Skyrim Mod:East Empire Expansion/Korrin

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(RefID: xx164B4A)
Location Solitude Docks
Race High Elf Gender Male
Level 1 Class Dremora (class)
RefID xx164B4A BaseID xx0F53D8
Other Information
Health 30 Magicka 25
Stamina 70
Morality No Crime Aggression Unaggressive
Essential Yes
Faction(s) kgcEEC_EastEmpireFaction

Korrin is a High Elf trader of the East Empire Company. He can be found at the Solitude docks, near the East Empire Company Warehouse.

Related Quests[edit]


His greetings:

"Have you witnessed the beauty of the crystal towers of Alinor? Truly breathtaking."
"Oh, it's you. Hello again."
"I do so enjoy traveling the various holds and cities of Skyrim. So much history and "culture"."
"Have you tried the local mead? It's quite strong, I'll give it that. But it's no match for the wines of Summerset Isle, of course."
"I'm thinking of hiring a personal assistant. Do you know of anyone who might be interested in the position?"
"Negotiation is a skill that takes years to master. So I do hope you've been practicing..."
"Networking is an important part of commerce. It's crucial to stay informed..."
"I wonder if anyone has noticed I've left home..."
"Accounting and bookkeeping are essential skills for any successful merchant. As is knowing how to subtly falsify particular financial records..."
"I must admit, I'm starting to feel quite at home around here..."

If a camp has been set up:

"Congratulations are in order. I understand we've a new camp."
"I've noticed an increase in commerce since the establishment of a new camp. It's a welcome change, and a sign of progress."
"I hear we've a new trade camp. It's good to see your efforts paying off."
"I've been watching your progress with the new camp. I must say, I'm impressed."
"Establishing more trade camps is a wise decision."

If a camp upgrades to level 2 or 3:

"One of our camps has expanded. Good."
"I've been watching the growth of one of our camps with great interest."

His goodbyes:

"Now, if you'll excuse me..."
"Um hmm..."

Quest-Related Events[edit]

East Empire Expansion[edit]

As you first approach him he will say:

"Ah, yes. Hello to you. You'll have to forgive me, I'm rather preoccupied -- thus I have no desire for idle chit-chat."
I'll take my leave. Goodbye.
"Yes yes, goodbye."
You're Korrin, yes? Sha'khar asked me to speak with you.
"Oh! So you're the one Sha'khar spoke of in his latest correspondence."

He will then comment on whichever race you are:

  • "And a fellow High Elf, no less. Hm. Say what you will of him, but the cat clearly has good taste in those he chooses to work with."
  • "He failed to mention you were Argonian. I hope the cold climate isn't too uncomfortable for you."
  • "And you're a Wood Elf, I see. Hm. Yes... well. To each their own."
  • "A Breton. Interesting. If you've embraced your natural talents, this may work out rather nicely..."
  • "A Dunmer. Looking for a new home, are we? Well, working with the East Empire could certainly help with that."
  • "You have the poise of an Imperial. You'll fit in well with most working around here."
  • "Another Khajiit, I see. As if Sha'khar alone -- was not already enough..."
  • "I'm surprised a Nord would agree to speak to one such as Sha'khar, let alone agree to assist with his efforts. Very interesting..."
  • "I didn't expect an Orsimer. Or, do you prefer "Orc"? I've no desire to offend someone with a natural disposition toward barbarism."
  • "A Redguard! Not what I expected. But I suppose beggars can't be choosers..."
  • "

He will then continue with:

"But yes, you were correct in your observation, I am indeed Korrin. A pleasure, I'm sure. Now, if Sha'khar sent you here, that likely means he thinks you are of use to us. And, I see no reason to question this. Tell me, did the enterprising young Khajiit explain the nature of his and my endeavor?"
Not really. He mentioned something about you being business associates?
"Of course. Why bother explaining things, when he can make his "partner" do it instead."
He spoke of your intention to sell ice to Nords. Much coin in that, I hear!
"Hah! Nice to see a little cynicism. Make sure to maintain that attitude of yours, and it'll serve you well."
Not really. But I assume you will, so get on with it.
"*Sigh* Very well, allow me to explain..."

