Skyrim talk:Nahagliiv
No one seems to have noticed this little event. If you walk at the dragon's tomb near Roriksted after the Sky Heaven Temple run, it's possible to see Alduin trying to resurrect Nahagliiv and the sepulcre itself glowing with purple and blue lights forwanding the sky. Short after, Alduin fly away. Walking directly over the tomb, I heard Nahagliiv's voice (no dragon appears, only his voice) telling me:
"Talk! If your words are interesting." — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 19:14 on 8 June 2012
- There are 14 dragon mounds in Skyrim, Alduin ressurects all but three of the named dragons from mounds. The Silencer has spokenTalk 18:23, 8 June 2012 (UTC)
Weird Happenings[edit]
My first encounter with Nahagliiv, I attacked Aludin and he flew away. Nahagliiv remain in skeletal form and would not move, even after being attacked. His health did not decrease. Had to reload. On second reload I attacked Nahagliiv's skeletal form and this time it attacked me. Its body tried forming but he was destroyed before that could happen. Aludin remains flying only several feet away even after attacking it. Fast traveled and came back. Aludin finally disappears. --Boredgod 20:48, 21 June 2012 (UTC)
- I can top that! I have completed the main quest and killed Alduin long ago. I cannot remember if, during the heyday of the Dragon Crisis of 4E 201, I had previously killed Nahagliiv or not, as it is so hard to remember which dragons I killed back then. Anyway, on Freidas, 3rd of Evening Star, 4E 203, I was pursuing a vampire who was disguised as a traveling pilgrim, and I finally caught up with him in Rorikstead. After dispatching him quietly, I tried to fast-travel back to Fort Dawnguard, but I couldn't as there was an enemy in the area. An unnamed Legendary Dragon swooped down from on high, and we shouted at each other for a while. My Thu'um was stronger than the wyrm's on the day, and after looting its carcass I made to fast-travel to Fort Dawnguard again, but still there were enemies nearby. Searching around close by, I came across Nahagliiv, in the flesh. He was standing beside his burial mound, with his wings furled, as I have seen many Dovah do when attempting to perambulate across the ground rather than their more familiar lofty domain. But he was not traveling. Nay, he was hardly even moving, other than to breathe. Immediately I vocalized an attack, shouting KR3 LUN AUS, which usually has an immediate effect on a Dovah's health, but this time it didn't. Nahagliiv remained on the ground, as if rooted there, and failed to unfurl his wings at all, the most un-dragonlike behavior I have seen to this day. Seeing as my Thu'um would be ineffective, I drew my enchanted Dragonbone sword and thrust it straight into Nahagliiv's exposed neck. The weapon glanced off, still with no damage to the dragon at all. No matter what type of attack I launched at the dragon, it was ineffective. I tried shouting at it, conventional weapons, and magic attacks, but there was no response at all from Nahagliiv. He just stood there, staring at me, foul breath blowing in and out rhythmically, and no sign that any of my attacks had even bothered him. In all my days in Tamriel, it is the first fight that I would truly call a stalemate, with no clear winner. In the end I had to walk away, leaving Nahagliiv in peace. Eventually I was far enough away to be able to fast-travel again. – Daric↝talk 12:32, 17 March 2013 (GMT)
A guard might become nervous[edit]
Some years after having both met Esbern and having been to Rorikstead on numerous occasions, I had my first encounter with Nahagliiv on the 29th of Heartfire, 4E 202. I had skipped the Civil War quest with this character and was doing it now, and having just left Galmar Iron First I was cutting through Rorikstead on the way to Fort Sungard when Nahagliiv attacked. I thought I had killed all the named dragons-- I had long since defeated Miraak and done everything but be a vampire- but here was Nahagliiv. Don't know if I skipped him, never ran into him before or if he respawned. (I have had random unnamed dragons respawn on me a few times, though they don't give dragon souls if a respawn.) At any rate, I was fighting him next to a Rorikstead town guard, and down he went. No sooner was Nahagliiv down then the guard goes: "A guard might become nervous seeing a woman approach him with weapons drawn." instead of the usual "By Ysmir, it is like the ancient legends!" Emma of Falkreath (talk) 20:46, 10 September 2021 (UTC)