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Skyrim talk:Generic Magic Apparel

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Question for PC users[edit]

I play on xbox but was curious if somewhere in the game files there is an unenchanted version of the Shrouded Armor? I'm just curious cause I'm thinking of getting a friend with PC version to edit a few items to a new character for me, and am hoping there is an unenchanted Shrouded Armor available.--Dro'Bakha 12:18, 17 November 2011 (UTC)

There is Worn Shrouded Armor which is considered by the game to be not enchanted. There are 4 pieces to the set. There are two unique codes for each piece; however, the pieces are identical and will stack in your inventory. The gloves are listed as having the "Backstab does double damage" enchantment, but can still be enchanted like a normal item. The new enchantment isn't shown, but you can verify by checking against your base stats. This set will give you the option of having the Shrouded Armor set appearance, but with personalized enchantments. Also, you can't upgrade it via the workbench.--Dmholmes000 07:40, 27 November 2011 (UTC)

Some Jewelry Missing[edit]

For example, the Circlet of Peerless Archery (Bows do 40% more damage) I found at level 43. I'm assuming there's a lot more similar to this category missing.

Question: Has anyone found a Legendary rather than Peerless version of an item like this in random loot or as a quest reward? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 06:41 on 19 November 2011 (UTC)

No it's not. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 06:41, 19 November 2011 (UTC)
Charmed necklace is also missing on +25 carrying capacity. It's really easy to find if you're lucky too. All you have to do is find the three Nords drinking Honningbrew mead and say "why drink one when you can have two?". Artemis Entreri 15:08, 5 July 2012 (UTC)
The Charmed Necklace is unique, and therefore listed on the Unique Items page. ABCface 15:13, 3 August 2012 (UTC)
Query:Can you obtain the Charmed Necklace more than once?--Skyrimplayer 16:05, 3 August 2012 (UTC)
I'm not sure about the answer to that specific question, but there are other items on that page which can be obtained more than once, in case that's the follow-up question. ;) ABCface 20:52, 3 August 2012 (UTC)
Explanation:In case you were wondering,I'm not the guy who started the conversation.Hypothesis:If you can meet the Revelers more than once,you should be able to get multiple copies of the Charmed Necklace.--Skyrimplayer 21:21, 3 August 2012 (UTC)

Not Enough room for notes[edit]

This page is just a simple table with no room for notes on the individual items, like Movarth's Boots which cannot be disenchanted. That is a worthwhile piece of information that I feel should be here.-- 14:50, 20 November 2011 (UTC)

Quest Items and Unique Items actually need to be moved off this page onto separate pages where such notes can be provided. This page should in the end only contain generic items that don't need any special notes. However, it's going to take someone going through and manually moving special items onto separate pages -- the script that was used to dump all the information onto this page can not figure out which items are special. --NepheleTalk 16:30, 20 November 2011 (UTC)

List has more items than it needs.[edit]

The heading is for "Generic Magic Apparel". Things like Wooden Mask, Thieves' Guild Armor, etc. are not "Generic", and are not found randomly, they are found in very specific places, often doing unique things. Very unique things (Wooden Mask, for instance) should either have their own page, or should redirect to the actual page that it's involved in (in this case, Bromjunaar's Sanctuary, or Labyrinthian).

Might seem like I'm just complaining here, but I don't like to mess with a page without somebody talking about it first. --DaedalusMachina 22:44, 25 November 2011 (UTC)

