Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Dro'Nir

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Dro'Nir (PC_m1_DroNir)
Home Town Marav
Location Dro'Nir's House
Race Ohmes-raht Gender Male
Level 2 Class Farmer
Other Information
Health 47 Magicka 82
Alarm 100 Fight 30

Dro'Nir is an Ohmes-raht Farmer living in Marav. Along with Jada Petralius, he is one of the ringleaders of a protest against the way cheap imports of saltrice have pushed his community into poverty:

"Dro'Nir inherited his land from his mother, who inherited it from her mother, who inherited it from her father. With each generation, Dro'Nir's family lost more of it. And now Dro'Nir is on the verge of having to sell what remains. He has nothing else to lose."

If you choose to meet the protest with violence, Dro'Nir will surrender after the death of Jada. Alternatively, the protestors' demands can be met with a one-off stipend, in which case Dro'Nir will consider the matter settled for the time being.

Related Quests[edit]

Kingdom of Anvil[edit]

  • Unfair Trade: The slave-farmed saltrice of Morrowind sparks a protest in sleepy Marav.