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Skyrim talk:Purity of Revenge

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Getting quest to work on the Xbox 360[edit]

I finished the Helm of Winterhold quest (I even killed the boss), PoR still didn't start so I decided to do the Battle for Whiterun quest. After the quest was over I was able to start PoR. I don't know if it was just a matter of enough time passing in game for something to reset or if the Battle of Whiterun somehow fixed the quest, I'll I do know is that I was able to do the quest. Hope this helps someone. Macilnar 16:24, 16 November 2011 (UTC)

I used invisibility and retrieved the helm of winterhold, completed the quest and the PoR still did not start, I've already completed the Battle for Whiterun so im not sure what else i can do. Anyone help me please? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 15:22 on 9 October 2012‎
Waited 30 days, quest started. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 16:35 on 9 October 2012‎

About bug which blocks starting the quest[edit]

Problem which prevents to start the quest is not necessarily related to Helm of Winterhold (quest is not in my journal) as it is claimed on quest page. However, quest start is definitely glitched as I'm also stuck with PC version v1.1.21.0. I have cleaned Driftshade Refuge before starting quest (it is marked as "cleaned" on map), so starting glitch is most likely connected to it. Waiting several days until Driftshade dungeon is reseted and Silver Hands respawn does not help.

I tried to advance quest with "setstage" console command, but only way I got past the quest is console command "completequest C05". To start next quest "Glory of the Dead" also use command "setstage C06 0", but it's also glitched as NPC behaviour is not resetted (meaning: Aela stands at the stairs before Jorrvaskr and there are bystanders watching dead Silver Hands). To get game achievement simply use "setstage" to all of C06 quest stages. When you reach 200, achievement unlocks and you're able to drop Glenmore Witch Heads from your inventory. 13:04, 18 November 2011 (UTC) JT


This quest didn't start for me since I had the quest to retrieve the Helm of Winterhold in my misc. quests. So I cleared the dungeon, went back to Winterhold Jarl and completed the quest. Then I went back to the dungeon and Resurrect the last 3 using console then started the quest using player.SetStage C05 0. Completed it and the rest of the Companion's quest successfully. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 18:25 on 29 November 2011‎

Try to finish the Helm of Winterhold without killing everybody inside the dungeon. So long as the dungeon doesn't have the cleared tag you can start the next quest, Purity of Revenge. Don't need to use console commands. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 17:57 on 11 February 2012‎

No option to resurrect gone NPCs[edit]

I too am having problems starting this quest. I thought I'd try the option to resurrect the NPCs as it's faster, but their bodies are gone, so I can't even attempt to do that. Is there any way to respawn them using console commands in this case? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 23:43 on 6 December 2011‎

NPC bodies missing from driftshade refuge[edit]

I was unable to resurrect the Silver Hand NPCs in the driftshade refuge due to their bodies having dissapeared. Waiting 30 days (through use of the "set timescale to" console command and then using "setstage c05 0" allowed the quest to initiate correctly. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 13:43 on 12 December 2011‎

The waiting 30 days and using setstage c05 0 works. — Unsigned comment by Artagel (talkcontribs) on 31 December 2011

optional objective bug[edit]

as I was heading to driftshade refuge (for the first time) I ran across the bandit camp at Fort Fellhammer. I killed all the bandits, and the optional objective suddenly appeared as completed, despite the fact that I had not killed any silver hand or even visited the quest location. should this be added to the list of bugs? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 05:05 on 3 January 2012‎

I saw the same thing. Killed a single bandit at (cleared, I think) Fort Fellhammer while en route to quest location, and the optional objective completed. taion 05:42, 11 January 2012 (UTC)
Same thing just happened to me, two possibilities entered my mind: 1) a bug, 2) someone got there ahead of me! :O Bushwhacker 08:07, 5 March 2012 (UTC)
I also got the same problem. I was on my way to the Driftshade Refuge, and stopped by Fort Fellhammer to dispatch some bandits. After clearing those outside, I ventured in, to Fort Fellhammer Mines. With Vilkas we killed the first bandit that showed up inside the mines, and Ba-dum-tss! Completed (optional) Wipe out the Silver Hand. I never reached the Refuge before got this. I'll see what happens as I go to the Refuge by now. 11:49, 27 May 2012 (UTC)

Fix for PC - Console Commands[edit]

I fixed it by using a few commands in the console. (press the tilde key "~" to open console)

Type these commands:

  • set timescale to 100000

Wait about a minute of time in-game. I just walked from one end of Jorvaskarr to the other three or four times.