As stated in the post directly above yours, this is something that needs to be done by editors (ie. you). This page was generated directly from a dump of game data, without distinguishing unique or quest-related items. Feel free to move items to more appropriate pages or create new pages for deserving items. -- Hargrimm | Θ 03:00, 26 November 2011 (UTC)
i'm moving some of the things i think are appropriate to Skyrim:Unique Items -- Dooomninja 13:16, 27 November 2011 (UTC)
I just saw your edits over there! Thanks for taking the initiative. Just make sure you remove what you moved from this page and update the redirect (ie. When someone looks for Skyrim:Wooden Mask, it will take them to the mask's entry on this page. That now needs to be changed to take them to the Unique Items page instead. If you have any questions on how to do anything, just post here or on my talk page and I'll get back to you! -- Hargrimm | Θ 16:13, 27 November 2011 (UTC)
I've been trying to remove items that have been duplicated on the Unique Items page, but the edit keeps failing. Maybe because the size of the page? --Fluff 16:16, 27 November 2011 (UTC)

Wooden Mask[edit]

why, exactly, is this in a list of "generic" apparel? it seems like it should qualify as an artifact, or maybe have it's own page, it most certainly should not be buried in a list of generic items-- 17:06, 28 November 2011 (UTC)

If you would read the discussion section directly above this one, you'd see. --Fluff 01:03, 29 November 2011 (UTC)


I just replaced this with a new version of the page because I think the new version is far more useful than the old one. In the process, though, a bunch of items have disappeared. They'll show up later today on other pages (Unique Items, Quest Items, etc.) when I get a chance to update them, but in the meantime there's no stats about them anywhere on the site. --NepheleTalk 15:36, 29 November 2011 (UTC)

YES. This is much better, Nephele. Thanks. --Fluff 16:20, 29 November 2011 (UTC)
Why not put it in all in one big table, so the user can sort it by slot or enchantment, or whatever else they want, depending on what they're looking for? For example, if you're trying to see what enchantments rings can possibly have (I have no idea if this would be different from what you can enchant yourself), this would be difficult to do with the new design. Kamiccolo 21:43, 29 November 2011 (UTC)
Just a note: the possible rings you can enchant is different than the enchanted rings you can find. --Fluff 22:09, 29 November 2011 (UTC)
Putting everything in one table is, basically, impossible.
This page is already 212KB in size -- which is more than six times larger than the wiki recommended maximum page size. The only reason I was able to get it down to 212KB is because I took the longest part of each item's description, namely the enchantment information, out of each individual row of the table, and moved it to the header of the table. What that means is that if you stuffed everything together into a mega-table and then sorted it, your resulting list of rings would tell you nothing about what the difference is between the ring of waning magic and the ring of magic suppression. You'd lose the most important information on the page.
To put the enchantment information on each individual row would increase the page size to easily more than 300KB (the size of this page yesterday was ~260KB, and that was with very incomplete enchantment info). People already couldn't edit the page at 260 KB... at 300+KB many readers wouldn't even be able to view the page. Plus, I'd bet that trying to sort a table that big would crash your browser.
Although it's impossible to provide a huge wiki table that you can sort whichever way you like, there are other ways to accomplish it -- for example, by using tools such a database which are designed for the purpose. I'm planning on eventually adding tools to UESP to do exactly that (and in fact probably 90% of the work is already done). --NepheleTalk 04:13, 30 November 2011 (UTC)

Just a Suggestion[edit]

I like what you've done to this page Nephele. Personally I don't have problem with the page loading or anything but I saw concerns about page size and just thought I would throw an idea out there. In order to make the page size smaller may I suggest that maybe this page be turned into an index that links to a few different pages and have the generic magic items sorted somehow into smaller pages. Something like maybe having 3 different pages one with generic magic items with magic boosting attributes one with warrior boosting attributes and one with thief boosting attributes. This was just a guess off the top of my head and could be changed and refined or completely ignored either way. Kevinx 09:44, 2 December 2011 (UTC)

Apparel Bugs Section?[edit]

The Hooded Necromancer Robes (0010710d) have a Fortify Magicka Regen enchantment, but disenchants to learn the Fortify Magicka (amount) enchantment. Notable and interesting, to some, but would this information belong on the page (already pretty long).--Rabidrobot 21:51, 1 January 2012 (UTC)

No Gold Values in Table[edit]

