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Shivering talk:Rendil Drarara

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I was playing as my Imperial (on the PS3) and I walked into Bliss and all of a sudden, I saw 2 Golden Saints attack Rendil and he ran into the Choosey Begger and they followed and he ran out of the inn and they eventualy killed him. Would he do anything that would cause the guards to attack him? - Sencilia 02:21, 21 September 2009 (UTC)

His Responsibility is 50, so I don't think he did anything himself. I think it's another instance of the AI quirks. Perhaps he responded to the Golden Saints attacking someone else, and was attacked instead. --Timenn-<talk> 14:33, 5 October 2009 (UTC)
Oh, you mean this guy, I just learned about him today, and I think I know what happened. I had a similar occurance, he is a chef and carries around a plate, a knife, and a FORK! Of all the things! I heard fighting noises, saw a golden saint in the fighting position, ran around a bit, and found Big Head over a dead Rendil. Big Head stole the fork, Rendil attacked, and died. In your case, it seems dear Big Head lost the fight, if Big Head was even the reason at all, that is. That is my guess, seems rather plausible, does it not? 04:16, 15 November 2009 (UTC) By Grindzy
It is very very true. Check out Big Head's page for details. Maybe we should put some kind of note on Rendil's page as well? Krusty 16:10, 15 November 2009 (UTC)
But Big Dead was alive when I saw him after Rendil's death. --Sencilia 02:47, 11 January 2010 (UTC)
I'm not entirely sure what you mean, but it is possible that Big Head have tried to steal Rendil's fork, Rendil calls the Golden Saints and helps them fight Big Head. If Rendil accidentally hits one of the Saints in the heat of the battle, they could suddenly turn their attention to him. At least that's a theory. Nevertheless, as I wrote on Big Head's page, it is worth the effort to remove that Fork from Rendil's inventory when you arrive in Bliss the first time. That way, everything should be peaceful and both Rendil and Big Head will stay alive. --Krusty 22:06, 12 January 2010 (UTC)
Playing just now, some sort of hellacious showdown took place apropos of nothing--Big Head, Orinthal, Rendil, 2 Saints, a Dark Whatever, and a beggar are all dead. This is the first time I've played this expansion so I'm going to reset to an earlier save--I've hardly done any quests in Bliss and half the population's dead! (I don't have a username yet, sorry...Claudia) — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 05:02 on 30 April 2010

Out of curiosity....[edit]

Is this the infamous Chef responsible for Leyawiin's "Rat Problem"? Remember Weebam-Na who states: "Have you seen all the rats around here? Its making me crazy! First this guy decides he's gonna make a million, opens a fancy restaurant: Rats in a Cream Sauce, Rat Flambe, Rat Necrom with Bonemeal Gravy, Deep-Fried Rat, Lemon Rat and Wild Rice, Rat Ragu with Powdered Deer Penis! Of course, when the guards found out, they ran his sorry butt out of town, but they left the rats. Rats!"

I ask this because upon your first encounter with Rendil he states: "You haven't truly eaten a decent meal until you've eaten my Strawberry Harrada, Greenmote Lime Surprise, and Spiderling Under Glass!"

Either way, Gross.

Friday, May 13th 2011 6:12 PM pacific. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 02:12 on 14 May 2011

I don't see any connection. Rendil never mentions rats in dialogue. In any case, nothing that needs to be noted on the page. Legoless 01:59, 14 May 2011 (UTC)