Skyrim talk:Legate Quentin Cipius
Other Locations[edit]
I'm not sure where else Quentin Cipius can appear in the game. This page claims that he appears in Whiterun after the player completes the quest Battle for Whiterun in favor of the Legion. I do not know for sure. Needs to be confirmed. --Zmedaris 16:23, 30 December 2011 (UTC)
I just saw Quentin Cipius upstairs in dragons reach during the first news of dragon attack outside of whiterun. I havent even joined the legion yet — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 03:10 on 18 January 2012
- He appeared in my game standing alone about half way between Swindler's Den and Rorikstead, standing in what looks like the ruin of a building. I had not yet joined either side. I came across him as I was crossing the area on foot. -- 18:42, 3 August 2012 (UTC)
- All that should be covered in-depth in the article by now. --Krusty 19:02, 3 August 2012 (UTC)
Not fixed[edit]
Running USP 2.0 and Quentin's clone is happily standing in the middle of nowhere outside Rorikstead. Never even started the civil war questline, patch installed since game start.— Unsigned comment by (talk) at 13:30 on 14 May 2015
Pre Special edition version[edit]
Quentin does not stand at the camp area at the start. Ref BF560 is standing there but disabled. Oddly Enable didn't spring the NPC to life.
While here I'll add these observations : 1 : If you side with the Imperials, detect life shows the NPC (and most other but not all Imperials) as hostile (SE version) 2 : People who come by the camp i.e. Imperial couriers may warm themselves over the disabled fire. Likewise Serana will, and also attempt to use the disabled enchanting table.