Valdr (RefID: 000411B9) |
Home City | Falkreath | ||
Location | Outside of Moss Mother Cavern | ||
House | Dead Man's Drink | ||
Race | Nord | Gender | Male |
Level | PC×1 (range=8-25) | Class | Bandit Archer |
RefID | 000411B9 | BaseID | 000411BA |
Other Information | |||
Health | 50+(PC-1)×11 | Magicka | 50 |
Stamina | 50+(PC-1)×4 | ||
Primary Skills | Archery, Light Armor, One-handed, Sneak | ||
Morality | No Crime | Aggression | Aggressive |
Voice Type | MaleEvenToned | ||
Faction(s) | CrimeFactionFalkreath; TownFalkreathFaction; dunMossMotherValdrFaction |
Valdr is a Nord and the leader of a group of bear hunters from Falkreath. According to concerned Falkreath citizens, people started disappearing in the wilderness not too long ago, including Valdr and his men, who were last seen heading north. During the related quest, you will find out what happened to the bear hunters and put a stop to the disappearances.
Once back in Falkreath, you will find him residing in the local tavern, Dead Man's Drink. He will now have a daily routine, although he stays inside the tavern at all times, either wandering, eating, drinking, or using the alchemy lab in the corner. He was supposed to sleep in one of the beds between 10pm and 8am, but doesn't, due to a bug.
He wears studded armor and hide boots. He carries a steel sword and a hunting bow with twenty steel arrows.
Related Quests[edit]
- Moss Mother Cavern: Help an injured hunter avenge his fallen companions.
Quest-Related Events[edit]
If you are at least level 16 when asking the innkeeper of Dead Man's Drink, Valga Vinicia, for rumors, you may hear about the missing bear hunter. This will add an objective to your log and a map marker will point you towards Moss Mother Cavern.
As you approach the entrance, you will find Valdr sitting on a log, seemingly wounded and talking to himself:
- "That is a lot of blood."
- "Not sure how much longer I can hold out here."
- "I really got myself into it this time."
When he sees you, he will call out:
- "Hello? You! Over here! Please, I need help!"
- "Please, do you have a potion you can spare?"
- "Please! I'm not sure I'll make it on my own."
When you talk to him, he says:
- "Thank Kynareth for you, stranger. I'd almost given up hope of walking away from here."
- Who are you?
- "Name's Valdr. I hunt out of Falkreath."
- What are you doing out here?
Either leads to:
- "We tracked a bear to this den. Good coin for those pelts. We had the big sow cornered when they showed up. Three of them, out of nowhere. Spriggans. Niels went down before we even knew to run. Ari died just inside. I never even thought the things were real. I may have lost a drop or two of blood. Truth is, I'm not going anywhere like this. Hurts to breathe."
- I may have a potion to spare.
- "I just need a little to get going."
- I may know a spell that would work...
- "Thank you. Please hurry!"
- I'll be back.
- "Please, I need help! I don't want to die on this damned log!"
Once you have healed him he will be relieved:
- "Much better. Thanks, friend. I wouldn't have lasted much longer without that. But now what? I can't just walk away. Not with my friends' bodies in there, being torn apart by those beasts."
- I understand. Let me help you.
- "You'd do that for a stranger? I don't know what to say. Lead on, I suppose."
- Don't be foolish. I'll do it.
- "You'd really risk your life for a stranger's honor? I don't even know what to say. Thank you, my friend. I'll wait here.
He will be a temporary follower if you choose the first option and will help you fight the spriggans. If you talk to him at this stage, he will whisper:
- "Step lightly. Who knows if those things can hear us or not."
- "Be careful. They're faster than you'd think."
Once the cave is clear, he will seek you out and say:
- "It's done, then. Justice, if you can call it that. Look, I want you to have this. I know it isn't much, but it's important to me. Ari gave me this dagger when we first started hunting together. Always said it brought her luck. You should be the one to carry it now. I'll give them a proper burial, then head back. Come find me if you're ever in Falkreath. You'll always be welcome at my door." He will then stay inside the cave and you will have no other options than to leave.
Back in Falkreath, you will find him residing in the local tavern,
- "Hello again, friend. I'll never forget what you did for me."
- Despite Valdr saying, "You'll always be welcome at my door." upon completion of his quest, he does not actually own a house in Falkreath. Rather, he will be found inside of the local inn at all times.
- Any healing potion will work to heal Valdr, barring one you've made yourself through alchemy. Since potion strength does not matter, it is better to not give him anything beyond a Potion of Minor Healing.
- Because Valdr levels with you, it may be impossible to heal him accordingly on higher levels. This makes the quest impossible to finish.
- Upon initial contact with Valdr, he will complain about needing a potion, but you may be unable to initiate conversation with him in order to give a potion.
- Entering Moss Mother Cavern and coming back out again will fix the issue.
- Giving him time to play all of his voice lines before noticing you may also fix the issue.
- Using Healing Hands and standing next to Valdr for several seconds may also work. While this workaround does seem to work sometimes, it's unreliable, sometimes working instantaneously, other times taking a long time or not working at all.
- Valdr may become hostile towards you at any point after you heal him. If this happens before the quest is finished, he will not give you your reward.
- To get your reward, exit the cave while sneaking or invisible and remain motionless outside. Valdr will approach and trigger the quest-completing dialogue if he does not spot you, even if he is hostile.
- After completing the quest and receiving the dagger the quest may not update in your journal, causing an arrow to appear above Valdr in the inn but no quest speech option.
- When you meet him for the first time, you have to start the conversation immediately without treatment.
- If an animal goes by Valdr that he would hunt (such as a rabbit or deer), he may get up off the log (despite being "injured") and attack it. If you encounter him at this time, he will greet you as if you'd accepted his quest and healed him, and his dialogue will proceed on from there normally.