Online:Zone Guide/The Rift

Skyrim's southernmost hold has a relatively temperate climate, thanks to northern mountains that block the frigid gales of the Sea of Ghosts, and warming volcanoes in the Velothi Mountains to the east. Its capital is Riften, on the shores of broad Lake Honrich.
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Zone Story Quests[edit]
Zone Story Quests are the main story arc for the zone. Completing these quests can award you with skill points, experience, gold, and gear.
Beneath the Stone: Rout the Boneshaper Reachmen from the Shor's Stone mine.
Unearthed: Discover an ancient enemy buried in Shor's Stone Mine.
Storming the Hall: Help retake an ancient site from the Rageclaw Clan.
To Vernim Woods: Assist the Pact at Vernim Woods.
Dangerous Union: Discover why the Worm Cultists are working with the Reachmen.
Gift of the Worm: Assist Belron's research of the Worm Cultists.
Through the Shroud: End the threat of the Reachmen at Vernim Woods.
To Nimalten: Warn the Ragged Hills of impending danger.
Concealed Weapons: Help investigate an assault on a thane by their housecarl.
Pinepeak Caverns: Investigate a report of a Worm Cult ambush at the Cavern.
Tomb Beneath the Mountain: Release the Companion spirit from the Worm Cult's control.
The Shackled Guardian: Prevent the Worm Cult from binding a Companion's spirit at a dragon burial mound.
Shattered Hopes: Turn the tide in the Pact's war against the Worm Cult.
A Giant in Smokefrost Peaks: Track the giant Sinmur into Smokefrost Peaks.
In His Wake: Help Riften recover from the giant attack.
Pulled Under: Investigate rumors of a suspicious disappearance.
Securing the Pass: Clear the way for the Pact's army.
Stomping Sinmur: Use the fragments of Wuuthrad to banish Sinmur's spirit.
Wayshrines allow free, instantaneous travel between wayshrines that have been discovered and unlocked. You can also travel directly to any unlocked wayshrine from anywhere in the world for a small amount of gold.
Fallowstone Hall Wayshrine — Located south of Fallowstone Hall. (map)
Fullhelm Fort Wayshrine — Located west-northwest of Fullhelm Fort. (map)
Geirmund's Hall Wayshrine — Located north-northwest of Geirmund's Hall. (map)
Honrich Tower Wayshrine — Located southeast of Honrich Tower. (map)
Nimalten Wayshrine — Located in western Nimalten. (map)
Northwind Mine Wayshrine — Located south of Northwind Mine. (map)
Ragged Hills Wayshrine — Located southeast of Nimalten in the southern Rift. (map)
Riften Wayshrine — Located in eastern Riften. (map)
Skald's Retreat Wayshrine — Located east of Skald's Retreat. (map)
Taarengrav Wayshrine — Located northeast of Taarengrav. (map)
Trolhetta Summit Wayshrine — Located at the peak of Trolhetta. (map)
Trolhetta Wayshrine — Located north of Trolhetta. (map)
Cave Delver[edit]
Delves are solo-able dungeons found throughout the world. Delves will always contain a single skyshard and a boss who drops item set gear.
Avanchnzel — A Dwemer ruin in the southern Rift, south of Honrich Tower, containing dwarven automatons. (map)
Broken Helm Hollow — A small cave in the southeastern Rift, east of Forelhost containing wildlife. (map)
Faldar's Tooth — A ruined fort in the central Rift, east of Honrich Tower containing Darkling cultists. (map)
Fort Greenwall — A fort in the eastern Rift, north of Riften containing bandits. (map)
Shroud Hearth Barrow — An ancient Nordic tomb in the western Rift, just northeast of Ivarstead, containing draugr. (map)
Snapleg Cave — A cave in the northern Rift, far north-northeast of Nimalten containing bandits. (map)
Points of Interest[edit]
Points of Interest are self-contained stories that explore the lore, characters, and locations within a zone. These can award you with experience, gold, and gear.
