Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Velius Ivrol

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Velius Ivrol (PC_m2_VeliusIvrol)
Location Salthearth, Ivrol Manor
Race Imperial Gender Male
Level 22 Class Noble
Other Information
Health 165 Magicka 148
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Faction(s) Kingdom of Sutch 6(Intendant)
Velius Ivrol

Velius Ivrol is an Imperial Noble. He is the owner of Oloman Mine and a wealthy salt merchant. He lives at his manor at Salthearth with his wife, Amia and son, Theophon. According to his son, he is rather influential in the Kingdom of Sutch.

"My father is a good man, and an even better businessman. He has quite a bit of sway over the political goings-on in Sutch. Unfortunately, not everyone sees that as a good thing." - Theophon on Velius Ivrol

Velius is not only alert to Sutch matters however. In Mid-Life Crisis, he sees an Orc's desire for an adventure as an opportunity to rid a nearby cave in the Kingdom of Anvil of bandits and get an unofficial garrison stationed there - without the Queen of Anvil's knowledge. Velius can also intervene during Repossess and Return by commanding the return of a painting for which his son has not paid.

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Cyrodiil Fighters Guild[edit]
