Tamriel Rebuilt:Areanne Vara

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Areanne Vara (TR_m2_Areanne Vara)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home City Helnim
Location Guild of Mages
Race Imperial Gender Female
Level 8 Class Alchemist Service
Gold 240 Mercantile Apprentice (16)
Sells Ingredients, Potions, Apparatus
Other Information
Health 67 Magicka 144
Alarm 80 Fight 30
Faction(s) Mages Guild 7(Wizard)
Areanne Vara

Areanne Vara is an Imperial alchemist and Wizard at the Guild of Mages of Helnim. She provides services only to those in the guild of Conjurer rank and above.

As proud Guildmaster of the Helnim guildhall, small though it is, Areanne clearly feels put out that the Archmage Gindaman does not appear to trust her. As she puts it: "he never tells me anything". This comes to something of a head in Lamplit, where she requests that you investigate the Lamp Knight, Kaishi, who has arrived without explanation. She is well aware that Gindaman must know the truth behind Kaishi's arrival. It is somewhat telling that if Kaishi should die by your hand, Areanne only expresses concern for her own reputation.

Though a merchant of alchemical goods, Areanne will only concede to sell you anything if you are of Conjurer rank or above in the Mages Guild.

Related Quests[edit]

Mages Guild[edit]