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This page lists the generic rumors you may hear in the Shivering Isles. Which version of the rumour you hear can sometimes depend on whether you are speaking to someone from Mania or Dementia. Note that Halion and the Demented version of Atrabhi have their own list of unique rumors not listed here.

For basegame Oblivion rumors, see this page.


  • "Scalons carry diseases. Lots of them."
  • "Don't run into the water to escape a Scalon. They'll follow you."
  • "Have to watch for those Scalons. I hear they carry disease."
  • "If you see a Gnarl, be careful what spells you use on them."
  • "I've heard that Gnarl get stronger when hit by some spells."
  • "Those Shambles are dangerous. Make sure to stand back if you kill one."
  • "Don't bother using a frost spell on a Shambles."
  • "If you see a Shambles dying, stand back. They'll take you with them."
  • "Flesh Atronachs are dangerous. Some are smart enough to heal themselves when they're hurt."
  • "Sometimes, a sharp blade is the best way to kill a Flesh Atronach."
  • "If you have to fight a Flesh Atronach, a good shock spell is the way to go."
  • "The poison of the Elytra can be debilitating."
  • "The Elytra have wondrous poisons that can drain the very life from you."
  • "Watch for the Elytra's stingers; their poison can be deadly. They don't like magic much, though."
  • "The Hunger is one of Lord Sheogorath's favorite pets."
  • "Only the Demented can truly appreciate the Hunger."
  • "Like most lesser Daedra, the Hunger has a weakness to shock spells."
  • "Some say the Grummites are the original inhabitants of the Shivering Isles."
  • "Who do the Grummites worship? Some say Sheogorath, but I'm not sure."
  • "Try not to fight a Grummite in the water. Or in the rain. They seem to like that."
  • "The Baliwog is a dangerous little creature. Some say they grow up to be Scalons."
  • "The Baliwog are known to carry Swamp Fever."
  • "The Baliwog will return to the water to heal."
  • "I've heard that Skinned Hounds don't like fire."
  • "Don't waste your wonderful poisons on Skinned Hounds. They seem to like them."
  • "Best way to kill a Skinned Hound is with a fireball, or a good weapon."
  • "Heretics are misguided worshippers of Arden-Sul."
  • "I hear the Heretics in the lands of Mania summon Hungers to fight by their sides."
  • "If you want to get close to the Heretics, try putting on their robes."
  • "The Zealots in the lands of Dementia believe they worship Arden-Sul. Poor, deluded souls."
  • "Zealots have dedicated themselves to the worship of Arden-Sul."
  • "If you want to sneak up on one of those Zealots, wear one of their robes. Fools them every time."
  • "I understand there's been strange activity near the obelisks around the Isles."
  • "Stay away from the obelisks! Strange things have appeared near them."
  • "The crystal obelisks that dot the Isles have recently started behaving strangely."
  • "Knights of Order have appeared in the Isles. I hear they come from the obelisks."
  • "Knights of Order have come to destroy the Realm!"
  • "Those Hearts of Order you find on the Knights can't be used to unlock special chests."
  • "I understand that the Hearts of Order you find on the Knights can be used to unlock special chests."
  • "Raven-Biter runs the Choosy Beggar. Not a bad place."
  • "You can stay at the Choosy Beggar in Bliss, but I wouldn't."


  • "At Common Treasures you can find enough bits and bobs to last all of time."
  • "Tilse Areleth has quite a collection of things for sale at Common Treasures."
  • "Common Treasures is full of junk. That's all Tilse Areleth collects."
  • "The best armor in the city is at The Missing Pauldron."
  • "I'm not about to go to the Missing Pauldron, even if they do sell armor. I'll stay in Crucible, thank you."
  • "If you're hungry to read a lustful story, find Sontaire at Books of Bliss and check her inventory."
  • "Books of Bliss has quite a selection."
  • "Sontaire may sell a lot of books, but that's not why the men visit her."
  • "Cutter sells weapons in Crucible, but you won't catch me going there."
  • "I'd buy my weapons at Cutter's. She has... a way with blades."
  • "That Museum of Oddities is a joke, although I hear Una Armina will pay for certain items."
  • "You should stop by the Museum of Oddities. I understand Una is always looking for more items to display."
  • "I'd research my own spells before I'd buy them from Earil's Mysteries."
  • "Earil's Mysteries sells a number of unique spells. Doesn't sell any mysteries, though."
  • "Things Found? More like Things Found in the Trash."
  • "You can find some good deals at Things Found. Ahjazda has an interesting collection."
  • "I wouldn't be caught dead at Sickly Bernice's... though I imagine her customers might."
  • "Sickly Bernice's isn't a bad place. Just make sure to wash your hands."
  • "Dumag gro-Bonk at The Missing Pauldron is collecting that Amber you find in the root tunnels."
  • "I hear Cutter collects the Madness Ore to turn into armor."
  • "There are smiths in New Sheoth that collect Amber and Madness Ore."
  • "I've heard ghosts haunt the ruined city of Vitharn."
  • "Stay away from Vitharn. It's said the dead walk there."
  • "Take care venturing into the ruined city of Vitharn."
  • "I understand there's a Knight of the Thorn in Hale."
  • "Pyke, the Knight of the Thorn, lives in Hale."
  • "If you visit Hale, you may see Pyke, a Knight of the Thorn."
  • "The merchants in Crucible are getting tired of Brithaur stealing from them."
  • "Everyone is tired of Brithaur's antics."
  • "I hear that Earil is fed up with Brithaur's antics. He really wants something done about it."
  • "I understand the merchants of Crucible are having problems with Brithaur."
  • "I understand Hirrus Clutumnus is begging for people to kill him."
  • "Someone should put Hirrus Clutumnus out of his misery."
  • "In Crucible, a man named Hirrus Clutumnus has been trying to convince people to kill him."
  • "I've heard there's someone in Highcross trying to catalogue every living thing in the Isles."
  • "Mirili Ulven in Highcross thinks she can catalogue every creature in the Isles."
  • "If you visit Highcross, speak with Mirili Ulven. She needs help with her project."
  • "Cindanwe runs a tight ship in Fellmoor."
  • "The workers in Fellmoor aren't too happy with Cindanwe."
  • "Fellmoor must be a terrible place to live."
  • "Amiable Fanriene thinks his house is going to fall in on him."
  • "That Amiable Fanriene is afraid of his own shadow."
  • "There's a man in Bliss who believes his own house will collapse around him."
  • "Sickly Bernice is convinced she's dying. No wonder no one wants to eat at her Taphouse."
  • "Sickly Bernice is always looking for a miracle cure."
  • "Sickly Bernice in Crucible believes she is dying."
  • "I heard Tove the Unrestful is building something again."
  • "Tove the Unrestful in Bliss is collecting useless items to build something."
  • "Tove the Unrestful in Bliss is collecting items to build something."
  • "Ushnar in Crucible is afraid of cats. Cats!"
  • "Ushnar is deathly afraid of cats. He makes sure to keep dogs around because of it."
  • "There's an orc in Crucible who is deathly afraid of cats."
  • "Ahjazda in Crucible believes the world is ending."
  • "Ahjazda thinks the world is ending tomorrow. She's been saving magic items just in case."
  • "There is a Khajiit in Crucible who believes the world is about to end."
  • "Poor Big Head will never find the Fork of Horripilation."
  • "That fool Big Head is always looking for the Fork of Horripilation."
  • "The Argonian Big Head is always searching for the Fork of Horripilation."
  • "Every resident of Split has a double living in the town."
  • "Every person in Split has been divided into their Manic and Demented halves."
  • "There are two of everything in Split. Even the residents."