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Skyrim talk:Lycanthropy

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Archive 1: Jun 2012 - Jun 2016


When i enter Beast form and going to feed of someone. The moment i finisht eating i return immediately to human form. Is this a bug or something? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 17:35 on 22 November 2016 (UTC)

That does sound like a bug, yes. What platform are you on? PC or console? If on PC, do you have ay mods that might be interfering? If not, it may just be a corruption in your save file. Curing yourself of lycanthropy and then reacquiring it might solve it? AyaHawkeye (talk) 16:35, 11 December 2016 (UTC)


Even though I'm a lycanthrope I still caught rattles? Is this a bug or is there still some way to get sick as a lycanthrope? — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 03:37 UTC 9 Mar 2017

I am not sure why it is not mentioned in the notes or bug section, but it is well known that you can still receive diseases from traps both with lycanthropy and with vampirism. It is not noted on vampirism either. —MortenOSlash (talk) 18:14, 9 March 2017 (UTC)
That's right, you can get the diseases even after becoming a werewolf or vampire. The only mention on a page is the disease page, though it doesn't add that while you can get the disease it doesn't have any effect (at least that was the case when I checked it almost 5 years ago. The talk page of Resist Disease has the discussion where it shows that traps bypass the resistance by applying the disease directly through scripts. The USKP added a fix in July 14. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 20:10, 9 March 2017 (UTC)
Thank you for adding it now, Silencer! —MortenOSlash (talk) 21:58, 9 March 2017 (UTC)

Becoming both vampire and werewolf at the same time[edit]

I've found some instructions that should work in the vanilla game that allows the player to become both vampire and werewolf at the same time as an exploit, with a very limited window for doing so here.

Essentially the steps are:

1. Become a Vampire Lord

2. Complete the Dawnguard questline up to Chasing Echoes, where you need to enter the portal

3. Get to the Companions quest where you are about to drink the blood in the Underforge

4. Transform into a Vampire Lord and drink the blood simultaneously

5. When you wake up, quickly cancel your Vampire Lord form and ask Serana to transform you into a Vampire Lord again

You now have access to both forms, but feeding as a vampire may cause issues with this dual form, possibly causing you to lose it according to some sources, or take sunlight damage as a human. But apparently you will be able to progress in both skill trees. Whatever you transformed into most recently affects how your human form looks and is commented on by others.

I was surprised not to see this added to the wiki as it is a significant exploit that could be useful on versions of the game with no/limited modding. I'm not one to edit wikis usually, so I was wondering if this has a place here. If this isn't behavior that was patched out at some point, would it belong under Lycanthropy, Vampirism, Chasing Echoes, the Silver Hand, or all of these pages? I'm curious if even the Unofficial Patch took care of this since it appears to be so poorly documented online.

I'd like to test it myself and be sure it works as well. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 14:19 on 20 September 2017

To answer the last question first, the reason it is poorly documented is because it is rather pointless due to the major bugs that come with doing it. Both ways to glitching the process to become a vampire and a werewolf are documented on the Glitches page. Because of the major problems, its general uselessness, and it not being recommendable to potentially break your game, it is not documented on this page. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 15:53, 20 September 2017 (UTC)
Thank you for your reply. I looked all over the wiki for it but forgot about the Glitches page. From the documentation there it does not sound like there are significant associated bugs other than not being affected by Necromage, which might not even apply to the Vampire Lord variation of this exploit. Additionally from looking at the Unofficial Skyrim Patch notes it seems only the Sanguinare Vampiris exploit was patched and not the other. I would argue it is no less useful or buggy than the "two followers" exploit detailed in the Notes section of Chasing Echoes as one example, but of course I defer to your judgement as an editor on this wiki. Thanks again for the explanation. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 17:17 on 20 September 2017
I would suggest that not being able to feed your vampire side is a major issue, though that only appears to be a problem with a vampire/werewolf, not a vampire lord/werewolf. It can leave you with all the negative parts of being a vampire, with not many upsides. Also, without Dawnguard installed, as a permanent level 4 vampire you will be constantly attacked, 100% weak to fire, really slow recovery of health, magic, and stamina, and any of the other drawbacks associated. There are some quests that depend on you being a werewolf or a vampire, eg Totems of Hircine, which may bug out because the game thinks you have not got the relevant status. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 18:24, 20 September 2017 (UTC)

How to Feed[edit]

Somehow this article never explains how the player is supposed to "feed." Perhaps the assumption is that everyone will try to loot a corpse and end up feeding. (On XBox, you press the 'A' key for both operations.) Anyway, it took me a while to figure it out. 23:41, 9 September 2020 (UTC)

Lycanthropy acquired via other means?[edit]

A recent edit claimed it is possible to contract Lycanthropy through contact with a hostile Werewolf (similar to contracting Vampirism) but offers no further explanation. Should we assume they were potentially running mods? After all, we have several longstanding pieces of vanilla evidence implying lycanthropy is truly exclusive to the Companions questline, which is a tall hurdle to clear... 04:32, 7 September 2023 (UTC)