver Candlestick 02.png Silver Candlestick TR_m3_i3_316_Com_Candle_14_off 4 12 128 120 Located in: Fort Umbermoth, Shrine
MW-icon-light-Silver Candlestick 01.png Silver Candlestick TR_m3_OE_MG_Silvercandle 4 12 77 90 Located in: Old Ebonheart, Guild of Mages: Study
MW-icon-light-Brass Candlestick 02.png Syrinia's Brass Candlestick TR_m2_q_14_Candle02 2 5 64 120 Used in the Quest: The Jealous Shopkeeper
MW-icon-light-Ceramic Candlestick.png Syrinia's Ceramic Candlestick TR_m2_q_14_Candle01 1 5 64 120 Used in the Quest: The Jealous Shopkeeper
MW-icon-light-Travel Lantern 01.png Travel Lantern TR_m3_ET14_lantern 5 10 177 120 Located in: Ebon Tower, Upper Gateway Towers
MW-icon-light-Candle 01.png Votive Candle TR_m3_votive_i3-399-ind 1 2 16 120 Located in: Gorne, Tribunal Chapel

Soul Gems[edit]

Name ID Weight Value Max Soul Notes
MW-icon-tool-Common Soul Gem.png Common Soul Gem TR_m2_q_14_CommonSoulGem 1 40 120 Used in the Quest: The Jealous Shopkeeper
MW-icon-tool-Grand Soul Gem.png Grand Soul Gem TR_m1_SoulGem_curse_i62 2 200 600 Located in: Gah Sadrith, Tel Darys: Tomb
MW-icon-tool-Grand Soul Gem.png Grand Soul Gem (Missa Rhyle) TR_m3_OE_Q_MissaGem
2 20000 600 Used in the Quest: Ghost in a Gem
MW-icon-tool-Greater Soul Gem.png Greater Soul Gem (Herne) TR_m1_Q_HernesSoul 1 9000 180 Used in the Quest: Soul Swipe
MW-icon-tool-Grand Soul Gem.png Hazy Soul Gem TR_m3_OE_fiendgem 2 100 600 Used in the Quest: Freedom for a Fiend
MW-icon-tool-Lesser Soul Gem.png Zymel Kaaz's Soul Gem TR_m3_ZymelKaazSoulGem 0.5 150 60 Reward for the Quest: Ambassador Trouble


Dwemer Items[edit]

Item ID Weight Value Notes
MW-icon-misc-Dwemer Centurion Plans.png Altered Dwemer Centurion Plans TR_m2_plans_i2-307 0.1 1200 Located in: Bazhthum
Dwemer Coherer Dwemer Coherer TR_m2_kmlz_ChefB_Coherer 0 0 Part of a dwemer machine in Kemel-Ze, Chefidz Bassin, uncarriable
TD3-icon-misc-Dwemer Centurion Eye.png Dwemer Ore Probe TR_m3_dwemeroreprobe 10 500 Used in the Quest: Empty Mines, Empty Coffers
Dwemer Schematic Dwemer Schematic TR_m2_dwrv_artifact70_01 0.1 1200 Located in: Amthuandz
Dwemer Tube Dwemer Tube TR_m1_q_AttackPiece4 0.5 40 Used in the Quest: The Dwemer Staff
MW-icon-misc-Dwemer Coin.png Fake Dwemer Coin TR_m3_q_fakedwemercoin 0.05 20 Used in the Quest: Writ for Counterfeit
Ornate Dwemer Goblet Ornate Dwemer Goblet TR_m1_q_AttackPiece3 4 20 Used in the Quest: The Dwemer Staff
MW-icon-misc-Dwemer Coherer.png Professor Hare's Coherer TR_m1_EEC_HareCoherer 40 60 Used in the Quest: Academic Contraband
Rusty Dwemer Cog Rusty Dwemer Cog TR_m1_q_AttackPiece2 50 100 Used in the Quest: The Dwemer Staff


Item ID Weight Value Notes
MW-icon-misc-Limeware Platter.png Chapel Limeware Platter TR_m2_q_22_lw_platter
5 650 Used in the quest: The Thieving Pilgrim
MW-icon-potion-Flin.png Empty Bottle of Flin TR_m2_q_9_FlinBottle 1 1 Used in the Quest: Flin Galore!