  • set timescale to 20
  • setstage c05 0

Close the console and a notification will come up telling you the quest has started. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 19:26 on 16 January 2012‎

Another fix (resetinterior)[edit]

At the time I should have received this quest, I've already cleared Driftshade Refuge (the Helm of Winterhold quest) for 47 in game days. I've tried the above mentioned solutions to no avail (no bodies to resurrect, more then 30 days passed). Luckily, I had an autosave before entering Jorrvaskr.

So here's what I did to fix it:

1) In the console:

resetinterior 15288 (resets the interior of Driftshade Refuge)

resetinterior 3dd34 (resets the interior of Driftshade Cellar)

2) A short visit to Driftshade refuge (just enter/exit), to check if the Silver Hands are alive.

3) Went to Jorrvaskr and finished Blood's Honor quest.

4) In the console:

disable (Vilkas)

enable (Vilkas)

setstage c05 0

This enabled me to receive and solve the Purity of Revenge quest. The next quests starts normally.

Hope this helps anybody.

(Nimeeaime 23:18, 18 January 2012 (UTC))

thanks. i reset driftshade refuge and cellar before i got the radiant quest that comes out prior to "blood's honor". after that "purity of revenge" quest start normally (i don't need to do the disable-enable-setstage stuff) 05:51, 22 January 2012 (UTC)

Helm of Winterhold Quest Conflict Bug[edit]

Bugs section says "It is possible to complete Helm of Winterhold quest without having to wait for Driftshade to respawn and not risk further glitching Blood's Honor. Simply run through Driftshade without killing or taking anything apart from the Helm of Winterhold and complete the quest. This should allow you to continue onto Blood's Honor without any further issues (tested XBOX 360 only. Unknown if works also for other platforms)"

Confirmed that this works on the PS3 as well. For me I started Blood Honor already and got the witches heads. Went back to Jorrvaskr and found that I couldn't start Purity of Revenge. Reloaded a save before entering Whiterun and ran through Driftshade just to get the Helm. Gave the Helm to Jarl Korir, and then went back to Jorrvaskr to find Purity start correctly. 03:51, 15 June 2012 (UTC)

Cannot start quest[edit]

After completing Whitemane's favor and collected the witch's heads I am unable to continue onto this quest. I returned and spoke to Vilkas who says he wants revenge for Whitemane's death, however, he then only says he is busy and the quest doesn't start. Everytime I return to Jorvaskr, I am greeted by Companions who are standing over the bodies of dead Silverhands. Hense, I cannot drop the heads of the witch's and I am unable to do other quests for the companions as they are all busy.

I am not familiar with the concept of xbox console commands so if anyone could help me either step by step if console commands are needed or if another method can be used then great.

Thanks 11:28, 21 June 2012 (UTC)

Yes I have also run into this same issue. I could not get Purity of Revenge to start at all. Everyone is stuck in the state they were in when Kodlak died, with Vilkas telling me we would go get revenge but then he would act completely normal as if nothing happened. No new dialog options showed up. I tried everything from restarting and doing the witches all over again to just going to Driftshade Refuge alone (but the fragments were not there...). Neither attempt was successful and I have absolutely no idea how to access or use Xbox console commands. Help would be greatly appreciated because I desperately want to finish out the Companion's quest, but I cannot play anything else if I have to undo several saves to resolve the issue.

Thanks so much

(September 8, 2013)


Why does the image of the dead Kodlak have Kodlak without his clothing on?--Skyrimplayer 00:04, 24 July 2012 (UTC)

I assume because the Silver Hand took everything off of him; a Google search shows a few more images of him naked at this point. If you've played the quest and know that he has armor/clothing on, go ahead and add a {{Cleanimage}} tag to the file. Vely►t►e 00:48, 24 July 2012 (UTC)
According to the CK data, he should be fully clothed in his armor, and the presence of other Companions would have precluded them stripping him clean like this. Arthmoor (talk) 11:15, 16 February 2013 (GMT)
I'm currently doing this quest and when I entered Jorrvaskr to find him dead, he was stripped. I don't know WHY, but this is how it plays out in the game. --Scribbles (Crayolamanic) (talk) 08:56, 23 February 2013 (GMT)

Suggested level[edit]

I'd like to question the suggested level of 6. The previous quest was 14. I'd like to suggest level 16. -- DrVince (talk) 08:59, 4 January 2014 (GMT)

Suggested levels are based on the highest minimum level of the dungeons involved. Driftshade Refuge has a minimum level of 6 therefore it is suggested you be at least level 6 in order to tackle the dungeon. A few times suggested levels are higher on previous quests, but that has no affect on the current quest. If you tackle Blood's Honor at 6 it is likely to be tough, but on this quest you should find it of 'normal' difficulty. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 21:10, 4 January 2014 (GMT)

