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Tamriel Rebuilt:Enchant Trainers

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For a list of all skill trainers, see the Trainers page.


  • The numbers on this page represent the highest value which your skill may be at in order to receive training. Trainers can thus raise your skill one point higher than what is listed, with the exception of the Master Trainers, since no skill may be trained above 100.

MW-icon-skill-Enchant.jpg Enchant Trainers[edit]

Level Trainer Location Other Skills Notes
100 Master Bel-Betu Sehutu, Sanctum of Souls Alteration (75) Mysticism (70)
80 Adrieldan Firewatch, College Speechcraft (85) Mercantile (78)
78 Galas Moran Nim, Tower Alchemy (100) Mysticism (84)
71 Varona Andarys Akamora, Guild of Mages Illusion (75) Alchemy (75)
68 Adalerine Port Telvannis, Tel Thenim: Lower Tower Destruction (68) Alchemy (68)
64 Maniel Sylbenitte Old Ebonheart, Guild of Mages: Basement Conjuration (68) Mysticism (60)
63 Ranosa Orrels Akamora, Guild of Mages Restoration (59) Unarmored (57)
60 Ilmana Dalothran Almas Thirr, Limping Scrib Short Blade (62) Light Armor (56)
58 Dalami Ondos Roa Dyr, Craftmen's Hall Armorer (68) Conjuration (58) Only after completing Burden of Proof
Galos Melran Arvs-Nalor Mysticism (62) Alteration (58) House Telvanni Service, if Oathman rank or higher
57 Undilaril Hlersis Alchemy (59) Alteration (54)
54 Aeli Danym Tel Ouada, Tower Destruction (64) Mysticism (60)
Cellitara Old Ebonheart, Guild of Mages Destruction (54) Alteration (49)
47 Hessei-Lig Helnim, Guild of Mages Alchemy (52) Unarmored (52)
46 Nevusa Falen Andothren, Nevusa Falen: Alchemist Alchemy (60) Mysticism (50)
42 Saturius Ebon Tower, Julianos' Tower Destruction (42) Alteration (42)