I noticed that there are no gold values for any of the items in the tables. Is this something that can be updated by a bot in the future, or is this going to have to be done manually? Arcanist 18:27, 20 January 2012 (UTC)

The values will probably need manual addition/verification right now, since automatic value calculation has proved to be inaccurate in the case of enchanted items. --Alfwyn 23:23, 20 January 2012 (UTC)
I just took another stab at this today, and still no luck. And in fact I wiped out most of the values listed at Generic Magic Weapons because they had the same problem. In case anyone else wants to look into this, here are some details:
For some enchanted apparel, the value is [Base Value] + [Enchantment BaseCost] + 1. Where [Enchantment BaseCost] is the first value in the ENIT field of the ENCH record. I have no idea why there's a +1 but in a half-dozen cases that I've looked at, the +1 is necessary.
For some other enchanted apparel, the Enchantment BaseCost is not used and I have no idea where the additional value of the enchantment comes from. For example, the Daedric Shield of Eminent Blocking has an additional value of 590 instead of the 210 listed for its Enchantment BaseCost. Not only do I not know where the value of 590 comes from, I don't know what flag determines that the BaseCost is not used.
The upshot is that I could auto-fill all values using [Base Value] + [Enchantment BaseCost] + 1. But that value is probably as likely to be incorrect as correct. --NepheleTalk 03:13, 22 January 2012 (UTC)
A bit similar, when looking at potions, I found that it is often [Potion Value] * [MGEF BaseCost], but not always. While on the PC all the appareal listed here can be conveniently found in a container in the QASmoke zone, the sheer size of this page makes manual copying of values very unattractive. --Alfwyn 15:46, 22 January 2012 (UTC)
Some observations (based on about 50 items): The complicated case seems to apply, if the last 4 bytes of the ENIT field in the enchantment are zero. If there is a restriction list formid, we have the "easy" case of [Base Value] + [Enchantment BaseCost] + 1 (of Minor Alchemy, of Minor Alteration, of Lifting), just that in some cases there is no +1 (of Minor Blocking, of Minor Haggling, Necklace of Waterbreathing). --Alfwyn 17:44, 23 January 2012 (UTC)
New day and suddenly everything is making sense. The ENIT cost is only used if the ManualCalc flag is set true. Otherwise, the cost is auto-calculated from pow(magnitude, 1.1)*MGEF_BaseCost. The +1 issue is just a red herring when looking at some unused ENIT costs (cases where ManualCalc is false) -- the value stored in ENIT looks like it's typically the truncated version of the auto-calc'ed cost, whereas the game actually uses the rounded version of that value.
I'm now able to correctly match every value posted on this page, as well as a half-dozen other values I've checked. So I'm going to fill in the whole page. --NepheleTalk 20:41, 23 January 2012 (UTC)

Levels of Glass Items[edit]

Several Glass Helmets, e.g Glass Helmet of Eminent Alchemy, are shown as being substantially below the base level (the Helmet in the example is shown as 20, the base for Glass Helmets is 36). Are these correct? — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 9 March 2012

Yes, the numbers on the page are correct; they are directly taken from the game data's leveled lists. That's also where the level 36 for the unenchanted helmet comes from, although the enchanted and unenchanted versions generally appear in different lists.
However, just to be obsessively over-pedantic, the helmet of Eminent Alchemy is listed as level 22, not level 20 (the Major Alchemy helmet is the level 20 one) ;) --NepheleTalk 20:43, 9 March 2012 (UTC)

Elven Boots of Eminent Stamina[edit]

Aren't even boots! It's armor, just incorrectly named... Even the preview model looks a bit off — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 21:28 on 14 June 2012

Dawnguard: Vampire Armor of (Magic School)[edit]

Vampire Armor of (whatever magic school) is listed under purely "Fortify (magic school)" when in fact it acts more like robes and has both Fortify (Magic School) and Fortify Magicka Regeneration. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 11:15 on 3 August 2012

