Skyrim:Thieves Guild Armor Set

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SR-item-Thieves Guild Armor Female.jpg
SR-item-Thieves Guild Armor Male.jpg

The Thieves Guild Armor Set is a set of armor obtained for joining the Thieves Guild and completing the quest Taking Care of Business. Appropriately for an organization focusing on stealth, the set consists entirely of light armor. Every piece of the set requires leather to be improved.

Name (ID) Weight Value Armor Rating Ratio
Weight Value
SR-icon-armor-Thieves Guild Armor.png Thieves Guild Armor
7 665 29 0.010 95
SR-icon-armor-Thieves Guild Boots.png Thieves Guild Boots
1.5 241 9 0.006 160.6...
SR-icon-armor-Thieves Guild Gloves.png Thieves Guild Gloves
1 222 9 0.004 222
SR-icon-armor-Thieves Guild Hood.png Thieves Guild Hood
1.5 551 13 0.002 367.3...
Totals: 11 1679 60 0.006 152.636

The armor set comes with a variety of enchantments already placed on the armor, providing the following benefits:

After the completion of Scoundrel's Folly, you will be given the opportunity to receive an upgraded version of one of the pieces of the set. The upgraded version improves the armor rating, weight, value, and enchantment of whichever piece is chosen except for the gloves (which do not receive a lower weight with its improved version).

The guards of Skyrim will be able to recognize the faction affiliation of this armor on sight, possibly causing them to comment:

  • "I know Thieves Guild armor when I see it. You're not fooling anyone."
  • "Try to hide it all you want. I know you're in the Thieves Guild... and so do the other guards."


Unique Item: Thieves Guild Armor (000d3ac3, 000d3acc)
Type Light Armor
Editor ID ArmorThievesGuildCuirassPlayer
Armor Rating Rating 29/30 (improved)
Armor Rating Rating 29/30 (improved) {{{health}}}
Weight Weight 7/6 (improved) Value Value 665/1299 (improved)
Quality Tempering Leather
Quality Tempering Leather Perk
Carrying capacity increased by 20/35 (improved) points:
Thieves Guild Armor

Thieves Guild Armor serves as the chest piece for the set of armor used by Thieves Guild members. Alongside this armor, this set of equipment also includes boots, gloves, and a hood. The armor has been enchanted to fortify carry weight by twenty points, allowing for more pilfering of valuables. Tempering Thieves Guild Armor requires a piece of leather and the Arcane Blacksmith perk.

For more information, see the Thieves Guild Armor article.

Unique Item: Thieves Guild Boots (000d3ac2, 000d3acb)
Type Light Boots
Editor ID ArmorThievesGuildBootsPlayer
Armor Rating Rating 9/10 (improved)
Armor Rating Rating 9/10 (improved) {{{health}}}
Weight Weight 1.5/1 (improved) Value Value 241/479 (improved)
Quality Tempering Leather
Quality Tempering Leather Perk
Pickpocket success is 15/25% (improved) better:
Thieves Guild Boots

Thieves Guild Boots are the shoes for the set of armor used by Thieves Guild members. Alongside these boots, this set of equipment also includes armor, gloves, and a hood. The boots have been enchanted to fortify pickpocket chances by fifteen percent, making it easier to remove loot from people's own person. Tempering Thieves Guild Boots requires a piece of leather and the Arcane Blacksmith perk.

For more information, see the Thieves Guild Boots article.

Unique Item: Thieves Guild Gloves (000d3ac4, 000d3acd)
Type Light Gauntlets
Editor ID ArmorThievesGuildGauntletsPlayer
Armor Rating Rating 9/10 (improved)
Armor Rating Rating 9/10 (improved) {{{health}}}
Weight Weight 1 Value Value 222/445 (improved)
Quality Tempering Leather
Quality Tempering Leather Perk
Lockpicking is 15/25% (improved) easier:
Thieves Guild Gloves

Thieves Guild Gloves are the gauntlets for the set of armor used by Thieves Guild members. Alongside these gloves, this set of equipment also includes armor, boots, and a hood. The gloves have been enchanted to fortify lockpicking chances by fifteen percent, making it easier to get into things that are otherwise inaccessible. Tempering Thieves Guild Gloves requires a piece of leather and the Arcane Blacksmith perk.

For more information, see the Thieves Guild Gloves article.

Unique Item: Thieves Guild Hood (000d3ac5, 000d3ace)
Type Light Helmet
Editor ID ArmorThievesGuildHelmetPlayer
Armor Rating Rating 13/15 (improved)
Armor Rating Rating 13/15 (improved) {{{health}}}
Weight Weight 1.5/1 (improved) Value Value 551/967 (improved)
Quality Tempering Leather
Quality Tempering Leather Perk
Prices are 10/15% (improved) better:
Thieves Guild Hood

A Thieves Guild Hood serves as the helmet for the set of armor used by Thieves Guild members. Alongside this hood, this set of equipment also includes armor, boots, and gloves. The hood has been enchanted to fortify bartering by ten percent, allowing for better deals when trading with merchants. Tempering a Thieves Guild Hood requires a piece of leather and the Arcane Blacksmith perk.

For more information, see the Thieves Guild Hood article.