Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Keitius Nobius

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Keitius Nobius (PC_m1_KeitiusNobius)
Home Town Marav
Location Nobius Residence
Race Imperial Gender Male
Level 6 Class Commoner
Other Information
Health 74 Magicka 92
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Faction(s) Kingdom of Anvil 5(Reeve)
Keitius Nobius

Keitius Nobius is an Imperial Commoner. While Reeve of Marav, he still farms alongside most of the other village residents and his wife, Aviala Nobius, and has been too busy to search for a lost key in his barn - which he will ask you to retrieve instead.

A peaceable man, Keitius is taken hostage during the events of Unfair Trade by fellow villagers upset at the prices being paid for their goods, and is greatly distressed should violence result.

Starts Quests[edit]


Related Quests[edit]

Kingdom of Anvil[edit]

  • Unfair Trade: The slave-farmed saltrice of Morrowind sparks a protest in sleepy Marav.