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Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Calmanwe

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Calmanwe (PC_m1_Calmanwe)
Home Town Charach
Location Sunset Hotel: Aquamarine Suite
Race High Elf Gender Female
Level 32 Class Sorcerer
Other Information
Health 193 Magicka 200
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Follower During And Stay Out!
Faction(s) Cyrodiil Mages Guild 6(Warlock)

Calmanwe is a High Elf Sorcerer visiting Charach from the Summerset Isles in order to conduct research with the local Mages Guild chapter. She keeps a suite in the Sunset Hotel, with the entrance watched at all times by her guard, Lytandaro.

The head of the Charach chapter, Ardavan Caralus, considers Calmanwe to be quite influential among the guild members back in the Summerset Isles. It is perhaps this that partially influences him to send Calmanwe a hamper during Welcome Basket. His hopes that Calmanwe will put in a good word for him are also shown when, during your time with her in And Stay Out!, clearing Kingfisher Cave of goblins, he asks you to off-handedly inform her of his good character. If you choose to do so, Calmanwe will take you at your word.

Calmanwe is a skilled conjurer, and proves able to permanently bind an Auroran to Kingfisher Cave after you have cleared it of enemies.

Related Quests[edit]

Cyrodiil Mages Guild[edit]

  • Welcome Basket: Treat a visiting guild member to some local hospitality.
  • And Stay Out!: Deal with some goblin pests and keep them out for good!