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Skyrim talk:The Arcanaeum

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Arch-Mage's Quarters?[edit]

I thought the Arch-Mage's Quarters were the Arch-Mage's quarters, and the Arcanaeum was the College's library? Tentacle 11:31, 19 November 2011 (UTC)

Correct, the Arcanaem is the library, this article is mislabeled since it's about the quarters. -- 17:18, 21 November 2011 (UTC)


Not sure what was previously confirmed, but right now all of the plants, ingredients, soul gems, and other items (enchanted boots, dagger, troll skulls, etc) respawn. I didn't measure the time it takes to respawn but I've harvested the room three times now. So this room is a great source of ingredients for alchemists. -- 17:13, 21 November 2011 (UTC)

Plants Regrowing[edit]

We've had one editor add the following, with the edit summary "can confirm this bug on PC. After several weeks in game time, none of the plants have regrown."

None of the plants in the garden regrow after being harvested. (confirmed, PC)

We've had another editor change it to:

All of the plants in the garden regrow after being harvested. The ingredients on the shelves as well as the soul gems also respawn. (confirmed, PC)

I think this needs to be resolved before anything more on the subject gets put on the article. Anyone who is interested in testing it, I'd recommend first that you do not enter the area for at least eleven days. Each time you enter the area, you reset the respawn timer. If nothing has respawned after ten full days, then tests also probably need to be done after thirty-one full days. The respawn times in Skyrim are much longer than in Oblivion. Based on what I can see in game settings, one setting is iHoursToRespawnCell=240; I've rounded that up to eleven days, because the timer probably only gets checked at midnight. However, there's another setting, iHoursToRespawnCellCleared=720 -- which means more than thirty days. I don't think the latter applies here, given that the Arcanaeum is not clearable, but if players are seeing discrepancies, it may need to be checked.

If you have done proper tests, waiting the required amount of time, post your results here along with any other details that may be relevant (platform, etc.) --NepheleTalk 17:23, 21 November 2011 (UTC)

With all due respect, the redirect from Arch-Mage's quarters to here makes little sense, seeing as they are two separately named areas within the College with wildly different uses and historical involvement. I've taken the liberty of turning this into an article about the library - perhaps we could have a separate page for the quarters? If not, nevermind. :P Tentacle 18:29, 21 November 2011 (UTC)
Well, considering that the Arcaneum is the actual place you are standing in when you do the actual waiting, then it is only fitting it should be in this discussion area. It's almost as if we, a bunch of Arch-Mages, are standing around in parallel universes, but waiting in the same spot, the stairwell of the Arcaneum that leads up to the Arch-Mage's quarters. At any rate, I'm testing it now and will report back. ;p Darkgoob 05:43, 28 November 2011 (UTC)
Update: I waited for 12 days outside the door to Arch-Mage's Quarters, but the items did not respawn. I will now test if perhaps waiting in another city helps. Darkgoob 21:52, 28 November 2011 (UTC)
I don't know how long it took for the plants and items to respawn, but I know they did (PC). — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 20:56 on 25 December 2011
Update: They respawn for me if I travel elsewhere and wait for 31 days in a row (PC). — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 00:22 on 6 January 2012

Item chest / glitch[edit]

Hi, i had the same glitch as in this youtube video. Am I right that this chest is used to store the items you get for mastering several schools? if so, does this wiki have an overview over all of those rewards? ‒ Flying sheep 20:28, 22 November 2011 (UTC)

Arcanaeum vs Ysmir Collective[edit]

According to the Pocket Guide, 3rd edition, the library of the College of Winterhold is called the Ysmir Collective, not the Arcanaeum. But talking to everyone at the College, I've never once heard the Ysmir Collective mentioned or referenced. Did the devs just forget about it or is it explained away by having changed in the gap between Oblivion and Skyrim? -- Hargrimm | Θ 00:29, 26 November 2011 (UTC)

