Project Tamriel:Skyrim/Mining for Worms

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Clear a mine full of spikeworms.
Quest Giver: Nauk gra-Olad
Location(s): Nauk gra-Olad's House, Karthgad
Reward: 300 gold, Kerlingroff Helmet
Reputation Gain: +1
ID: Sky_qRe_KG1_Journal

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to Nauk gra-Olad in her house in Karthgad.
  2. Travel to Kerlingroff Mine, north of Karthgad.
  3. Kill all the spikeworms. There's about 20 in the Upper Mineworks and 55+ in the Lower Mineworks. You'll get a journal notification when it's done.
  4. Return to Nauk gra-Olad. Talk to Thane Gorvrda to get the helmet.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]


  • Area of Effect spells can take out several worms at once.
  • The sheer number of spikeworms and their low individual danger makes this quest a good place to build weapon skills.

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Mining for Worms (Sky_qRe_KG1_Journal)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Finishes quest☑ Nauk gra-Olad, an Orc commoner living in Karthgad, told me a story of Kerlingroff cave, an iron mine just north of Karthgad. Abandoned for many years now, Nauk is positive the place is still rich in ore; the problem is it's apparently overrun with spikeworms. She asked for my aid in clearing it out.
20 Restarts quest I agreed to kill the spikeworms of Kerlingroff mine.
25 In Kerlingroff mine I met Erond, a Breton miner, who's clearly insane. He offered to help me with killing the spikeworms occupying the mine. I decided to turn down his offer.
30 In Kerlingroff mine I met Erond, a Breton miner, who's clearly insane. He offered to help me with killing the spikeworms occupying the mine. Who am I to turn down an offer that generous?
60 It appears all the spikeworms haunting Kerlingroff mine are finally dead now. I should report that back in Karthgad.
70 Finishes quest☑ I told Nauk about my success in Kerlingroff mine. She was pleased to hear the mine had been cleared of worms. She rewarded me with 300 drakes and informed me the entire town will be grateful for my help.
80 Finishes quest☑ Gorvrda, thane of Karthgad, gave me an enchanted helmet made of Kerlingroff iron. She expressed her gratitude for my actions in clearing the mine.
110 Finishes quest☑ Nauk gra-Olad in Karthgad has been killed.