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Skyrim talk:Powers/Archive 1

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This is an archive of past Skyrim talk:Powers discussions. Do not edit the contents of this page, except for maintenance such as updating links.

Werewolf power

shouldnt the hircines ring effect be changed to beast form since that is the name of the power when you become a werewolf?-- 07:58, 17 November 2011 (UTC)

Breton Magic Resistance

aa01f should be breton magic resist, not got time to test right this second. 11:24, 20 November 2011 (UTC)

Using powers

Would like to add a line to this page regarding how to actually use a power. The controls are different for powers and spells; on the PC, spells are triggered with the mouse, but the powers require the Z on the keyboard. It's rather confusing, to say the least. Wordmama 20:31, 21 November 2011 (UTC)

Aren't the controls already mentioned on the Controls page? On every system there is a button for left hand, right hand and shout/power. --Lex 23:18, 21 November 2011 (UTC)
Yes. It should be confirmed that the Power is the same button as the Shout (At least for the 360), which is the right bumper.

Well Rested

When I searched "Well Rested" it redirected me here, yet there is no mention of this effect. Wouldn't it be a little more helpful if mention is made of it or maybe have "Well Rested" redirect you to "sleeping"? MeBetter87 03:54, 26 November 2011 (UTC)

Ditto this. "Rested," "Well Rested," and "Lover's Comfort" should be listed on the "Blessings" page. 20:20, 1 December 2011 (UTC)


i have the skeever power and i used it but all i could see is the feet and under the ground which is weird looking i was wondering if it was a glitch or something wrong with the powerSkeepa 03:21, 28 November 2011 (UTC)

I don't think it was ever completely finished, it doesn't appear in the actual game as far as I know. 13:04, 17 August 2012 (UTC)

ancestors wrath

is this effect increased by your destruction skill, and does it hurt the caster? 06:06, 28 November 2011 (UTC)

It doesn't hurt the caster it seems, however I'm still not sure about destruction perks. Does augmented flames make this spell more powerful, or should you use flame cloak instead? 21:47, 17 December 2011 (UTC)

Dragon infusion

The perk id on this page and the one on esbern's page are different why is this? TakaRai 16:19, 3 December 2011 (UTC)

F5FFA is correct, this is the spell effect. F5FF9 is the perk. I have no idea what E6DF0 is, something unrelated. The potion is bugged anyway and doesn't give the perk or the effect, I gave myself the perk via the console and nothing happened. Just give yourself the effect with addspell f5ffa. 21:15, 4 December 2011 (UTC)

Ability/Perk Confusion

I'm moving these two entries here from the main page:

Name ID Description Notes
Archmage's Authority Better prices from members of the College (50% for Enthir, 10% for others). Reward from The Eye of Magnus.
Gift of the Gab Your Speech skill increases 15% faster. Reward from Tending the Flames.

A previous version of the page listed two FormIDs for Archmage's Authority, namely 0010F9DB and 0006BC37. Those FormIDs exist, and correspond to records MGArchMageVendorPerk and MGEnthirVendorPerk, respectively. However there are a few problems:

  • Those FormIDs are for perks not abilities. If we want to start documenting such perks, they need to be listed in a separate table from abilities, because they are different entities. If nothing else, I'm willing to bet that console commands such as addspell have no effect on perks. I'd also guess that perks are not listed in your character's list of active effects.
    • Creating a separate table for perks then opens a whole new can of worms, because half of the entries under abilities also have separate perks with the same name. And at least one of the questions earlier on this talk page is caused by the fact that Dragon Infusion is both an ability and a perk, each with a separate ID. My guess is that the perk is primary -- that adding/removing the perk automatically adds/removes the spell, but not vice versa. However, I think we need to understand what's going on better before getting into any of this.
  • Neither perk has a name. Archmage's Authority appears to be completely made up, and never appears in-game, even in dialogue. If these perks are truly given to the player in-game, there must be some mention of it, in which case it seems like it should be possible to find a meaningful name.
  • These are two separate perks, and therefore should have two separate entries instead of being lumped into one.

As for Gift of the Gab, I can find no hint anywhere in the game data of an ability or perk with such a name. I've done every search I can think of -- based on the name, based on the description, based on the related quest. We need some type of confirmation that it exists before it should be put back on the page.

