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Skyrim talk:Before the Storm

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In Riverwood[edit]

Regarding the first step: Speak to Alvor in Riverwood In my play-through this was actually: Speak to Gerdur I'm not modifying the page right away because I'd like confirmation (who knows.. perhaps the decision of which NPC you follow during Unbound may explain the difference?

Krag 17:05, 11 November 2011 (UTC)

It depends on who you choose to follow in Unbound. If you choose Imperial, you get referred to Alvor; if you choose Stormcloak, you get referred to Gerdur. —Daniellibus ETC 17:11, 11 November 2011 (UTC)
Hey, i have no idra what im doing, so sorry if this isnt posted right. But, i have accidently killed my guy for the main quest, and im not sure if i can continue it by skipping talkimg to him, amd just mpving on to the next guy. Also sorry about spelling and grammer, i am on a phone. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 14:37 on 12 November 2011
In regards to the bug, is it possible that speaking to the "wrong" NPC first (Alvor for Stormcloak option/Gerdur for Imperial option) creates the bug? I got this bug and realized that I had gotten supplies/done the crafting quests for Alvor before speaking to Gerdur (I was on Stormcloak quest)...just a thought. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 07:40 on 15 January 2012

Follow Hadvar to Alvor's and a little scene plays out.[edit]

When you step out of the tutorial cave, whoever you chose to follow into the keep will say "Maybe it's best if we split up." then tell you to go see someone in Riverwood, but if you notice they don't walk away. You can follow them to Riverwood and more dialogue will play out along the way, for instance Hadvar mentions Bleak Falls peak when it comes into view and how he was afraid of it as a child and he will point out the Guardian Stones and tell you to go take a look at them. When you get to Riverwood you can follow Hadvar into Alvars and watch a scene play out. I'm assuming the same thing happens if you went with Rolof, although with different dialogue. 06:02, 20 November 2011 (UTC)Rum

With regard to dragons not spawning until you talk to the Jarl of Whiterun, that is true. It's like talking to Jauffre in Oblivion...until you do, the gates don't spawn. This can be used to strategically put off dragons while you beef up and collect a few words. ````Katje Icefire — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 15:12 on 28 November 2011
The first few times I played through, I actually stuck with Hadvar/Rolof all the way to Riverwood. Gideon Dragontongue 00:39, 8 December 2011 (UTC)

Leveled armor[edit]

I did this quest several times and I always got Leather Armor, even when my level was pretty high at the time (~9). 12:09, 11 December 2011 (UTC)

I think this shouldn't be labelled as 'leveled' armor since the mechanics used to select the armor are not based solely on overall character level, but rather the comparative strength difference between a player's Light Armor and Heavy Armor skills. The reward is always a Tier 2 armor chest piece, you will get a Leather armor if your Light Armor skill is higher than your Heavy Armor skill, or a Steel Armor if your Heavy Armor skill is higher than your Light Armor. How the decision is made when both skills are equal is currently unknown but it seems either Leather or Steel are chosen randomly in this case.
Given how early this quest is, a player's race is likely to be a major factor since some races gain rather large boosts in the Heavy Armor or Light Armor skills at creation and there is usually too little time between then and the end of Before the Storm to tip the scales the other way. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 06:23 on 18 December 2011
at level 47 i recieved ebony a orc wearing light armor. more testing needs to be done — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 09:30 on 21 May 2013
also at lvl 20 you can recieve elven armor — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 09:38 on 21 May 2013
"How the decision is made when both skills are equal is currently unknown but it seems either Leather or Steel are chosen randomly in this case."

Not true.


if player.GetActorValue("LightArmor") > player.GetActorValue("HeavyArmor") 

The leveled armor is generated at the time the quest was started.
--DayDreamer (talk) 02:25, 4 December 2013 (GMT)

Moved note.[edit]

  • While The Golden Claw quest is active, you may be unable to talk to Alvor.

I think this isn't worth noting on the notes page if it has not been verified. I have moved it temporarily to the Discussion page until a player can confirm 100% that this is notable. And even then, it isn't worth on the Notes section, but on the Bugs. Jack 08:08, 19 February 2012‎


Inquire about the dragon attack on Helgen.

This doesn't seem to fit the quest, I believe it should read

Inform the Jarl of Whiterun about the Dragon attack on Helgen.

