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Skyrim talk:Skald

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No steward / Bounty bug[edit]

Skald does not have a steward. His "bounty" letters are unsigned. This might be the cause of the bug with bounty quests not being removed from the journal. /Sergio/ 12:19, 20 December 2011 (UTC)

A way around this (for PC) is to use console command: "SetStage Favor153 15" before accepting a bounty quest from the Jarl, and turning in the resulting completed bounty quest. This can be useful for getting around the bugged Jarl favor quest needed to become Thane of the Pale.— Unsigned comment by (talk) at 14:39 on 31 December 2011

Bounty after Imperials take Dawnstar[edit]

Got a bounty quest (dragon slaying) before finishing the civil war. Finished the civil war for the Imperials, then took out the dragon. I was able to turn the bounty in to Skald after he had moved to the Palace of Kings. If the page note means that no new bounties will be accepted / can be turned in after the Imperials take Dawnstar, then the note needs clarification.— Unsigned comment by (talk) at 06:42 on 22 January 2012

Same with me. After conquering the Pale with Imperials I finished a giant killing quest and received a bounty from Skald residing in Windhelm. (A bit funny though since he thanked me and than started saying "Go away, Imperial" or sth like that).--LexterU 00:50, 5 March 2012 (UTC)

Skald Felgeif[edit]

It says on the wiki right now that his last name is revealed as being 'Felgeif.' This seems a bit dubious to me, as no Nords have 'last names' after this fashion. My own hypothesis is that 'Skald' is a title.. Which is plausible, as it is a Nordic word for 'bard.' His given name, not his last name, is likely Felgeif. 01:11, 21 November 2012 (GMT)

Plausible though it is, the constant use of only Skald when people address or talk about him, plus this line "Just a servant of Skald the Elder. Not worthy of time or consideration." make it highly likely that his first name is Skald. Notice also that when subtitles are on Skald is capitalized in speech about him, but not when talking about bards. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 01:33, 21 November 2012 (GMT)

There's a bard in the Silverblood Inn named Ogmund who refers to himself as 'an old Skald' and confirms that it means 'a bard' in the game as well. I doubt that the developers intended the Jarl's name to be anything other than what is displayed in-game, though.-- 22:12, 31 May 2014 (GMT)Fenring


JR: to address your recent edit summary, the |class_details= parameter has nothing to do with Oblivion; it was created for Skyrim and is Skyrim specific according to the template. There are hundreds of other Skyrim NPC pages formatted as such. If you want a few (hundred) examples, you can browse through the NPC pages that link to Skyrim:CombatWarrior1H, Skyrim:CombatWarrior2H, and Skyrim:VendorBlacksmith. They list both |class= and |class_details=. And that's just 3 classes; there are many others.

Until a decision is reached in this discussion (which I was just made aware of and also against, and currently inconclusive), and to prevent an edit war, I think the Skald and Farkas pages should be kept as it is for now, for consistency with other articles, which display both params. If consensus is against the change, then we can simply leave all the NPC articles as they are; if consensus is otherwise, then I believe a bot could do the changes to the 1000+ Skyrim NPCs that we have. ~ Psylocke 20:59, 21 December 2012 (GMT)

OK. Peace! Let's convene a summit and work out a peace treaty for Class Unending. To the CP I think. I just got on, so if it hasn't been (re-raised) yet, I'll do so. I think Nephele added the field, and at least one other, such as "race details", as a preparatory measure rather than based on an existing specific purpose. The main populator of the field, to my eye, has been Jeancey, who talked about it with me and we agreed that it shouldn't be in the header. I should have been more thoughtful and raised it for comment before acting. I also think, but don't know, that Skyrim started using class in a fundamentally different way, so that it often is not useful as a "character descriptor", but to assign stats to NPCs, and so we have "Grelod the lumberjack" "Farkas the Blacksmith", etc. I think, but don't know, that the label made much more sense as a descriptor in Oblivion. We can edit war less by not reverting with trenchant comments like "correct before" when an issue is "inconclusive". And others of us, ok me, can be less "reactive". We shall work it out. --JR (talk) 05:51, 22 December 2012 (GMT)

Brina Merilis[edit]

"They would much prefer Empire supporter Brina Merilis as jarl, because of her pacifism."