Official Patch 1.9 does not fix anything[edit]

Just for the protocol, as the headline already says, the official patch 1.9 doesn't fix anything regarding the Helm of Winterhold quest and Driftshade Refuge, and I'm using the official v1.9.32.0 and unofficial patch v2.0.4a by the way. My situation was as it is described in the bugs section: It is the location of the Helm of Winterhold quest, I haven't been to the interior location, just visited the exterior briefly, so the dungeon hasn't been cleared and "Purity of Revenge" could only be started by using the console commands. So I'm going to remove the note that patch 1.9 fixes this issue.--PLRDLF (talk) 21:14, 28 July 2014 (GMT)

Another solution, alternative to all provided, including official and unofficial patches! (rare case)[edit]

Hello, after many different trials, I have found a solution to most probably the nastiest case of the glitch.

As you know, both the official Skyrim patch and the USLEEP address the issue. The problem is, that:

1. The official only deals with the Helm of Winterhold part of the problem

2. The unofficial patch won't help if you install it later on in the game, after visiting Driftshade Refuge! It only prevents the game from selecting the location for radiant quests, but it is still possible to have the glitch from clearing the Refuge/Sanctuary/Whatever01 before getting the fix. It may also cure the quest in a different manner, but that will be mentioned later.

And as such, you may be stuck with a heavy (deadric or ebony, probably) question mark weighting over your head, trying to solve a technical puzzle presented to you by a five year old game. Many solutions suggest that allowing the dungeon to reset is the way to go - which may be correct in many cases. Unfortunately, there is another case, which I discovered - and that was while picking up the Companions questline as literally the last thing to do in the game, and also ages after trekking around in the early game. So the dungeon was reseted, alright. But it was reseted WRONG. Somehow. All the methods imply you should check if the Refuge is populated with Silver Hands once more - and if it is, all should be fine. In my case it wasn't fine. All of the dudes were there, but still the quest wouldn't start. I have tried reseting interiors, exteriors, people, myself, quests, messing around with quests c04 and c06 besides the c05, to absolutely no effect. Going back a few saves and waiting 32 days also changed nothing. What DID work was the simplest solution in the world - going to the (well reseted naturally) Driftshade and killing everyone. Yes. After returning to Jorrvaskr and talking to Vilkas, the quest started without any console interactions. No need to wait another 32 days (most probably due to some unofficial patch magic, the vanilla game probably still requires it), the game reseted the dungeon automatically when starting the quest. I did all the testing in the most crucial time point (at the very end of Blood Honor, before returning to Jorrvaskr), but it may work if applied earlier, too. I apologize if it is too descriptive, I put way too many emotions in this (took me several long hours).

tl;dr - if all else fails (including the official and unofficial patch), just kill everyone in the Driftshade Refuge, and the game (with patches) will heal itself.

End of the Silver Hand?[edit]

Are Silver Hand encountered again after completing this questline? And does it depend on whether you fulfill the optional objective to wipe them out? 03:41, 17 January 2018 (UTC)

Ignoring the bug that makes Krev the Skinner respawn, if I remember correctly, both Driftwood Refuge and Gallows Rock will always be populated by Silver Hand members when they respawn. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 12:23, 17 January 2018 (UTC)

Vilkas Purity of Revenge Bug[edit]

If you're forced to start this quest by console commands due to earlier quests having bugged out, it's entirely possible that Vilkas simply will NOT defend himself against the Silver Hand. At all. He will draw his weapon if you do, but will not block or attack anyone who attacks him, all throughout this quest. He simply screams in pain when he's being hit, gets knocked down to "bleedout" state, then gets back up so the enemy can beat on him some more. Talking to him seems to clear it, but you may have to repeatedly talk to him, ask him a question (about anything), then exit the conversation before he'll actually start defending himself. 06:43, 8 October 2019 (GMT)

Were you using stealth? I noticed while doing the quest today Vilkas wasn't attacking, but if I stood up, he would. 00:28, 2 March 2021 (UTC) Mode7Ghost

Quick Travel to Whiterun[edit]

At the end of the quest, if you quick travel to Whiterun, you need to go to the front door for a dialogue from Vilkas, otherwise Kodlak's funeral won't start (so, don't quick travel to Dragonsreach, or if you do, go to the front gate afterward).

I did pick up another Companion's quest (from Farkas) before I figured out why things were bugged, but reverted to an old save, so I'm unsure if it would cause further issues. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 00:34 on 2 March 2021 (UTC)