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Spell Knight Armor
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Skyrim:Spell Knight Armor (item)

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Three sets of heavy Spell Knight Armor variants are added to the game by the Spell Knight Armor Creation (themed after the Order of the Crypt, a Bretonic knightly order). One set of the iron and steel variants can be obtained through the related quest, and after completion all three sets can be crafted at a forge. While each set are of high quality for their material, no set contains a shield.

Iron Spell Knight Armor[edit]

The iron variant is the weakest of the three in terms of base stats. All pieces have the same weight as regular iron armor. However, the cuirass' armor rating is slightly higher than banded iron armor. The other pieces are more impressive on that regard, tying with steel plate armor. No Smithing perks are needed to craft these, though that means they also do not benefit from any possible temper bonus. All items can be tempered using 1 Iron Ingot.

A male Nord wearing iron Spell Knight armor
Name (ID) Weight Value Armor Rating Raw Materials Delta Ratio
SR-icon-ingot-Iron Ingot.png Iron SR-icon-misc-LeatherStrips.png Strips Weight Value Weight Value
SR-icon-armor-Iron Spell Knight Armor.png Iron Spell Knight Armor
30 275 29 5 3 32.7 231 7.17 6.25
SR-icon-armor-Iron Spell Knight Boots.png Iron Spell Knight Boots
6 55 14 3 2 3.8 28 2.19 2.04
SR-icon-armor-Iron Spell Knight Gauntlets.png Iron Spell Knight Gauntlets
5 55 14 2 2 4.8 35 3.18 2.75
SR-icon-armor-Iron Spell Knight Helmet.png Iron Spell Knight Helmet
5 200 19 3 2 1.8 173 1.56 7.41
Totals: 46 585 76 13 9

Steel Spell Knight Armor[edit]

In second place is the steel variant, that shares its weight with the regular steel armor. The cuirass is on par with improved bonemold armor in terms of armor rating, while the other pieces tie with ebony armor. They require the Steel Smithing perk to craft, as well as getting double the effectiveness when tempering them, requiring a steel ingot for each piece.

A Female Imperial wearing steel Spell Knight armor
Name (ID) Weight Value Armor Rating Raw Materials Delta Ratio
SR-icon-ingot-Steel Ingot.png Steel SR-icon-ingot-Iron Ingot.png Iron SR-icon-misc-LeatherStrips.png Strips Weight Value Weight Value
SR-icon-armor-Steel Spell Knight Armor.png Steel Spell Knight Armor
35 350 35 4 1 3 29.7 254 6.6 3.65
SR-icon-armor-Steel Spell Knight Boots.png Steel Spell Knight Boots
8 75 16 3 1 2 3.8 2 2.19 1.03
SR-icon-armor-Steel Spell Knight Gauntlets.png Steel Spell Knight Gauntlets
4 75 16 2 1 2 0.8 22 1.25 1.42
SR-icon-armor-Steel Spell Knight Helmet.png Steel Spell Knight Helmet
5 250 21 2 1 2 1.8 197 1.56 4.72
Totals: 52 750 88 11 4 9

Ebony Spell Knight Armor[edit]

The ebony variant is the strongest of the three, sharing its weight with the regular ebony armor. The boots, gauntlets and helmet possess the highest base armor rating for their respective slots in the game. They require the Ebony Smithing perk to craft, as well as getting double the effectiveness when tempering them, requiring an ebony ingot for each piece.

A male Nord wearing ebony Spell Knight armor
Name (ID) Weight Value Armor Rating Raw Materials Delta Ratio
SR-icon-ingot-Ebony Ingot.png Ebony SR-icon-misc-LeatherStrips.png Strips Weight Value Weight Value
SR-icon-armor-Ebony Spell Knight Armor.png Ebony Spell Knight Armor
38 2000 47 5 3 32.7 1241 7.17 2.64
SR-icon-armor-Ebony Spell Knight Boots.png Ebony Spell Knight Boots
7 400 20 3 2 3.8 -56 2.19 0.88
SR-icon-armor-Ebony Spell Knight Gauntlets.png Ebony Spell Knight Gauntlets
7 400 20 2 2 4.8 94 3.18 1.31
SR-icon-armor-Ebony Spell Knight Helmet.png Ebony Spell Knight Helmet
10 900 25 3 2 6.8 144 3.13 1.19
Totals: 62 3700 112 13 9


  • There are two versions of enchanted Ebony Spell Knight Armor to be chosen at the end of the Crypt of the Heart questline. It's worth noting that if you refuse to purify the knight's heart, the cuirass you acquire is the only one that reinforces onehanded damage throughout the vanilla gameplay.