Perhaps the Ysmir Collective was lost during the Great Collapse. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 22:40 on 21 May 2012

NPCs spawning - secret door?[edit]

I often see two NPCs spawn at the rear end of the Arcanaeum, next to a bookcase locked with a key. Is that a secret door or are the NPCs just loading late? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 13:47 on 4 December 2011 (UTC)

Seems to me that this is just a NPC spawn point, I have seen more places like that where NPCs appeared. Nirya talked to me in the Arch-Mage's Quarters right after talking to her I walked down to the Arcanaeum and she was there already.
I'm not sure but it could be, that as more book quests you do for Urag gro-Shub as more bookcases will be opened. But I'm to busy to do more quests for him. --Quozar 13:47, 4 December 2011 (UTC)

Urag's key?[edit]

The article states that the locked bookcases within the Arcanaeum can only be opened by Urag's key. I haven't been able to find the key, it is not on Urag and doesn't seem to be anywhere in the Arcanaeum. I don't know where else this key could be, it might not even exist! I could be in a bug however as he keeps giving me "Shalidor's Insight" quests, but I don't think it matters. I'm assuming if there is a key, it also opens the display case behind Urag's desk. Ghost Host 21:43, 16 December 2011 (UTC)

It may be more fitting to say the bookcases and display case can only be opened by Urag himself, as no key appears in his inventory. He gives me repeating Shalidor quests as well, I think it's one of those unending quests. However, if it can be completed, maybe he gives you a key at the end. -Melleh17 07:47, 23 February 2012 (UTC)
(PS3) First, a few background notes: I did the College questline, among others, and somewhere along the line I have done at least one "Shalidor's Insight" quest, accepted another, and glitched out on the first fetch-a-book by picking up a copy of Arcana Restored in a dungeon before Urag asked me for it. I have also spent innumerable days on end waiting for Urag's inventory to reset, as I'm a slightly obsessed book collector and Urag is (or was, before Dragonborn added Apocrypha) one of the most reliable sources for acquiring titles from Lists 3 and 4. At any rate, I habitually stand between Urag's desk and the display case secured with an unpickable lock. After one of the many 48-hour waiting periods, which were far too many to count and were done about a month's worth at a time before taking a break to do other quests and such), I turned around to look for Urag and instead found a wide open display case with all four books perfectly lined up on the floor beneath it. (If anyone is interested, they are - from left to right - Arcana Restored, Imperial Report on Saarthal, Herbane's Bestiary: Automatons, and The Falmer: A Study. None of these is unique; in fact, all have a chance of showing up in Urag's merchant inventory.) The next time I entered the Arcanaeum, the books were back in the display case, which was still open. Even closed, the display case remains unlocked. Unfortunately, Urag has made no mention of the fabled key or of unlocking the display, and none of the upright locked bookcases has been kind enough to follow suit. It would be nice if this were some sort of reward, but I suspect it's just a glitch caused by waiting far too many times in a row.

Investigator's Chest[edit]

Down in the Midden there is a Daedric Relic, with the "Investigator's Key". By it is a journal speaking of an incident involving it and students. The journal also states that four rings were taken and put into a chest in the Arcanaeum. Should this chest not be mentioned in the page? It has a master lock and is located on the left side of the room coming in. I don't want to put it in without your agreement. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 03:04 on 29 December 2011

You bet that kind of information should be here! I've spent about half an hour (real time, not 'in-game') looking for that chest! No kidding — the chest is in 'shady' area so I must've run by it a dozen times without noticing it. George1 00:41, 2 January 2012 (UTC)
It only shows up at night, I think. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 15:02 on 18 March 2012
I found it successfully at 8:08am, so I don't think it's a 'night only' thing. I agree with George1 that it is hard to spot when running by because it's in a shady area. 18:44, 30 April 2012 (UTC)
Thanks a lot I was running for ever — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 17:15 on 23 July 2012