Shadowkey:Broken Wing Cameo
Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Talk to Rene Violet.
- Find her mother's cameo.
- Return it to her.
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
The Missing Jewelry[edit]
Rene Violet stands in a cleft in the mountains to the southwest of Ghast's Pass. She tells you that her mother's cameo is missing some bits of semi-precious stone and that she was scouring the base of the mountains near Broken Wing looking for matching stones. Unfortunately, she was spotted by Spire Thieves and dropped the cameo while fleeing from them. She now needs somebody to find it for her.
A Cameo Appearance[edit]
The cameo can be found at the southern end of the northern mountain spur by the citadel of Broken Wing. It is just a standard loot bag labeled "Rene's Cameo", and can be tricky to spot against the stone of the mountain.
Store Connection[edit]
Return with the cameo to Rene. She will thank you and tell you to mention her name if you ever visit the store in Snowline.
- Completing the Witch Tree 2 quest involves solving this one first.
- Egrien Stout in Stout's Trading Post knows Rene too, and will also lower his prices after this quest is completed.