--NepheleTalk 01:15, 4 December 2011 (UTC)

I was under the impression everything listed here were things treated as spells by the game, and classified as powers by the wiki. addPerk won't work with spell ids and vice-versa. If some powers are granted by perks then they need a new table with perk ids. Everything currently on the page should note that these are spell ids. 15:41, 4 December 2011 (UTC)

The names of Archmage's Authority and Gift of the Gab are pulled from the Prima Games Official Strategy Guide to Skyrim (Page 35). The same goes for Assassin's Aegis (Shrouded Armor Full Set) and Nightingale's Aegis (Nightingale Armor Full Set). The appropriate names should be kept the same for consistency and functionality purposes so that users owning the guide and using this page are not confused or misled. -Stovich

Can anyone confirm that these perks actually exist and have any effect other than them being mentioned in the guide? I did the Sanctuary quest which the table says gives me a bonus for wearing shrouded armor, it does nothing. Even with four pieces of shrouded armor equipped it's still showing base armor. Guides have been wrong before so Unless someone can confirm their effect in game I think they should be removed from the table. Kai Heilos 03:49, 5 December 2011 (UTC)
The dark brotherhood and nightingale full set perks do exist and yes they have a +25% armor bonus effect. It is possible that the time at which the dark brotherhood one is awarded to the player is incorrect though if you didn't recieve it. I fully completed the Dark Brotherhood questline before even realizing these perks existed, and went back to check if I was getting the bonus armor point from shrouded armor and I certainly was. I have zero perks in the Light Armor skill so I know for a fact that I'm gaining an armor bonus from this and not the 'custom fit' or 'matching set' perk, as equipping the full set changes the armor rating value of each piece as well as my grand total displayed in the bottom right. Stovich 04:17, 5 December 2011 (UTC)
Thank you for the confirmation. I'll work my way through the quest line and see if I can figure out exactly when it is awarded. Kai Heilos 17:53, 6 December 2011 (UTC)
I'm wearing the nightingale set right now and the effect is active, that one at least is just dependant on wearing it all. 13:01, 7 December 2011 (UTC)
It shows up under active effects as fortify armor rating. When highlighted, it shows shrouded armor full set and it increases armor rating by 25 points. Seems like it's 25 points not 25% but, I'm not certain.
It won't be possible to confirm the existence of Gift of the Gab until the Creation Kit is released. Either it will not be in the game files (and therefor it was cut after the guide was put together) or it is in the game files but not implemented properly due to a quest bug. At this point it's reasonable to assume either is the case but until the CK is released, it won't be possible to confirm which is indeed true. It's also entirely possible that this is a bug and will be fixed by the time the CK is released, making this entire issue irrelevant. 20:00, 11 December 2011 (UTC)
Both of the perks are listed in the Skyrim Official Game Guide - They don't activate due to a bug. Maoman 04:06, 27 April 2012 (UTC)

() No, they simply don't exist in the game. They were cut at some point, and can no longer be found within the game files. • JATalk 04:28, 27 April 2012 (UTC)

Separate race powers from others?

I think it would be worthwhile to list race powers separately from the other abilities in this list. I don't think racial abilities need their own section (although maybe that would be best), rather each existing section could have two tables - one for racial powers and one for non-racial powers. I suggest this because I feel like many people would use this resource to find things to get for their character, and racial abilities don't work for that. Chris3145 22:52, 4 December 2011 (UTC)

I agree. In fact, are there any hard criteria for the current Greater/Lesser classifications? --Evil4Zerggin 22:08, 19 December 2011 (UTC)
There are. As mentioned on the top of the page, greater powers may be used once per day only, lesser don't have that limitation. --Ulkomaalainen 09:35, 20 December 2011 (UTC)
I'd agree, race powers should have their own table — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 03:22 on 2 March 2012

