Skyrim:Trouble in Skyrim
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Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Kill the leader of the assigned location.
- Return to Farkas.
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
This is a radiant quest given by Farkas when asked for work. Farkas has received a contract to clear out a troublesome area. The enemies you encounter depend on the location of the quest. In order to complete the contract, you need to travel to the location and kill the leader. The quest is randomized and repeatable.
Radiant Options[edit]
The target location is randomly chosen from 118 possible locations, amounting to a majority of the dungeons that contain boss-type enemies. The location will be limited to holds that you have previously visited, so early in the game you may only receive destinations within Whiterun Hold, but later in the game there are many more possible destinations. Possible types of locations are:
- A Bandit Camp or Bandit-Occupied Fort: (28 possible locations) — "Nothing but a bunch of lowly bandits. Cowards, who will take little effort."
- A Draugr Crypt: (17 possible locations) — "The restless dead. Not pretty, but if you don't stop them, they'll move on to the locals."
- A Falmer Hive: (12 possible locations) — "The Falmer. There have been reports that they've been attacking people at night."
- A Forsworn Camp: (8 possible locations) — "It's a problem with the Forsworn. Unpredictable, unknowable, and dangerous. Be careful."
- A Giant Camp: (12 possible locations) — "It's a clan of giants. The war is driving them out of their lands, and they've started attacking settlements."
- A Hagraven Nest: (11 possible locations) — "You'll be clearing a nest of those Hagraven things. I've never faced one myself, but I hear... disturbing things about them."
- A Spriggan Grove: (8 possible locations) — "Oddly enough, Spriggans. Usually they let alone, but for some reason, this particular grove isn't."
- A Vampire Lair: (6 possible locations) — "Bloodsuckers. Vampires. Take every precaution. One bite, and you could end up as one of them."
- A Warlock Lair: (17 possible locations) — "Rogue wizards. I've never trusted magic types. The College is bad enough. Destroy them."
(Note that the provided categories list all locations with the given type of occupant, including locations that do not have a boss-type enemy and therefore cannot be possible destinations for this quest).
Levels† | Reward‡ | USLEEP Reward |
1–9 | 100 | 100 |
10–19 | 150 | 150 |
20–29 | 300 | 200 |
30–39 | 300 | 250 |
40+ | 300 | 300 |
The Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch, version 3.0.3, fixes this bug. (details)
- If Dragonborn is installed, some radiant locations may be on Solstheim. If you are in Skyrim, you will not receive a quest marker pointing you to the quest location, but must travel to Solstheim first (at which point any quest markers you have to quests in Skyrim will disappear).
- If you clear Driftshade Sanctuary (or any of radiant locations this quest can get) prior to starting this quest, it may become uncompleteable. This bug can occur even if you haven't discovered the location to which the quest directs you.
You may use the console to manually enable the next stage in the main companions quest line. First enter the command
setstage C01 0
thensetstage CR05 0
and thensetstage CR05 20
; then speak to whoever who gave you this quest so you can finish this quest without doing it again. This seems to work, though other issues may or may not arise later (has not been thoroughly tested).You can also use the console command
setstage cr05 20
to manually progress the quest to the next stage.If you are using console commands, you should deselect the quest beforehand; if you do not, the quest may remain highlighted, leaving a permanent quest marker on your map.
You may
the bandits and kill them again.
- The quest is greyed out in the journal (completed) when you've returned to Farkas.
The quest is switched to "completed" at a point outside of Whiterun as you return. (This bug is from multiple radiant locations.) Whether you fast travel or not back to Whiterun, the quest is "completed" but you can not accept further work as you are stuck on this particular quest.
Use the console command
setstage cr05 100
. You will receive a reward and be able to ask for more work.Another solution is to load a save prior to taking the quest, decline it when offered, then take a quest from another Companion leader.
On PC, you can also reload a previous save, then use the console command
prid 1A693
followed bymoveto player
in order to select Farkas and teleport him to your location. There you will be able to talk to him and turn in the quest as normal. He will then slowly walk back home but if you don't want to wait, you can travel back to the hall and use the exact same commands to teleport him back there.
- If the location of the quest is Dimhollow Crypt and you haven't started Awakening yet, some of the dungeon is inaccessible, preventing you from killing the dungeon boss. ?
- Start Awakening to gain access to the area and proceed completing both quests.
Quest Stages[edit]
Trouble in Skyrim (CR05) | ||
Stage | Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
10 | A group of bandits has been causing trouble in <Alias=LocationHold>. I've been asked to clear out <Alias=Location>.
Objective 10: Kill the leader of <Alias=Location>
A group of draugr has been causing trouble in <Alias=LocationHold>. I've been asked to clear out <Alias=Location>.
Objective 10: Kill the leader of <Alias=Location>
A group of Falmer has been causing trouble in <Alias=LocationHold>. I've been asked to clear out <Alias=Location>.
Objective 10: Kill the leader of <Alias=Location>
A group of the Forsworn has been causing trouble in <Alias=LocationHold>. I've been asked to clear out <Alias=Location>.
Objective 10: Kill the leader of <Alias=Location>
A group of giants has been causing trouble in <Alias=LocationHold>. I've been asked to clear out <Alias=Location>.
Objective 10: Kill the leader of <Alias=Location>
A group of hagravens has been causing trouble in <Alias=LocationHold>. I've been asked to clear out <Alias=Location>.
Objective 10: Kill the leader of <Alias=Location>
A group of spriggans has been causing trouble in <Alias=LocationHold>. I've been asked to clear out <Alias=Location>.
Objective 10: Kill the leader of <Alias=Location>
A group of vampires has been causing trouble in <Alias=LocationHold>. I've been asked to clear out <Alias=Location>.
Objective 10: Kill the leader of <Alias=Location>
A group of warlocks has been causing trouble in <Alias=LocationHold>. I've been asked to clear out <Alias=Location>.
Objective 10: Kill the leader of <Alias=Location>
20 | I cleared out <Alias=Location>, so <Alias=LocationHold> is now a bit safer.
Objective 20: Return to Farkas
200 |
- The following empty quest stages were omitted from the table: 0, 1, 100, 250.
- Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g.,
) is dynamically set by the Radiant Quest system, and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game. - Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.
- If an entry is marked as "Finishes Quest" it means the quest disappears from the Active Quest list, but you may still receive new entries for that quest.
- On the PC, it is possible to use the console to advance through the quest by entering
setstage CR05 stage
, wherestage
is the number of the stage you wish to complete. It is not possible to un-complete (i.e. go back) quest stages, but it is possible to clear all stages of the quest usingresetquest CR05