This page displays screenshots of Redguard released by Bethesda.
In-Game Screenshots[edit]
Cyrus is handed a letter from a Khajiit in a dimly lit tavern
Walking along the harbor on a lovely sunny day
Another shot of Stros M'Kai's harbor
Speaking to an Imperial guard in the city
Looking over the market
Buying books from J'ffer
A view of the Palace in Stros M'Kai
Fighting an Imperial lackey in the hull of Brennan's ship
Somewhere in the Dwarven Ruins
Cyrus flees from a gigantic construct of horror
A strange and colorful scene involving an old elf and a strange contraption
Traversing the obstacles in the Observatory's gear room
3D Renders[edit]
E3 1997 Showcase[edit]
These screenshots are of an early development version of the game.
Harbor – showing a large ship that didn't make it to the final game
Harbor – note that Iszara is not normally seen here
Talking – note that Richton is not normally seen here