Monster Abilities

Name Spell ID Description Notes
Ghost Ability 0010f5a7 +33 Resist Fire. +33 Weakness to Frost.
  • You are also cloaked in a aura of flames.
Console Command
Ghost Ability 0005030b +1 Ghost Visuals
  • You turn transparent and a ghostly blue.
Console Command
Ghost Ability 000d2064 +1 Ghost Visuals Fire. +33 Resist Fire. +33 Weakness to Frost.
  • You turn transparent and gain an aura of fire.
Console Command
Ghost Ability 0006a157 +1 Ghost Visuals
  • You turn transparent and a ghostly blue and gain a misty aura.
Console Command
Ghost Ability 000d2056 +1 Ghost Visuals
  • You turn transparent and a ghostly white and gain a misty aura.
Console Command
Ghost Ability 000d339b +1 Ghost Visuals. +33 Weakness to Fire. +33 Resist Frost.
  • You turn transparent and gain an aura of ice.
Console Command
Ghost Ability 001034cc +1 Ghost Visuals
  • You turn transparent and a ghostly purple.
Console Command
Ghost Ability 000d339f +1 Ghost Visuals Storm
  • You turn transparent and gain an aura of electricity.
Console Command
I know this is not technically a "Monster" ability, but I am wondering if the orange transparency from Unfathomable Depths should be added? As far as I am aware, this is the only time it shows up in the game. If it is decided to not be added under here since they are merely scripted talking NPCs that can not be attacked nor be attacked, it'd be nice to have a reference of what the ID is, for anyone who would like to play around with it. 3:01 AM 7, Jan 2012 (CST).

Sinderion's Serendipity is a constant effect not a power

Sinderion's Serendipity is a constant effect and appears in the magic window "active effects" and not in powers. This should not be listed here.

Polymorph Skeever

I'm guessing this is one of those powers developers added just to muck around or something. Or is this for a quest where it is only usable once? Any way to get it vanilla? I wouldn't think so... Tyrce111— Unsigned comment by (talk) at 12:37 on 12 December 2011

It's only accessible using the console on PC version. It also has bugs. It should be removed from the list. Chris3145 18:28, 24 December 2011 (UTC)

nightengale stealth

nightengale stealth is missing — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 06:34 on 20 December 2011

It is called Shadowcloack of Nocturnal. It isn't missing. -- 17:15, 20 December 2011 (UTC)
Interestingly, you can add this Power as a magical effect on an item by using the console. As an effect, the ID is not 00017122, but 00017121. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 02:57 on 12 February 2012
Shadowcloak Of Nocturnal sometimes won't turn off (XBOX360). Just the cloaking effect not the invisibility itself. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 19:41 on 22 February 2012
When added by the commands using this code it doesn't function
may need this also 000F1988 — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 03:35 on 5 August 2012

Ancient Knowledge

Someone please tell me if I'm reading it wrong, but from the ability description, "Knowledge gained from the Lexicon gives you a 25% bonus while wearing Dwarven armor and Blacksmithing increases 15% faster." I'm understanding that you always increase blacksmithing 15% faster, and while you have all dwarven armor equipped, you gain a 25% bonus... to what? I'm assuming it's a 25% bonus to how effective your armor/weapon creation/upgrading is, but nothing I've read confirms in any direction what the 25% increase is for, could someone clarify please? I'd really rather not level another character's smithing up to 80+ just to test this if someone else already has the info.— Unsigned comment by Therocyn (talkcontribs) at 15:20 on 24 December 2011

It's a 25% bonus to your armor rating. Chris3145 18:27, 24 December 2011 (UTC)
This ability does not actually do what its description claims to! I did a bunch of testing on its actual effects. It does neither of the two things its description suggests. The armor increasing portion changes the player's Actor Value Index 'ArmorPerks' to 0.25. This has the effect of increasing the armor rating of ALL armor and shields, not just Dwarven ones. And the blacksmithing skill portions increases the player's 'SmithingMod' AVI by 15. The same value is affected by magic equipment that increases Smithing skill rating, so it actually increases the gain from tempering (upgrading) gear. The 'SmithingSkillAdvance' AVI is not being affected, presumably that's what it should be changing instead. I added a note to the main page listing these observations. As it stands, this is a very powerful ability, and it could presumably use fixing to tone it down. Perko 01:06, 6 January 2012 (UTC)
I just got Ancient Knowledge in my game, I'm on version, and my armor rating is unchanged. The text says the old stuff as you said, but nothing is different... MegaScience 17:25, 1 February 2012 (UTC)
Edit: Skyrim just updated to 1.4. Lets see if it changed once the game can open. MegaScience 19:47, 1 February 2012 (UTC)
Edit2: Now my armor rating is 495 instead of 414. My version is now I checked. 495 - 414 = 81. 414 * 0.1956521739 = 81. So now it's 19.5%? MegaScience 19:51, 1 February 2012 (UTC)
It is not fixed... i dont know what you have tested but ancient knowledge still work with ALL Armors and the Smithing bonus is still not the intended increases

Smithing skill rating.— Unsigned comment by (talk) at 01:08 on 8 February 2012

Just confirmed that bonus does not increase armor rating while wearing orcish armor. Yes, i tried fast traveling and un equip then reequiping. Howerver this is as it should be. Have not tried dwarven yet.

