Tamriel Rebuilt:Barunal

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Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
# of Zones 1
Rats, Nix-Hounds, Jathmund the Clever
Console Location Code(s)
Roth Roryn, [-13,-15]
North-northwest of Bodrum

Barunal is a partially-flooded cave and wild animal nest.

To reach Barunal, leave Bodrum via its quarry, passing the Northern Watchtower and turning left at the second junction. Turn right at the next two junctions and you will arrive at a crossroads, with the cave entrance directly before you.

The cave includes a number of tall and narrow caverns, some flooded. Deposits of Silver Ore can be found in the northwestern chamber. One central chamber, consisting of a narrow stone bridge passing over a pool, has the Marksman skill book Vernaccus and Bourlor lying open on a ledge in the ceiling.

The location otherwise features during the events of The Ring of Euphoria, as the hideout of the slaver enchanter, Jathmund the Clever.

Related Quest[edit]


Name Gender Race Class Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
Jathmund the Clever Male Nord Enchanter 21 200 250 90 40