Removed this bit, as it's obviously not true.-- 13:21, 31 May 2014 (GMT)Fenring

I restored it because it is true. Frida states it explicitly while her conversations after becoming jarl show the change in attitude from the people around the jarl. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 13:26, 31 May 2014 (GMT)

I was referring to the "pacifism" bit. According to Frida's page she says: Seems Brina Merilis and the Legion came and now she's Jarl. That's a relief. I don't like the fighting, but Brina is the woman for the job."

More importantly, Brina Merilis is an ex-legionaire and actually discusses strategy with her housecarl/servant, such as: Horik: "We should go over our strategy again in case the Stormcloaks attack." Brina: "I don't think that's needed, Horik. It's the same strategy we used for every major defense during the Great War. It'll serve just as well now." -- 22:02, 31 May 2014 (GMT)Fenring

Stuck Standing Outdoors[edit]

So there was a brief wolf attack when I arrived in Downstar, and this seems to have interrupted Skald's initial scene with Brina and her husband, leaving him stuck standing outside rather than following his normal routine. Is it possible to fix this somehow? -- Haravikk (talk) 21:23, 21 April 2015 (GMT)

I'm on PC, and fixed this for myself using startquest DialogueDawnstarIntroBrinaHorikSkald and setstage DialogueDawnstarIntroBrinaHorikSkald 10. -- 21:51, 17 May 2015 (GMT)

Regain the Pale Shortcut/Bug by attacking Skald[edit]

"Killing" Skald down to his crouched stance (while undetected enough not to gain a bounty) auto-completes the Imperial "Regain the Pale" quest, skipping/completing the Fort Dunstad quest and perhaps others. Ford Dunstad quest will be grayed out with a hollow diamond; Reunification of Skyrim quest will proceed to next objective (I gained my promotion and next orders from Tullius with no issues).

More details: PC player, lvl 21. Had completed Waking Nightmare, but no other Dawnstar quests. I was unaware at the time that Jarls were unkillable. I sided with the Imperials in Civil War. After receiving the "Battle for Fort Dunstad" quest, I swung by Dawnstar to see if I could also hasten imperial takeover of the Pale by assassinating Skald (because the townspeople conversations implied there was a gal they'd prefer as Jarl, and she had imperial sympathies). I snuck-attacked Skald down to crouching. Dunstad quest and Regain the Pale quest updated as described above.-- 16:20, 1 September 2017 (UTC)

Me again: don't do this! It will lead to an unfixable variety of the Rikke dialog bug down the road. Rikke couldn't/wouldn't give me the later "Attack Fort Greenwall" quest, and none of the normal solutions fixed her dialog options, including many varieties of console commands. (I had to reload a pre-assasination save and attack Dunstad to get Rikke/Civil War to proceeded normally).
My theory is that because several of the "attack this fort" quests share the quest ID "CWFortSiegeFort", missing one of them bugs future quests that tabulate it as a prerequisite. When I manually entered the console command "SetStage CWFortSiegeFort 10" to try to activate the Greenwall fort quest, Rikke sent me to the (theoretically completed) Dunstad instead. Once there, the "kill 100% of soldiers" goals never appeared, Dunstad couldn't be cleared/completed, and finishing the CWFortSiegeFort sequence by means of console commands gave me a gold reward, but didn't update Rikke or Tullius's dialog and options. The "SetStage CWFortSiegeFort 10" console command also became unresponsive; I couldn't use it a second time to activate Greenwall, and attempts to console-command my way to the next Imperial quest kept running into the Rikke bug as well.-- 07:18, 18 September 2017 (UTC)