Once you acquire the Ancient Knowledge perk, you will have to re-equip some armor before your armor rating will change to reflect the bonus received by the perk. This has been the case from 1.1 to 1.4.21.Kastagir 20:29, 13 February 2012 (UTC)

() Using mixed elven/glass armor, rating 144 pre-Lexicon. Upon activating, un- and re-equipping armor rating went up 27, to 171, an 18.75% increase for me. Strange the increase is not the same for all people. Perhaps it increases based on the armor rating of the item, possibly including tempering, but ignoring armor rating increases due to skill level/perks in (Light or Heavy) Armor Skill Tree? S1D3WYZ (talk) 06:45, 19 January 2013 (GMT)

Bosmer Command Animal

Bosmer Command Animal, as far as the console goes, is unique among racial abilities and powers, or at least unique among the one's I've tested. It seems incapable of being removed from the Bosmer race, while both Highborns (high elf, altmer), Resist Magic/Dragonskin (Breton), and Resist Disease and Poison (The other woodelf boon), seem all removable normally through player.removespell function. It should be noted that Command Animal can be added and subtracted from any other race except Bosmer. When you attempt to add it, the text states "not added to player", and when you attempt to remove it, it states "not found in player". Whether this permanency is alterable in SkyEdit is unknown to me. We should state this uniqueness of this spell, and perhaps others if they behave similarly. Tricit 09:31, 1 January 2012 (UTC)

I seem to have trouble removing the flames spell, as in it doesn't seem to work, could be just me tho as nobody else has mentioned — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 16:27 on 9 July 2012
It seems all passive racial abilities can be removed via console, but all activated powers cannot be removed 04:02, 10 August 2012 (UTC)NJ

Werewolf Night Eye

I keep finding conflicting information about Werewolves having the Night Eye ability. One the page for Night Eye (effect) it lists werewolves as having it, but the page on werewolves doesn't mention it as an asset of becoming one. I become a werewolf assuming I would have access to the power whether I was in beast form or not, but as a human, I don't have it. As a werewolf, it does seem like everything is brighter. So is the ability automatically active while in beast form? If so, this needs to be made clear. I would even argue it doesn't belong as a separate entry, as it's not a power in the players control, but a side effect of the Beast Form power, and should be mentioned there instead. There's a big difference between becoming a werewolf granting you the ability to use night eye, and night eye being a side effect of being in the form of a werewolf. EmmBee 04:17, 5 January 2012 (UTC)

Force Without Effort needing to be clarified

It says that you stagger 25% less and the opponents stagger 25% more. I'm wanting to know, is it the recovery time that is altered, or the percentage chance of staggering; E.G. - If I stagger and it takes me a total of four seconds to recover (For easy numbers), will I now stagger for only three seconds (4 - 25%) under Force Without Effort, or when I am struck by, say, a Giant's ground-shaking attack there is a 25% chance that I will not stagger at all? I have been using Force Without Effort for some time now and I've never noticed a difference either way. Recovery time seems to take just as long and attacks that should stagger me still do 100% of the time. As far as my opponents, I have not really noticed a difference with any weapons or by using Shields or Fus Ro Dah. So, what does it ACTUALLY do? 2:54 AM 7, Jan 2012 (CST).

