Tamriel Data:Dungeon Creatures

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This page list all creatures that can usually only be found in a particular type of location. With the current release of Tamriel Data this includes Ayleid, Dwemer, and Tsaesci creatures, though only the former two can be encountered in-game in either Project Tamriel or Tamriel Rebuilt.

Ayleid Creatures[edit]

Ayleid Sorceror-King[edit]

Ayleid Sorceror-King

Ayleid sorceror-kings are (?)

Creature Drops Health Resist Frost Resist Poison Resist Normal Weapons Resist Common Disease Attacks Soul
Ayleid Sorceror-King
Nothing 280 50 75 50 100
  • 10-17 pts melee
  • 10-26 pts melee

Redeemed Keeper[edit]

Redeemed Keeper

Redeemed keepers are former Nedic slaves of the Ayleids whose lifespans have been unnaturally prolonged and their bodies altered beyond all recognition. Redeemed Keepers tend to paralyze intruders from a distance, while other denizens of the ruins finish off the unfortunate adventurer.

"Certain pacts were drawn in the later years of Ayleid civilization that forbade them from practicing necromancy. To bypass the rule, the Ayleids' greatest artificers and sorcerers collaborated to invent a kind of surgery to perform on their most favored slaves. The body was altered to prevent the soul from ever leaving in the first place. The surgery also made the slave's body incredibly strong and agile." - Bucynarel on redeemed servants

Creature Drops Health Attacks Soul
Redeemed Keeper
Ayleid Scrolls
Ayleid Coins
Random Ayleid Miscellaneous
  • 10-17 pts melee
  • 10-26 pts melee
  • Shield - Shield 5 pts for 30 secs on Self

Redeemed Sentinel[edit]

Redeemed Sentinel

Redeemed sentinels are guardians of Ayleid ruins, being former servants given an ageless form. They prefer to fight in melee, and will close into range before attacking with the sharp appendages on the ends of their arms.

"They say the Redeemed Servants who wander the halls of Ayleid ruins were once human, twisted and reshaped by their masters to fulfill some forgotten purpose for all eternity. If any spark of consciousness remains beneath their ceramic shells, no modern scholar has lived to see it." - Aryadora on little secret

Creature Drops Health Attacks Soul
Redeemed Sentinel
Ayleid Scrolls
Ayleid Coins
Random Ayleid Miscellaneous
  • 11-22 pts melee
  • 9-19 pts melee

Welkynd Spirit[edit]

Welkynd Spirit

Welkynd Spirits are (?)

Creature Drops Health Resist Shock Resist Poison Resist Normal Weapons Attacks Soul
Welkynd Spirit
Welkynd Dust 150 100 100 100
  • 10-20 pts melee

Dwemer Centurions[edit]

Armor Centurion[edit]

Armor Centurions are humanoid centurions that can be found wielding a variety of Dwemer Weapons. Their size can be used as a rough estimate of their strength, with the small Scout Centurion not posing much of a threat while the massive Armor Centurion Champion can pose a threat to even highly skilled of adventurers. Additionally, the Dystonal and Repair variants are capable of using magic.

Creature Drops Health Resist Fire Weakness to Frost Resist Shock Resist Poison Resist Paralysis Resist Common Disease Attacks Soul
Scout Centurion
0-1 Scrap Metal
Random Centurion Weapon
40 50 25 100 100 100 100
  • 4-12 pts melee + weapon
Repair Centurion
Armor Centurion
  • 9-21 pts melee + weapon
Dystonal Centurion
  • 10-30 pts melee + weapon
  • Greater Shockball - Shock Damage 2-40 pts in 10ft on Target
  • Orc Strength - Fortify Strength 5-20 pts for 60 secs on Self
  • Paralysis - Paralyze for 5 secs on Touch
  • Poison - Poison 2-20 pts in 5ft on Target
  • Poisonbloom - Poison 1-20 pts in 10ft for 5 secs on Target
  • Poisonguard - Resist Poison 20-40 pts for 30 secs on Self
  • Poisonous Touch - Poison 15-40 pts on Touch
  • Potent Poison - Poison 20-40 pts for 5 secs on Touch
  • Potent Poison [Ranged] - Poison 20-40 pts for 5 secs on Target
Sentinel Centurion
  • 11-33 pts melee + weapon
Armor Centurion Champion
  • 15-45 pts melee + weapon

Centurion Archer[edit]

A Centurion Archer, identical in appearance to these variants

Centurion Archers are another version of the centurion sphere, able to fire highly potent dwarven darts.

Creature Drops Health Resist Shock Resist Poison Resist Paralyze Attacks Soul
Advanced Centurion Sphere
0-1 Scrap Metal 300 75 100
  • 10 pts melee
Centurion Archer
Centurion Archer


  • None of the Centurion Archers have any darts for their dart throwers. As such, they will instead opt to engage you in hand-to-hand combat. ?

Steam Colossus[edit]

A Steam Colossus

Testaments to Dwemer ingenuity, Steam Colossuses can be found in some of their deepest halls.

Creature Drops Health Resist Fire Weakness to Frost Resist Shock Resist Poison Resist Paralysis Resist Common Disease Attacks Soul
Steam Colossus
Scrap Metal
Random Dwarven
700 50 25 100 100 100 100
  • 45-55 pts melee


Tsaesci are (?)

Creature Drops Health Attacks Abilities Soul
T_Tsa_Cre_Tsaesci _01
Tsaesci Katana 200
  • 13-40 pts melee
  • 10-35 pts melee
  • Tsaesci Bite - Absorb Health 7-20 pts for 2 secs on Touch
  • Tsaesci's Kiai - Sound 30 pts in 2ft for 4 secs on Target, Damage Fatigue 30-45 pts on Target
Akaviri Oathbound
Old Tsaesci Katana