Boulderfall Pass — A fort in the northern Rift, southwest of the Eastmarch gate. (map)
Fallowstone Hall — A fort in the northern Rift, west of the Eastmarch gate. (map)
Forelhost — An ancient Nordic mountain ruin in the eastern Rift, southeast of Riften. (map)
Frostmoon Farmstead — A farm in the eastern Rift, south of Riften. (map)
Fullhelm Fort — A fort in the southeastern Rift, in front of the Stonefalls gate. (map)
Geirmund's Hall — An estate in the western Rift, northwest of Nimalten. (map)
Honrich Tower — A ruined lakeside tower in the central Rift, southeast of Nimalten. (map)
Ivarstead — A small town in the western Rift. (map)
Lost Prospect — A mine in the eastern Rift. (map)
Nimalten — A town in the western Rift. (map)
Northwind Mine — A mine in the northern Rift. (map)
Pinepeak Cavern — A cave in the far northwest of the Rift. (map)
Riften — A city in the eastern Rift. (map)
Shor's Stone — A mining town in the eastern Rift, just southwest of Eastmarch. (map)
Skald's Retreat — An estate in the central Rift, on the islands west of Riften. (map)
Taarengrav — An ancient Nordic ruin in the western Rift, west of Nimalten. (map)
Treva's Farm — A farm in the western Rift, east of Nimalten. (map)
Trolhetta — A mountain in the southeastern Rift, south of Forelhost. (map)
Vernim Woods — A forest located in the northern Rift. (map)
Striking Locales are places of interest within the world. Discovering all of the Striking Locales in a zone will award that zone's Pathfinder achievement.
Autumnshade Clearing — Located across the lake northeast of Honrich Tower in the center of the Rift. (map)
Grethel's Vigil — A bandit camp found west of Nimalten in the western Rift. (map)
Honeystrand Hill — A giant camp located south of Ivarstead in the western Rift. (map)
Jenedusil's Claw — A bandit camp located south of Riften in the southeastern Rift. (map)
Linele Skullcarver's Camp — Located just south of the Eastmarch gate in the northeastern Rift. (map)
Mammoth Ridge — A giant camp located east of Nimalten in the central Rift. (map)
Three Tribes Camp — A Reachmen camp located southwest of Boulderfall Pass in the central Rift. (map)
Set Stations[edit]
Set Stations are locations in the world where you can craft items with specific item set bonuses.
Eldbjorg's Hideaway — A cave in the western Rift, northeast of Nimalten. (map)
Smokefrost Vigil — An ancient Nordic ruin in the southeastern Rift, south-southwest of Forelhost. (map)
Trollslayer's Gully — A cave in the southern Rift, southeast of Honrich Tower. (map)
Mundus Stones[edit]
Mundus Stones are objects in the world that grant a boon in the form of a temporary player buff. This buff will persist until replaced with a different Mundus Stone boon.
The Apprentice — A Mundus Stone found in Reaper's March, Bangkorai, the Rift, and Cyrodiil. (map)
The Steed — A Mundus Stone found in Reaper's March, Bangkorai, the Rift, and Cyrodiil. (map)
Public Dungeons[edit]
Public Dungeons are open world dungeons found throughout Tamriel and beyond. These are designed for four player groups. Completing different parts of Public Dungeons can award you with a skill point, experience, gold, and gear.
The Lion's Den — An isolated valley in the far west of the Rift. (map)
World Events[edit]
World Events such as Dark Anchors are activities that occur in the world that are best tackled by a group of adventurers. Completing a World Event can award you experience, gold, and higher tier gear.
Ragged Hills Dolmen — A Dark Anchor spawn point northeast of Ivarstead in the northwestern Rift. (map)
Smokefrost Peaks Dolmen — A Dark Anchor spawn point southwest of Riften in the southern Rift. (map)
Stony Basin Dolmen — A Dark Anchor spawn point southeast of Shor's Stone in the northeastern Rift. (map)
World Bosses[edit]
World Bosses are difficult enemies meant to be tackled by a group of adventurers. Defeating a world boss can award you higher tier gear.
Abandoned Camp — A hollow dragon mound in the Rift. (map)
Frozen Ruins — An ancient Nordic ruin in the Rift, southwest of Nimalten. (map)
Giant Camp — A camp in the Rift. (map)
Hunter Camp — A camp in the northern Rift, west of Shor's Stone. (map)
Troll Cave — A cave in the Rift. (map)
Wisplight Glen — An abandoned settlement in the Rift. (map)
Skyshard Hunter[edit]
Skyshards are scattered throughout the world and can be identified by the bright beam of white light they emanate. Discovering three Skyshards will grant you a skill point, which can be used to unlock or morph new abilities.
