Skyrim talk:Frothar
Frothar and my horse[edit]
I have had a horse in Whiterun b4 I got Shadowmere. After I got Shadowmere, I left my horse Allie back to the stables in Whiterun (to prevent her from getting killed easily as Shadowmere is tougher). Frothar the Balgruuf's son appears one day at the stables (Don't know when this started). He just stands there and stares at my horse day and night, non-stop. Talk to him and he just replies generic words like "Yes?" "Need Something?". Funny though. — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 28 April 2012
I'm quite sure he has one other line when odahviing is captured the other children of balgruuf do have a special line in that case. Should be added for all of them. — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 22 July 2012