TD3-icon-misc-Potion 04.png Empty Vial TR_m3_essempty_i3-128-ind 1.5 20 Located in: Dreynim Spa, Resort
MW-icon-misc-Goblet 04.png Goblet TR_m3_OE_TG_Goblet 1 3 Used in the Quest: A Message from Mister Delagia
MW-icon-misc-Redware Pot 01.png Redware Pot TR_m2_q_9_Pot_uni 2 5 Located in: Andar Mok, Dreynis Teran's Shack
MW-icon-misc-Silverware Spoon.png Shiny Silver Spoon TR_m1_Yamanakal_Spoon 1 500 Located in: Yamandalkal


Item ID Weight Value Notes
MW-icon-misc-Flask 01.png "???" TR_m3_voicebottle21 1 0 Located in: Tel Muthada, Varden Alvis: Enchanter
MW-icon-misc-Skull.png Ancient Skeleton TR_m3_OE_FG_LenwSkel
30 10 Used in the Quest: A Final Fate
TD3-icon-ingredient-Citrine.png The Anguished Crux TR_m3_Kha_Anguish_Crux 0.2 5000 Used in the Quest: The Anguished Crux
MW-icon-ingredient-Vampire Dust.png Ashes of En-Duur TR_m2_necrom_enduur_uni 1 0 Located in: Urn labeled "En-Duur" in Necrom, Catacombs: Deep Vaults
TD3-icon-misc-Urn.png Ashes of Fedura Ovav TR_m3_TT_RIP_fedura_ash 10 0 Used in the Quest: May She Rest in Peace
MW-icon-misc-Limeware Flask.png "Ashlander Wise Woman" TR_m3_voicebottle7 3 0 Located in: Tel Muthada, Varden Alvis: Enchanter
Tx ingred seeds 01.png Bag of Balvene Uvayn's Jewelry TR_m4_AA_UvaynJewelryBag_01 5 6000 Used in the Quest: The Visitor Known as Vendel Othreleth
TD3-icon-misc-Potion 04.png Black Rose Essential Oil TR_m3_essrose_i3-128-ind 1.5 50 Located in: Dreynim Spa, Upstairs
MW-icon-ingredient-Ruby.png Bloodstone TR_m3_q_bloodstone
1 50 Used in the Quest: Pilgrimage to the Bloodstone Shrine
TD3-icon-ingredient-Bloodstone.png Bloodstone of Daedric Inference TR_m3_OE_MGGemReward 1 2000 Reward for the Quest: Don't Touch My Gems!
Scripted to teleport the player to random Daedric shrines, with special destinations on summoning days
and a small chance to teleport to dangerous or isolated non-Daedric places
Note: Scripts were last updated in 2018
MW-icon-potion-Skooma.png Bottle Of Dry Blood TR_m3_blood_i1-453-aun 1 10 Located in: Azurranu, Lower Level
MW-icon-misc-Gold.png Brass Token TR_m3_q_OE_tokenbrass 0 1 Used in the Quest: Theft of Brass
MW-icon-misc-Muck Shovel.png Broken Muck Shovel TR_m2_q_6_BadShovel 2.8 0 Used in the Quest: The Smiler
TD3-icon-misc-Broken Shortsword.png Broken Poralia Family Sword TR_m3_q_OE_Urien_sword_01 5 1 Used in the Quest: A Breadcrumb Trail
MW-icon-misc-Flask 01.png "Charles the Plant" TR_m3_voicebottle17 1 0 Located in: Tel Muthada, Varden Alvis: Enchanter
TD3-icon-misc-Cloth (red).png Cloth with S'varr's blood TR_m3_OE_SvarrCloth 1 1 Used in the Quest: Infiltrating the Gang
MW-icon-misc-Redware Flask.png "Colovian Farmer" TR_m3_voicebottle14 2 0 Located in: Tel Muthada, Varden Alvis: Enchanter
MW-icon-ingredient-Diamond.png Diamond Sample TR_m1_q_DiamondSample 0.2 250 Used in the Quest: Miner Problems
MW-icon-misc-Servant's Skull.png Dolesi Rothalor's Skull TR_i2_445_SealingSkull 0.5 0 Located in: Necrom, Fane of the Ancestors: Vault
Cursed, but picking it up will unlock the book Mysteries of the Worm underneath it
TD3-icon-misc-Skeletal Left Hand.png Drothril Hand TR_m3_Kha_SY_hand 1 0 Used in the Quest: Warm to the Touch
Allows access back to Morrowind from Khalaan
MW-icon-misc-Bottle 05.png "Dunmer Seductress" TR_m3_voicebottle10 1 0 Located in: Tel Muthada, Varden Alvis: Enchanter
MW-icon-misc-Skull.png Dunmer Skull TR_m2_q_A9_6_skull 0.5 0 Used in the Quest: Honor the Ancestors
MW-icon-misc-Broom.png Enchanted Broom TR_m3_OE_MG_EnchBroom 3 50 Located in: Old Ebonheart, Guild of Mages: Cellar
Scripted to rotate as if it's sweeping the floor
MW-icon-misc-Skull.png Enchanted Skull TR_m3_q_hideseekskull 0.5 0 Used in the Quest: Hide and Seek
MW-icon-misc-Rolling Pin.png Faruna's Rolling Pin TR_m1_faruna_roll_pin 3 1 Located in: Tel Oren, Tower
MW-icon-misc-Quill.png Feather Spear TR_m1_q_57_FeatherSpear 0.05 0 Used in the quest: Mudlap and the Mosslog.
