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Online talk:Soul Magic

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First Point Free[edit]

Perhaps a mention that, like the Crafting passives, the first point in Soul Trap is free. — Unsigned comment by SamiteAlchemist (talkcontribs) at 19:08 on 14 March 2020 (UTC)

Tutorial or Not?[edit]

This might be something odd about my game, but I started an Orc Dragonknight toon this evening and one of the first things I noticed after skipping the tutorial and being dropped in Blackwood was that the Soul Magic skill line and the Soul Trap ability were unlocked from the get-go. With my other toons (who did the tutorial), I had to complete Soul Shriven in Coldharbour to unlock those. I don't recall seeing anything about this in patch notes, but can anyone else confirm this? Marstinson (talk) 02:48, 7 August 2021 (UTC)

Started a Redguard Templar, skipped the tutorial, and checked skills as soon as they were in-world. Soul Magic and Soul Trap were both unlocked with Soul Trap available for slotting. Based on that, I'm going to correct the intro to reflect that the skill and ability are available immediately if the tutorial is skippped. Marstinson (talk) 18:54, 8 August 2021 (UTC)
I can confirm that the new Standard Tutorial unlocks Soul Magic if skipped. It also opens Soul Magic as soon as you turn in the Tutorial Quest at the end of the Tutorial with Norianwe final dialogue. Sp00idz (talk) 21:30:49, 15 Feb 2022 (UTC)