I think it just makes your Fus Ro Dah shout more effective. With that being said, can anybody say if you lose your meditation bonus if you kill Paarthurnax? I have one active at the moment, but if I slay the dragon, will it go away? I know I'll be stuck with what I have, but it'd be nice to know I have at least one. 11:39, 23 January 2012 (UTC)Tim Bostick
The effect will stay.Br3admax 11:56, 23 January 2012 (UTC)

Shrouded Armor Full Set

Just looked at this in my game. On the 360, the effect says, 'Increases Armor Rating by 25 Points.' Noting numbers before and after equipping supports this. You don't get a 25% bonus; you get a flat 25 point bonus. Here are my numbers:

No equipment: 50 Armor Rating (Lord Standing Stone) Shrouded Armor Armor Rating total (not equipped): 55 + 18 + 25 + 18 = 116 Armor Rating Armor Rating after equipping full set of Shrouded Armor: 191 Armor Rating 191 - 116 = 75 point difference 75 points - 50 for Lord Stone = 25 Armor Rating from Set Bonus

I'll see if I can edit the table without screwing the formatting up. Swk3000 20:26, 7 January 2012 (UTC)

Table edited. I also removed the requirement; the only Dark Brotherhood quests I've done on the character I tested this on are 'Innocence Lost' and 'With Friends Like These'; I've not completed the 'Sanctuary' quest, but I'm still getting the bonus for wearing the full set. So it's available as soon as you get the armor. Swk3000 20:29, 7 January 2012 (UTC)

Shrouded Armor Full Set Verification

I removed the 'Verification Needed' tag on the Shrouded Armor Full Set bonus. I'm currently wearing a set consisting of the Ancient Shrouded Cow, Shrouded Boots, Tumblerbane Gloves, and Worn Shrouded Armor. That gives me a set with pieces from the three major sets (Shrouded, Ancient Shrouded, Worn Shrouded) and the Tumblerbane Gloves. With those 4 items equipped, I still have the Shrouded Armor Full Set bonus. So all items do count for the bonus. Swk3000 17:29, 12 January 2012 (UTC)

Ancient Shrouded Cowl Bug?

Im on a PS3 and there seems to be a glitch where the Ancient Shrouded Cowl does not appear on your character when equipped. It removes the hair, but otherwise has no effect. HOWEVER. It also seems that this also registers as no head armor being present, allowing the Dragonborn to equip another helmet over the cowl. My light armor is 100, and with this, I gain an additional 72 points to my armor rating. I feel it necessary to share this, seeing as my armor rating is well above 500. this is a very useful bug, but I would like confirmation on whether or not it is just my game. — Unsigned comment by Fish-Sandwich (talkcontribs)

NPC Powers/Shouts/Abilities

Perhaps we should make a page with NPC Powers/Shouts/Abilities. "Skyrim:NPC Powers"

We can start with that Monster Abilities list and work from there.--JP585 09:22, 19 January 2012 (UTC)

Prowler's Profit

Is this supposed to be in active effects? or is it hidden ?-- 18:06, 10 February 2012 (UTC)

It looks like it's intended to appear as an active effect. Robin Hoodtalk 04:20, 4 March 2012 (UTC)
I was just granted the Prowler's Profit ability, having restored the "Crown of Barenziah" paragon to the Thieves Guild at the end of the No Stone Unturned quest. However, as the IP above may have also discovered more than a year ago, it didn't appear for me either, in the active effects list. I'm playing on an XBox 360, and haven't left the Ragged Flagon yet since being granted the ability by Vex. Does anyone else have this ability listed on their active effects screen? It was a huge effort collecting all those unusual gems, and then finding the crown. I do hope the reward is not glitched. Darictalk 09:02, 16 March 2013 (GMT)
The quickest way to find out is to go to someone's house and open a chest or two. I'm not entirely sure it's visible in my Active Effects too... Elakyn (talk) 09:31, 16 March 2013 (GMT)
Yep, it is definitely working, I am finding many more gems in treasure chests now, but the ability is still not showing up in my list of active effects. Would this be a {{Bug}}, as such, or is this common / expected behaviour? Darictalk 03:12, 17 March 2013 (GMT)
I'm not sure if it's a bug as much as it's an oversight. If some people do have it in their Active Effects and others don't, then it's definitely a bug. If the script to show it in the menu is there but it doesn't work, it's a bug too. If it isn't displayed because part of the script is missing then it's an oversight, but I'm pretty sure we'll put it in the Bugs section anyway. Elakyn (talk) 10:08, 17 March 2013 (GMT)