TD3-icon-misc-Embalming Scissor.png Forceps TR_m3_ET22_forceps 1 1 Located in: Ebon Tower, Mara's Tower
TD3-icon-ingredient-Armun Kagouti Hide.png Ga'Nahiru's Fabled Hide TR_m4_armun_ganahiru_hide 5 7500 Used in the Quest: Ga'Nahiru, or the Great Beast
TD3-icon-misc-Potion 04.png Golden Kanet Essential Oil TR_m3_esskanet_i3-128-ind 1.5 50 Located in: Dreynim Spa, Resort and Dreynim Spa, Upstairs
TD3-icon-potion-Punavit Jug.png Half-Empty Jug of Punavit TR_m3_q_IenasaJug 6 0 Used in the Quest: Burden of Proof
MW-icon-potion-Standard Potion.png Hearth-dust Treatment TR_m2_q_10_Treatment 2 0 Used in the Quest: Folk Medicine
High Quality Bolt of Cloth
High Quality Bolt of Cloth
High Quality Bolt of Cloth TR_m1_Q50_Cloth_1
15 75
Used in the Quest: A Tailor in Need
MW-icon-misc-Flask 01.png "Im-Leet" TR_m3_voicebottle22 1 0 Located in: Tel Muthada, Varden Alvis: Enchanter
MW-icon-misc-Flask 01.png "Indoril Squeak" TR_m3_voicebottle24 1 0 Used in the Quest: The Voice to Calm Me Down
MW-icon-misc-Bottle 05.png "Inebriated Orc" TR_m3_voicebottle8 1 0 Located in: Tel Muthada, Varden Alvis: Enchanter
MW-icon-misc-Inkwell.png Inkwell TR_m3_q_TheRiftDeskItem6 1 2 Used in the Quest: The Rift
TR-icon-misc-Dwemer Satchel.png Kassad's Package TR_m4_KassadPackage 15 50 Used in the Quest: A Taste of Home
TD3-icon-misc-Leather Scroll Case.png Legion Intelligence Report TR_m3_RD_HisEyes_Intelligence 2 100 Used in the Quest: His Eyes Are On You
MW-icon-potion-Sujamma.png Lighthouse Oil TR_m1_BO_muskfly_oil 5 10 Used in the Quest: Muskfly Infestation
TD3-icon-misc-Dice.png Lucky Dice TR_m3_q_OE_Ulka_dice 0.5 5 Used in the Quest: A Breadcrumb Trail
MW-icon-misc-Blue Glass Pot.png "Mad Telvanni Wizard" tr_m3_voicebottle16 2.5 0 Located in: Tel Muthada, Varden Alvis: Enchanter
TD3-icon-misc-Broom.png Margia Sycora's Broomstick TR_m3_OE_FG_sycobroom 1.5 50 Used in the Quest: Cursing Like A Witch
MW-icon-misc-Muck Shovel.png Muck Shovel TR_m2_q_6_GoodShovel 3 1 Used in the Quest: The Smiler
TD3-icon-misc-Potion 04.png Nightshade Essential Oil TR_m3_essnight_i3-128-ind 1.5 50 Located in: Dreynim Spa, Upstairs
TD3-icon-misc-Potion 04.png Nirthfly Stalk Essential Oil TR_m3_essnirth_i3-128-ind 1.5 50 Located in: Dreynim Spa, Upstairs and a Chest of Drawers in Dreynim Spa, Resort
Nobura Tayo Nobura Tayo TR_m2_q_A8_2_Nobura_Tayo 0.2 800 Required for the quest: The Nobura Tayo
MW-icon-misc-Flask 03.png "Nord Windtalker" TR_m3_voicebottle19 1 0 Located in: Tel Muthada, Varden Alvis: Enchanter
MW-icon-misc-Ash Statue.png Old Ebonheart Ash Statue TR_m3_OE_AshStatue
4 10 Used in the Quest: Stendarr Tower Haunting
TR-icon-misc-Dwemer Satchel.png Package for Anice Derielle TR_m1_FW_IC2_Package 2 50 Used in the Quest: Render unto Tiber