All three options lead to:

"Sha'khar likes to refer to us as "business associates". But in truth, we're both merely junior traders of the East Empire Company. Right now, both he and I are on the lowest rungs of the mercantile ladder. But, we've agreed to help each other "accelerate" our commercial career. From what I understand, in exchange for his services, you've already begun assisting Sha'khar. His "little project" is rather simple, but I'll admit, quite creative. I personally would never have thought to utilize the relics in the way he has. My plans, however, are a little more ambitious. And I would welcome your assistance."
These relics. I'd like to know more about them.
"Ah, yes. The "Relics". Thusly named because -- well, we have no idea what they are or where they came from. Many crates of the things were inexplicably shipped here. And with no accompanying paperwork, we had no choice but to hold onto them. Months passed, and with no inquiries coming our way, I thought it may be prudent to perhaps find a "private buyer" for the curious devices. However, attempting to sell such volume, and with us being relatively unknown in the world of trade, this proved to be next to impossible. At least, doing so without drawing unwanted attention to us. That's when Sha'khar had his idea to instead use the devices to help us build a reputation. And then sell the relics. That Khajiit is smarter than he looks..."
Tell me about yourself, Korrin.
"Hm. What's there to tell? I am but a simple Mer -- attempting to become a brilliant merchant with wealth beyond reason! A story as old as time. At least, that's what I tell most who ask me that question. And whilst I've no wish to divulge much more to you, I will say this... Many outsiders who enter the province of Skyrim -- do so in order to leave their past behind them... But! As I said: I am but a simple Mer."
What can you tell me about Sha'khar?
"He's an interesting one for sure. A young Khajiit who both exhibits everything you'd expect from his kind, and, many things you would not. When you speak with him, you can always see the cogs turning in that cunning feline mind of his... And yet, I've never met a Khajiit with such strong convictions when it comes to things such as "honesty", and "fairness". Hm. I never thought I'd see the day when I'd call one of his kind a trusted friend, but, here we are."
Let's hear about this plan of yours.
"You see, the East Empire's position in Skyrim is tenuous. Our presence is tolerated at best, and we're severely limited in our operations. Officially, I'm not even sure we're sanctioned to be here. So as you can imagine, our profit margin is as diluted as the wine at the Winking Skeever. But, if we had the approval to do business directly from a Jarl, we'd then be free to expand our activities within each hold! Solidifying the East Empire's position. Creating profit for all concerned. Not to mention, demonstrating our worth to our employers... And so, I've been attempting to arrange unofficial meetings, so that we may come to an "understanding" with the many Jarls of this vast province."
Not sure I agree with your tactics, but the results would surely benefit all.
"If that rationale helps you sleep better at night, who am I to dissuade you?"
"Unofficial meetings", huh? Probably the only kind that can get results.
"Are you sure you've not run a business before? With a temperament like that, I wouldn't be surprised if you had..."
I've no concern over the ethics of your venture. Where do I come into this?
"If ethics are of no concern to you, I daresay you'd go far in business."

All lead to:

"Anyhow, I doubt you'll be surprised to hear most Jarls want nothing to do with an upstart "High Elf" under the employ of a foreign organization. Nevertheless, we have had interest from at least one hold. The Jarl of Winterhold, Korir/Kraldar, has agreed to speak with us. Winterhold is generally viewed as one of the more desolate holds. A pale shadow of its former glory. Which may explain their willingness to talk. I was intending to speak with Winterhold's Jarl myself, but I feel you may get better results."

The next part of his dialogue depends on your race:

  • "Your Nord blood will provide you with a far more favorable disposition."
  • "Like me, you are Altmer, but you are not part of the East Empire Company. That alone may provide you a more favorable disposition."
  • "You may not be of this land, but you are also not of the East Empire Company. That alone should provide you with more favorable disposition."

