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Tamriel Data:Greaves of the Savior's Hide

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Greaves of the Savior's Hide
Artifact: Greaves of the Savior's Hide (T_Dae_UNI_GreavesSaviorsHide)
Type Greaves
Armor Rating Rating 80 (266 Max)
Armor Rating Rating 80 (266 Max) Health Health 1500
Weight Weight 8 (Light) Value Value 40000
Constant Effect
Resist Magicka Resist Magicka 10 pts on Self
Greaves of the Savior's Hide

The Greaves of the Savior's Hide are a piece of the fabled Savior's Hide, an artifact of Hircine. The full set when worn confers total resistance to magic.

The greaves themselves can be found within the Tamriel Rebuilt release area, on the person of one Tarvil Gamaras - a bandit leader in the Berantus cavern northwest of Helnim.