Thanks for catching this. I'll go ahead and fix those entries on the page. ABCface 15:11, 3 August 2012 (UTC)

Novice Robes[edit]

Skyrim:Novice_Robes#Novice_Robes should be moved to this page(?): Magicka regenerates 50% faster. --JR (talk) 22:26, 30 December 2012 (GMT)

The mage in Helgen Keep wears a set with the id 0010d667, which are already here. Maybe a disambig is needed? Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 22:30, 30 December 2012 (GMT)
There are three different items called "Novice Robes". Only Skyrim:Generic Magic Apparel#Novice_Robes can be obtained. Skyrim:Template Items#Novice_Robes is just used for "Novice Robes of *", but cannot be obtained on it's own. Skyrim:Clothing#Novice_Robes finally can just be found in the QA container, and nowhere else. It has template in it's editor ID, but is not used by anything for that. I'm not sure a disambig page is needed, as all the other stuff with that name can't be encountered in the game. --Alfwyn (talk) 22:42, 30 December 2012 (GMT)
Should the one on the clothing page be moved to Skyrim:Unobtainable Items? I assume a "QA container" can only be accessed via console? — ABCface 23:32, 30 December 2012 (GMT)
Yes, should be moved. At some time this will have to be done systematically, and the NPC only items sorted out - but this one definitely can't be seen in the game without console use. QA containers are a series of containers in the test cell QASmoke, almost any item can be found in one of those containers, their editor IDs all start with QA. --Alfwyn (talk) 23:51, 30 December 2012 (GMT)
Ah, okay. Thanks for the info. I noticed there's several items on that page which are marked as "cannot be obtained". I'm guessing some of them ought to be checked in the CK before moving them, so I'll leave that to someone with CK access. — ABCface 23:55, 30 December 2012 (GMT)

Fortify School of Magic with Regenerate Magicka entries are all wrong[edit]

Looking at the edit version I don't feel comfortable about making changes because of the formatting but all of the Fortify School of Magic with Regenerate Magicka sections are incorrect in two ways. First they all include apparel that has a Fortify school of magic enchantment rather than one with the hybrid Fortify school of magic with Regenerate Magicka enchantment but state that they have the Fortify school of magic with Regenerate Magicka enchantment. Second the description of the enchantment for each item only states the magicka cost reduction part of the enchantment. --DagmarH (talk) 19:46, 14 June 2013 (GMT)

Correction, I see now that Peerless School of Magic for Robes is different than that on armors. I guess the only thing that could be corrected is the description of the enchantment. --DagmarH (talk) 20:03, 14 June 2013 (GMT)
Done. --Alfwyn (talk) 18:34, 2 January 2014 (GMT)

NPC dialogue when wearing robes[edit]

I've noticed that NPCs will often comment when I walk around in my generic Master Robes of Alteration/Conjuration/Destruction/etc. Should this be added to the notes section? --Xyzzy Talk 16:05, 6 December 2013 (GMT)

Circlet of Waterbreathing[edit]

It looks like the Circlet of Waterbreathing was left out of leveled lists in Skyrim.esm, so AFAIK, its only appearance is in the possession of one of the Frozen Falmer in the Inner Sanctum during the Dawnguard main quest line. I believe that due to this, it was included in the Unique Items article, even though it technically isn't. Also, it has been given the DG superscript, even though it is from Skyrim.esm. Should it be considered a unique Dawnguard item since it seems to only show up in this one instance, and this is the in-game experience, or should it be left in this article and removed from Unique Items, as the game data shows? --Xyzzy Talk 17:57, 21 March 2014 (GMT)

It might be more useful to remove it from here, after all the article says it lists randomly generated items (and not items with editor IDs starting with "Ench"). In the end we document the gameplay, not the game data. Game data information may be useful (or sometimes just interesting), but shouldn't be the primary target (see Style Guide). --Alfwyn (talk) 18:20, 21 March 2014 (GMT)