MW-icon-ingredient-Vampire Dust.png Pile of Dirt TR_m3_dirt_i3-390-ind 2 0 Located in: Sacks of Potting Soil in Gorne, Bariel: Florist
MW-icon-misc-Quill.png Plume of Saint Llothis TR_m3_relic1_i3-559-ind 0.01 250 Located in: Romithren Monastery, Library
TD3-icon-misc-Khajiit Skull.png Possessed Khajiit Skull TR_m3-725_misc_rot_khj_02 0.5 0 Located in: Old Ebonheart, Hastophos Velifer's House
Scripted to rotate as to be always facing the player, as if it's 'watching' them
TD3-icon-misc-Orc Skull.png Possessed Orc Skull TR_m3-725_misc_rot_orc_02 0.5 0 Located in: Old Ebonheart, Hastophos Velifer's House
Scripted to rotate as to be always facing the player, as if it's 'watching' them
MW-icon-ingredient-Diamond.png Queen Elysana's Diamond TR_m3_ElysanaDiamond
2 2500
Located in: Ebon Tower, Palace: Treasure Chamber
MW-icon-misc-Quill.png Quill Pen TR_m3_q_TheRiftDeskItem7 0.01 1 Used in the Quest: The Rift
MW-icon-misc-Flask 02.png "Rolf the Nord" TR_m3_voicebottle23 1 0 Located in: Tel Muthada, Varden Alvis: Enchanter
TD3-icon-misc-Urn.png Sealed Sarnat Ashes TR_m3_TT_Flood_SarnatAsh 10 10 Used in the Quest: A Flooded Tomb
Tx ingred seeds 01.png Seed Pack TR_m3_seedbag_i3-390-ind 1 5 Located in: Gorne, Bariel: Florist
MW-icon-misc-Servant's Skull.png Skull of Aryn Salvarys TR_m2_q_A9_5_Aryn_Skull 0.5 0 Used in the Quest: A Forgotten House
MW-icon-misc-Flask 04.png "Sky Render" TR_m3_voicebottle20 1 0 Located in: Tel Muthada, Varden Alvis: Enchanter
MW-icon-misc-Bottle 07.png "Sload Drug Lord" TR_m3_voicebottle13 2 0 Located in: Tel Muthada, Varden Alvis: Enchanter
MW-icon-misc-Spool.png Spool of Fine Thread TR_m1_Q50_GO2_FineThread 0.5 3 Used in the Quest: A Tailor in Need
TD3-icon-misc-Potion 04.png Stoneflower Essential Oil TR_m3_essstone_i3-128-ind 1.5 50 Located in: Dreynim Spa, Resort and Dreynim Spa, Upstairs
TR-icon-misc-Dwemer Satchel.png Supply Package TR_m3_Sa_supplypackage 3 5 Used in the Quest: Stranded
TD3-icon-misc-Potion 04.png Timsa Essential Oil TR_m3_esstimsa_i3-128-ind 1.5 50 Located in: Dreynim Spa, Upstairs
MW-icon-misc-Flask 01.png "Tsaeci Selective" TR_m3_voicebottle18 1 0 Located in: Tel Muthada, Varden Alvis: Enchanter
MW-icon-misc-Flask 01.png "The Wolf Queen" TR_m3_voicebottle15 1 0 Located in: Tel Muthada, Varden Alvis: Enchanter
MW-icon-misc-Gold.png Wooden Token TR_m3_q_OE_tokenwood 0 1 Used in the Quest: Theft of Brass
TR-icon-misc-Dwemer Satchel.png Zaren's Package TR_m1_EEC_ZarenPack 2 50 Used in the Quest: Business as Usual
Can be opened to receive Zaren's Pants
MW-icon-misc-Bottle 05.png "Zurin Arctus" TR_m3_voicebottle9 1 0 Located in: Tel Muthada, Varden Alvis: Enchanter