Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Atmospheric Dictative

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Location(s): Stirk
Reward: None
ID: PC_q1_Str01_Journal

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]


Muribus Curgusis, found between the Clodius and Alleus Apartments will sell the player Silk for 100 gold. Alternatively, some may be looted on the various locations on the island, mostly the northern parts occupied by pirates. (The 'Laced Moth-Silk' is the required item, not the 'Bolt of Moth-Silk'.

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Quest_ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal Console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Atmospheric Dictative (PC_q1_Str01_Journal)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 I have talked with Dandre Aurilie, an alchemist living in Stirk. He told me that his Atmospheric Dictative, a machine used to maintain his garden of exotic alchemcal plants, has broken down. Without this device, his life's work is at an end.
20 I agreed to help Dandre Aurilie with his Atmospheric Dictative. I need to find the following items: a Dwarven gear, three sheets of quality laced silk, a sharpened lens and a source of arcane power. Aurilie told me that there is an Ayleid ruin nearby where I might find a Welkynd Stone to power the device. Maybe the people around town know where to find the other required parts.
40 Procis Popillious offered to give me a sharpened lens if I went grocery shopping for him. He wants two loaves of Colovian bread, two Trinity fruit, three Durata cobs, and a bucket.
45 I gave Procis Popillious the groceries he required, and he gave me the sharpened lens in return.
60 Finishes quest☑ Dandre Aurilie was pleased with all the parts I collected for him and gave me 1200 gold, plus access to his garden, as a reward for my efforts.
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