Glass "Armor" of Resurgence[edit]

Found this mistakenly-named item. It was, in fact, a helmet--not a cuirass (as the name would suggest). Somebody might want to make a note that the description on the Generic Magic Apparel page (Glass "Helmet" of Resurgence) does not match the in-game name. Sorry, it's not something I feel comfortable editing. (PS3 user) MrC (talk) 21:07, 15 March 2016 (UTC)

Steel Plate "Bracers"??[edit]

Why is every instance of Steel Plate Gauntlets rendered "Bracers" instead? In the game it's Gauntlets, not Bracers. The link here on UESP also indicates "Gauntlets", not Bracers". Who did this? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 12:35 on 13 August 2016

Enchanted steel plate gauntlets are always labeled as "Steel Plate Bracers of ..." Unenchanted gauntlets are labeled as gauntlets, and all the links on this page are linked to the unenchanted pages to give more information on that material. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 13:03, 13 August 2016 (UTC)

Glass ARMOR of Resurgence is a HELMET[edit]

Similar to the Orcish ARMOR of Stamina which are actually Orcish BOOTS of Stamina, there is also a Glass ARMOR of Resurgence that is actually a helmet. I'm not sure if there is also a Glass HELMET of Resurgence. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 15:53 on 24 September 2020 (UTC)

Strange, I couldn't find anything out of the ordinary here. Adding a Glass Helmet of Resurgence (000fe2df) using console commands added a normal Glass Helmet of Resurgence to my inventory, which occupied the helmet slot and acted like a normal helmet. I couldn't find any item with the name "Glass Armor of Resurgence". Is it possible that you have a mod or something else that is affecting this? Oriwa Talk 03:53, 25 September 2020 (UTC)
Same user as above but I just created an account. I'm using an Xbox 360 and purchased the downloadable game in March 2020. My save menu says I successfully transferred the file to a friend's PC who already had Skyrim installed and confirmed the ID is the same. (000fe2df) spawns as ARMOR for us with PC version with no mods. Chrisjburt (talk) 19:34, 26 September 2020 (UTC)
Well, I tested again and still got a regular helmet. But since someone else has experienced what you described, it could be something to do with my game. I don't have any unofficial mods but I do have some Creations, which shouldn't affect this but you never know. I think we can probably add a note to the page stating that the helmet is misnamed as armor, but it would be nice to have additional verification. --Oriwa Talk 20:35, 26 September 2020 (UTC)

Column name missing?[edit]

The penultimate column is lacking a name, I will hazard a guess, AR Adsjaldjjfgwetwlla (talk) 23:59, 20 May 2024 (UTC)

Could you be more specific? I'm not sure what you mean; all columns are labled when I look at the page. — Wolfborn(Howl) 06:20, 21 May 2024 (UTC)
Hi, For me the page shows  :-
| Name up/down | ID up/down | Black icon{weight} up/down | Coin icon{Value} up/down | up/down | Level up/down |
| Hide | 0008b667 | 2 | 287 | 10 | N/A |
I hope this makes enough sense. A CAP would have been far simpler, but I don't known how to include/upload it. Adsjaldjjfgwetwlla (talk) 01:10, 22 May 2024 (UTC)
Hmm. When I look at the page, I see the following:

User-Wolfborn-SK-Generic Magic Apparel Column Headings.jpg

Not sure why you aren't seeing the Shield icon heading. Maybe try clearing your browser cookies and browser cache and loading the page again. If that doesn't work, I'm at a loss to explain why the icon doesn't show up for you, sorry. — Wolfborn(Howl) 05:13, 22 May 2024 (UTC)

Thanks for the reply. Must be a quirk of my Browser as the HTML has <Armor Rating ... BL-icon-Combat_Shield.png> Sorry to have rattled your cage and wasted your time ... is there a way to delete this load of nonsense or does it have to stay here to show what a {choose a word or phrase} I am.