The Silencer has spoken 03:14, 8 April 2012 (UTC)

I don't think that Dragon needs to be hyperlinked. I think the rationale behind the current description is that you can optionally ask around and then be advised to tell the Jarl of Whiterun, but I think your description is better. Changed it. • JATalk 04:41, 8 April 2012 (UTC)

Speaking to Gerdur[edit]

After speaking to Gerdur, she began to say there was something I could do to help, but kept walking away without asking me to go to Whiterun, and the the quest wouldn't update. I tried several things like talking to Alvor, helping her husband, etc. Finally figured out she wouldn't finish until I took all the supplies she offered. (Didn't bother the first time because I was carrying too much.) — Unsigned comment by Barbridg (talkcontribs) at 22:54 on 28 July 2012

Bugs Cleanup[edit]

  • If Hadvar gets to Riverwood before you, it is possible for Alvor to go inside his house and not come outside, and you won't get an option to tell him about the dragon. A way around this is to go straight to the Jarl of Whiterun and tell him about the dragon attack at Helgen, thus completing the quest. After completing this quest, however, Hadvar will act normally and resume his regular activities.
  • After about a day has passed, you will treated like a trespasser when you enter the house, and Alvor/Gerdur will continually ask you to leave. You will also be unable to rest or wait while there. You can still take their stuff, however.
  • Rarely, the guards outside of Whiterun may not be present when you reach the gate. This is because they are actually inside the gate, and have not come out of the city. Thus, you will be permanently locked out of the city and cannot proceed with the remainder of the quest.
    • A way around this is to pickpocket one of the members of the Companions that were fighting a giant outside of Pelagia Farm. They all carry a Whiterun Gate Key, but you have to be fairly quick because they will walk towards Whiterun and enter the city after killing the giant.

These bugs have sat unconfirmed for a long time. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 20:58, 17 August 2013 (GMT)

I don't know why they are unconfirmed. Easy to see they are true from the CK. But then, the first 2 are not entirely bugs.
  1. After Hadvar arrives,
    1. you have 1 game hour to show up and witness the Hadvar-Alvor scene.
    2. Vanilla Alvor goes into his house and you have 5 game minutes to follow.
      • USKP fixes this to be 1 hour. This allows Hilde's DialogueRiverwoodIntroScene to run without interfering.
  2. Since you aren't in the correct faction, and the house isn't flagged Public, you are trespassing in Alvor's house. They don't tell you because they are in the middle of a scene, but as soon as the scene wears off, you get the normal sandbox.
    • Since you have a key for Gerdur's house, you probably should have been given the correct faction. That's probably a bug.
--DayDreamer (talk) 02:15, 4 December 2013 (GMT)

Only Gerdur will give a key to her house.[edit]

Alvor does not give you a key. Only Gerdur will give a key to her house.


Function Fragment_58()
; give player a key to Gerdur's house

--DayDreamer (talk) 02:02, 4 December 2013 (GMT)

Not A Bug?[edit]

The Bugs section states that "sometimes Gerdur will not have an option to ask about the dragon, causing the main quest to be frozen forever". How can this cause the Main Quest to freeze when the main article states that speaking to Alvor or Gerdur is entirely optional? You can, as stated, simply head to Dragonsreach and speak to the Jarl to advance the quest, or at least I was able to in more than one playthrough. I didn't want to modify the main page straight away, but I think I'm right on this one.

Vignar instead (Stormcloaks capture city)[edit]

So how is this quest changed if Vignar becomes the Jarl? I saw no mention of that on the main page, surprisingly. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 16:14 on 12 November 2016 (UTC)

Vignar has no associated dialogue for that quest, from what I can see. I believe you would have to have advanced past Before the Storm before reaching that part of the Civil War, but it needs testing or confirmation via CK. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 16:14, 12 November 2016 (UTC)

Answer: Vignar cannot become Jarl without the Battle for Whiterun being completed, and that cannot be completed until after you have retrieved the Dragonstone and absorbed your first Dragon soul, since Balgruf will not give or accept a war axe until then. Hence, Vignar cannot possibly be Jarl during Before the Storm, and needs no dialogue.

Free bribe[edit]

Don't know if it's limited to this quest or is possible in other parts of the game. But if you don't have enough money to cover the bribe to enter the city, choose it anyways and they will let you in, as if you paid them, and not take any money (doesn't count as a bribe in the stats screen, though). Bamspeedy (talk) 20:14, 11 January 2017 (UTC)

No dragons until you speak to the Jarl?[edit]

I'm at level 28, haven't spoke to the Jarl and haven't seen any more dragons yet. I've done quite a lot of walking around the countryside, including in places I've known them to appear in previous games.

Am I right in assuming that this action (speaking to the Jarl) is what causes the dragons to start waking up? — Unsigned comment by Katjaroja (talkcontribs) at 10:27 on 27 May 2019

Wild dragons start showing up once at a point in Dragon Rising. This is stated on the dragon page. You have a few main quests to go before you get to that point. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 11:42, 27 May 2019 (UTC)

Hadvar or Ralof.?!?![edit]

Ralof or Hadvar.!?!? Waldinor Neto (talk) 16:59, 7 September 2023 (UTC)