He will then continue with:

"So, what I ask of you is this: Visit Winterhold on my behalf and attempt to acquire the Jarl's approval for our presence within their hold. In exchange, I will provide you a percentage of the wealth and materials we will acquire as a result. Sound fair?"
Wealth and materials you say? I'd like to hear more about this.
"Sha'khar has already explained his desire to survey areas you have cleared, this is correct? If the Jarls agree to let us operate within their borders any locations you have cleared there can be exploited for whatever materials they may hold. Ore, trinkets, gems. Whatever we find, will be shared with you.
Not interested, sorry.
"A shame. Well, if you change your mind, I'll be here."

If you agree to help he will give you A History of Winterhold

I agree to your terms. I will speak with the Jarl.
"Very good. Here, take this. I've already done some research into this particular Jarl. And I have the feeling that book I gave you, if offered as a gift, may help smooth negotiations to our favor. However, if you feel other tactics may be more apt, I will refer to your judgment. Just get the Jarl to agree to our presence within their hold."
I understand. I'll head to Winterhold at once.
"Very good."
Easy enough. You'll have the Jarl's approval in no time.
"I trust that you will"
Enough, I know my task. I'll do whatever I feel necessary.
"I'm sure you know best."
Would it surprise you to know I'm the Thane of Winterhold?
"Is that so?.. Well in that case, convincing the Jarl should be child's play! Not that I'd ever suggest you should leverage your position..."

Any option will lead to him handing you an East Empire Ring:

"I wish you luck. Oh, and have this too. That ring marks you as someone empowered to speak on our behalf. It'll also get you a discount with most merchants. Enjoy."

Once you return:

"I've already received word, Winterhold has agreed to our presence. Well done. And I see you didn't even have to gift them the book I gave you. Impressive! Feel free to keep the book, maybe sell it for coin. I must say, I am very pleased with your progress. Competence can be such a rare commodity these days..."
The Jarl was already eager, I just offered a little encouragement. / You were wise to send me. Someone else may've made a mistake. / Keep your praise for yourself. I didn't do this for a pat on the head.
"You've done well. We'll now be able to build a camp within Winterhold's borders, expanding our operations. But this is just the start, we need the blessing of more holds. If you'd be willing, I'd ask you to keep representing the East Empire, speak to more Jarls and gain their favor. The more holds that agree to our terms, the more that we can do for you."
What is it I'd get in return, exactly?
"Each hold we're able to operate within -- can have a dedicated camp, able to retrieve the items you have Sha'khar collect. Naturally, this would present you with more options -- as to where to send your items. Also, with each new camp, we'll be able to gather materials from the places you've cleared out within the local area. A cut of these materials -- will be passed along to you."
I've neither the time, nor the patience for this.
"Well, isn't that a shame... If you change your mind, come speak with me."
Of course, you'll have my help.
"I'm pleased to hear this. There are eight more Jarls that'll need convincing, but I doubt they'll be as receptive as Kraldar / Korir. I'd advise you not to be... narrow-minded with your approach to gaining approval. There are plenty of ways to twist a person's arm... If you've the need, I can supply intel to aid you. Just check the Ledger at an outpost after visiting a hold's capital, and I'll provide what I can. Travel the province, speak to the Jarls. Get as many to accept our presence as you are able. Whiterun already has a camp, but we'll still need the blessing of the local Jarl. Oh, and don't forget our furry friend, Sha'khar. Be sure to keep assisting him as well. One more thing, if you've not already done so, you should speak with Orthus. An employee of the East Empire -- residing in Windhelm. Assist him with his little problem, and it'll be of benefit to us all. I wish you luck, goodbye for now."

East Empire Spoils[edit]

Korrin will speak after finishing the quest:

"Things turned out rather well, wouldn't you say? With our new positions, both I and Sha'khar should have no problems finding buyers for our "products" now... Thank you, for everything you've done."