Shivering:Shelden's House

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Summary: written by SitDown

House Inventory: written by SitDown

Description: written by SitDown

Residents: written by SitDown

Related Quests: written by SitDown
Shelden's House
(view on map)
Console Location Code(s)
The Fringe
Shelden's House

Shelden's House is a small middle-class house in the northern region of Passwall.

The interior

It is located between The Wastrel's Purse and Nanette Don's House. It is the sole residence of Shelden and consists of only one zone: Shelden's House.



Related Quests[edit]

Shelden's House[edit]

Three samples of amber sit on the top shelf of the bookshelf to the left of door. A small Sheogorath shrine is found to the right, consisting of a bust, six bottles of cheap wine, a head of lettuce and a spool of yarn. On top of the cupboard nearby are a potion of weak Spell Absorption and a Cure Disease alongside two bottles of cheap wine and one of beer. The cupboard contains food and drink. On the other side of the shrine sit four barrels of clutter. Across from the shrine is a bench and two chairs across from the fireplace. The bench has two bottles of beer along with the books Fall of Vitharn and An Elytra's Life Two chests are located in the storage balcony; one contains a few spare coins while the other contains low-level armor and/or weapons. These two chests do not respawn. The area under the storage balcony holds Shelden's double bed and a chest of drawers containing up to 6 pieces of Mania clothing. Two samples of madness ore sit on top of the latter.


  • This house makes a very good early storage area because the five sacks and two chests on the raised platform all never respawn.