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Shadowkey:Clear Earthtear Caverns

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Remove all enemies from the Earthtear Caverns.
Quest Giver: Skelos Undriel at Azra's Crossing
Location(s): Earthtear Caverns
Prerequisite Quest: Rescue Prisoners
Next Quest: Collect Five Star Teeth
Reward: 700 Experience Points, 300 gold
Skelos Undriel is on the run from Jagar Tharn

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Speak to Skelos Undriel.
  2. Find Earthtear Caverns.
  3. Kill absolutely everything there.
  4. Return to Azra's Crossing

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Skelos Undriel[edit]

Having rescued him from Delfran's Hideout you can find Skelos Undriel back in Azra's Crossing waiting outside Trothgar's General Store. If you talk to him he will explain that he is on the run from agents of Jagar Tharn and believes that Earthtear Caverns will be a good hiding place for him. However he needs you to clear the caverns of any enemies inside.

Finding Earthtear Caverns[edit]

Earthtear Caverns can be found by following the road towards Ghast's Pass but leaving it before you reach the pass itself. The place you need to leave the road is the same point you left it to find Delfran's Hideout but this time you need to head East instead of west. Follow the mountains until you reach the cavern entrance.

Killing Everything[edit]

Apart from a couple of side quests here, the main focus of your time in Earthtear is slaughtering everything. In particular, Rats, Spiders and Wormmouths are all to be found in this zone.

The Shadowgate[edit]

To the Northeast you will come across an invisible barrier, which you may need to get past to complete the quest. This is a Shadow Gate and will need to be opened for you to progress. The Shadowkey for this gate is held in a chest in a room over a bridge. The room is occupied by the Diamond Spider Queen, who you need to kill as part of the clearing of the caverns. Beyond the Shadow Gate are two zombies.


After you have killed everything you can return to Skelos Undriel. He will thank you and set up the next quest.

Prev: Rescue Prisoners Up: Shadowkey Main Quest Next: Collect Five Star Teeth