() Agreed. Looking at the comment above by Robin Hood, it would seem from this that "the script to show it in the menu is there but it doesn't work". Interestingly, the CSList calls the effects of this ability "Blank". I compared this to the Agent of Mara (AoM) ability, which I definitely have, and which definitely shows up in my active effects list. The CSList shows the effects of AoM as "Ability: Resist Magic, 15 pts". So I guess the "Blank" means it isn't intended to show in the magical effects list in-game. Not sure though, can anyone confirm? Darictalk 23:09, 17 March 2013 (GMT)

The only problem with it is that there's a flag (don't remember what it's called off-hand) in the effect that indicates whether it shows up or not. Prowler's Profit has a very nice description, obviously meant for human consumption, and yet as Daric noted, it's also listed as "Blank". Some time ago, I fixed the flag in my own custom mod and had it show up as "blank" with the appropriate description, which I deemed to be good enough for my own personal use. I just noticed the other day that the latest Unofficial Skyrim Patch will be fixing it as well. For everyone else, though, it won't (or at least shouldn't) show up as an active effect. The fact that it doesn't show up has no bearing on whether or not it works, though...believe me, it works very, very well if you're running low on cash and don't mind spending a lot of time finding all 24 of them. Robin Hood  (talk) 23:30, 17 March 2013 (GMT)

Ancient Knowledge question

I noticed that the note for the actual effects of Ancient Knowledge has been removed. Is this because Patch 1.4 fixed it, or was it an organizational thing? 09:45, 14 February 2012 (UTC)

It was incorrectly edited by a person who didn't understand the mechanics of how to enable the 25% armor rating bonus and no one had bothered to undo it since that time. I've put the note back in with minor revisions under the Notes column rather than the Description column.--DagmarH 07:06, 20 May 2012 (UTC)

Definition of "day"

What is the defination of a "day" in regards to Greater Power use? Is it 24 hours from the last time you used that Power, or does it reset at a specific time (say, midnight)? -BrknSoul 18:13, 24 February 2012 (UTC)

I haven't experimented thoroughly, but from what I've seen in play, I think it resets at midnight. I've tagged this as a "Good Question" to hopefully draw a little more attention to it, or if not, at least to remind us to figure it out at some point. Robin Hoodtalk 06:54, 18 March 2012 (UTC)
Powers appear to unlock 24 hours to the hour in which they were used, as in if you used a power at 23:59 you'd just have to wait until 23:00 the next day to use it again. (Tested using Beast form, and Spectral Assassin)Chronic 00:16, 28 March 2012 (UTC)


anybody have it's power's id? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 03:22 on 2 March 2012

(i mean like we have the power's id for the other stones with a 1/d activation) — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 21:22 on 2 March 2012
000E7328. Robin Hoodtalk 06:53, 29 March 2012 (UTC)
thanks — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 16:12 on 9 July 2012


such as summon wolves detect life(werewolf senses) and howl of fear are missing, shouldn't they be with werewolf nighteye? also is nighteye a power like on a kajjet or is it just a general automatic brightening of the screen? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 03:22 on 2 March 2012

Shadow Cloak/ Agent of Stealth Power... 'Glitch'

I came across a glitch, but in my opinion it wasn't a bad one. When I finished the quest, Darkness Returns, I chose the crescent moon, which would give me the power to turn invisible. Once a day. For 120 seconds. Much later in the game i decide to try it out to pick a lock. As I was already sneaking, I had to get up and then sneak again for it to activate. But, as would be expected, once in contact with someone or something, swimming, or by swinging a weapon, you are seen. You will become hidden again by simply waiting not to be detected. Then, still invisible, I fast traveled. I had assumed that when I reached my destination, I would not be invisible... but I was. I tested it- I stood up, then pressed sneak. I became invisible again. Not really worrying about it for the moment, I decide to look it up and come across several different yet similar cases. When I came back into my room- about 10 minutes later, I was still invisible. I remembered someone state that if you had the Shadow Warrior perk in the skill tree for Sneak, that it would rule out your Shadow Cloak... which in my case it didn't. I also recalled someone mentioning that every time they went into sneak on an in-game day, it would activate the Agent of Stealth... which in my case it did. Don't really know why...? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 01:24 on 6 July 2012


unrelated glitch: it doesn't seem to work when added directly as a power using the console command "addspell 00017122" it appears in your powers list but when activated does nothing. nothing if activated when sneaking, nothing if you unsneak and sneak again to activate, and nothing if activated when standing and then going into sneak mode....

similar issue with adding beastform via console: it works once and never agian, it recharges after an in game day but when pressed does nothing. anybody know why? is there something else that as to be added?~~ — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 16:17 on 9 July 2012


if added by the console are are all 3 versions of it the same? or does werewolf night eye activate automatically(maybe always on in that form) and only in beast form(maybe why it isn't in game, was annoying?) — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 16:28 on 9 July 2012

Additional requirements?

