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Skyrim talk:Vendil Severin

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Attention all gamers playing at Master difficulty[edit]

Be extremely careful when taking on this character. I have reloaded and attempted this several times, and have come to the same conclusion. This character is pretty broken and makes for a very difficult fight.
First off, the character can deal well over 550 HP of damage in a single dual-wielding dagger power attack, so when I figured out that going toe to toe with a melee weapon was just not going to work, I decided to use the Bow.
Keeping in mind that I am at a level 75 with 100 in Archery and most of those perks, using an upgraded Ebony bow (Ebony Smithing Perk), with a dual enchantment dealing +40 Frost and Stamina damage and +40 Shock damage, using enchanted gauntlets, ring and necklace with +40% Archery damage each, using Ebony arrows, so the game calculated about 277 damage pts.
I put 8 arrows in the guy, never staggered him and once his health was really low, the game activated the Avoid Death perk, much like a Spriggan Hearth Mother would, EXCEPT in this case, instead of the typical 250 HP gain, the character regained his FULL health bar, and unlike the player perk that activates only once a day, the feature was activated TWICE during the same fight. I finally got him to chase me through the gauntlet of Spike Walls, to bring him down.
The character also has two very high level Archers in the final room with him, they both have a ton of health and were never staggered during our bow and arrow shootout. Generally speaking we all know that combat at Master level is seriously broken, and every now and then you will run into a character that is just way over the top; well in my experience, this is one such character.
Regards.--Cleaverx (talk) 05:35, 19 February 2013 (GMT)

Just checked in the CK. It was not the "Avoid Death" perk. He carries with him two Potions of Ultimate Healing, which restore his health to full, but it is only two. He can't fully heal any more than that. His level is the same as yours, though it caps at 60. That does make him higher than most NPCs (who usually cap at 50), but not by all that much. Granted, at Master difficulty, everything is understandably harder, but there's nothing particularly unusual about this character other than that. — TheRealLurlock (talk) 01:49, 27 February 2013 (GMT)

Chest Key[edit]

Ulen drops a key called "Vendil Ulen's Chest Key", yet the only chest that can be found has no lock anyway. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 16:45 on 21 February 2013

Doesn't this open the safe in Severin Manor? I'd have to check to be sure... — TheRealLurlock (talk) 00:09, 1 March 2013 (GMT)
No, the safe is opened by the Severin Safe Key. Wyldebill (talk) 02:10, 17 March 2013 (GMT)
It is supposed to open a chest named "Vendil Ulen's Chest", which does not exist in the game, but the data of the chest exists in the creation kit. Maybe Bethesda forgot to add the chest in the game or maybe they forgot to remove the key. — KunvuloninKünvülänin 02:53, 17 March 2013 (GMT)

Armor enchantments[edit]

From past experience, it looks like his armor will always be enchanted to fortify heavy armor, while his gauntlets are always enchanted to fortify one-handed. MidbossVyers (talk) 02:17, 31 May 2020 (UTC)