When added through commands beastform works exactly once.

Shadowcloak does nothing at all when activated. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 01:08 on 13 August 2012

Ancient knowledge patched?

I am using the unofficial skyrim patch, but ancient knowledge is working correctly now. It does NOT apply to all armor types, the armor bonus, only dwarven. Im not sure if its the mod or not. can anyone confirm using non dwarven armor before getting ancient knowledge? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 04:52 on 27 August 2012

Read the USP changelog. It clearly states that as of April 2012 USP corrects the Ancient Knowledge power to work as described.-- 09:44, 3 September 2012 (UTC)

Dread Cloak

Obviously, this power isn't available to Vampires in-game (so that should probably be noted) but what does it actually do? Is it just a weaker frost cloak? I also don't understand why clicking on it just redirects to the vampirism page; it certainly confused me. --BlackhawkXIII (talk) 01:54, 6 December 2012 (GMT)

It is a greater power version of Frost Cloak, and has exactly the same power. It also appears to cost magicka, as far as I can tell from the Creation Kit. The line of code that would have added it to the player is commented out, so it is ignored. LoftedAphid86 09:13, 19 January 2013 (GMT)
I edited the page to show how Dread Cloak isn't found in-game(at least without console commands). 18:17, 7 May 2013 (GMT)

Script Effects in Console

Um, I don't edit wikis and such, but I had a question that I couldn't find the answer to anywhere. It's mentioned on this page that active effects added by the console only add the name to the list of effects, not the actual modifications. Through some in-game investigation and looking around on the creation kit, I found that, to my knowledge, that only applies to those with 'script's, not 'value modifiers'. Using the console in game to give myself a ton of active effects, I found value modifiers such as waterbreathing and Sinderion's Serendipity to work in game but script effects, such as Dragonborn Flame from the Dragonborn DLC, don't work. Can anyone explain how to enable these script effects via console? Addspell, addperk, playercreatepotion and playerenchantobject won't help and I can't figure out a way to add mgefs to a character. I don't really understand the creation kit as it is, and I prefer to use the console rather than mod the game... — Unsigned comment by (talk)

There was a discussion about this on the Dragonborn version of this page. I'm not sure if any of the non-DB powers have this issue, but definitely some of the DB ones do. — TheRealLurlock (talk) 01:32, 18 March 2013 (GMT)

Ancient Knowledge not fixed ?

I am running the latest Skyrim Patch 1.9.32. I have the Ancient Knowledge Perk (+25% to Dwarven armor rating). I have a Dwarven Helmet that says 25 Armor and a Steel Plate Helmet that says 33 Armor (also adds 8 rating when equipped), although the base values should be 18 vs 19 (+6%), so the Dwarven one should be higher ??

According to the people of the Unofficial Skyrim Patch, Bethesda still hasn't fixed this perk properly. The way it works now (as of version is that it gives the armor bonus to all armors EXCEPT Dwarven, which is the complete opposite of what it's supposed to do.-- 08:55, 10 April 2013 (GMT)

Vampire Lord without Vampire?

Just curious if it is possible to use the console command for the power Vampire Lord to gain the transformation without actually being a vampire? I know I can obtain Beast Form using it, without any other perks of being a werewolf but I'm not sure about the Vampire Lord side.--Lycos Devanos Drop me a line 05:25, 21 April 2013 (GMT)


I'm almost certain this power or ability isn't in game. Anyone mind if it's noted "Not available in game"? CS says: --Jimeee (talk) 19:28, 15 May 2013 (GMT)

Nothing links to it, it isn't mentioned anywhere except by Nephele in an archive that confirms its non-use. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 19:30, 18 May 2013 (GMT)

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