Clue | Location | Notes | |
Braced against wind near the mine. | Beside exit to Northwind Mine | (map) | |
Be Shor to search all over the stone. | Beside Fallowstone Hall | (map) | |
Nearly discovered by a mauled stablehand. | North of Treva's Farm, west of Mammoth Ridge | (map) | |
Cultists' prize near Ragged Hills. | West of Angarvunde Mound | (map) | |
Scour the crags near Avanchnzel. | Just northwest of Avanchnzel with Bears | (map) | |
South where worms swarm the barrow. | South Taarengrav, behind rocks in a crate. | (map) | |
A prospect found. | Left of Lost Prospect Sanctum | (map) | |
Walk above the clouds. | Atop Forelhost, there is a stone gate uphill with two torches on each side, skyshard is beside it, | (map) | It's advised to at least start the quest, A Walk Above the Clouds to gain access to the dungeon that leads to the highest point on the mountain. You'll need to keep the bonfires lit to keep from freezing to death when you go for this one. It is possible to get to the shard without starting the quest, but it requires some difficult footwork to climb the cliffs, all the more challenging due to the freezing cold. |
Stay alert between Riften and Greenwall. | On the road from Riften to Fort Greenwall, closer to the city, in the rocks across the road from a building on right. | (map) | |
Clank of gears and hiss of steam. | Avanchnzel left after entering | (map) | |
Guarded by bears in the hollow. | Broken Helm Hollow, Large room, far right after entering. | (map) | |
Deep in the roots of the tooth. | Faldar's Tooth, small room turn right after entering. | (map) | |
Where green grows in the fort's wall. | Fort Greenwall, in the middle room with the hole in the floor | (map) | |
Take a shrouded approach. | Shroud Hearth Barrow, in the middle room, on the right side. | (map) | |
Tread carefully; don't break a leg. | Snapleg Cave, room far right outside | (map) | |
Protected by wraiths in a beast's den. | Lion's Den, go through almost to the last camp, right before that camp go Northwest to skyshard in rocks with ice wraiths. Just to the north of the southernmost entrance to Giant's Crush | (map) |
Shalidor's Library Books[edit]
Shalidor's Library Books are scattered throughout the world. These books are identified by their distinctive purple glow. Discovering these books will improve your Mages Guild rank and advance the associated skill line.
The Rift Lore[edit]
- Clans of the Reach: A Guide by Ehcelmo — A cautionary guide to three Reachmen clans
- Rivers of Profit in Riften by Eyes-With-Intent — A Thieves Guild report on potential business opportunities in city of Riften
- The Road to Sovngarde — An overview of the Nordic afterlife
- Songs of the Return, Volume 5 — Part of the traditional legend of Ysgramor and his Five Hundred Companions
- Songs of the Return, Volume 27 — Part of the traditional legend of Ysgramor and his Five Hundred Companions
- Songs of the Return, Volume 49 — Part of the traditional legend of Ysgramor and his Five Hundred Companions
- Thenephan's Mysteries of Mead by Daria Thenephan — On the intricacies of creating and consuming Nord mead
- Touch of the Worm's Tongue — Record of an experiment
- Unexpected Allies — Commentary on the Ebonheart Pact by a Nord soldier
- The Wandering Skald — A song on being a skald
Dungeon Lore[edit]
- Josef the Intolerant by Ilitha — The tale of a prejudiced gladiator
- Ancient Scrolls of the Dwemer IV by Marobar Sul — Book 4 of a series of fictional stories about the Dwemer
- Dwemer Inquiries Volume I by Thelwe Ghelein, Scholar — Part of a series of scholarly essays on the elusive Dwemer
- Dwemer Inquiries Volume II by Thelwe Ghelein, Scholar — Part of a series of scholarly essays on the elusive Dwemer
- Dwemer Inquiries Volume III by Thelwe Ghelein, Scholar — Part of a series of scholarly essays on the elusive Dwemer
- 16 Accords of Madness, Vol. VI — Hircine's Tale
- Crow and Raven: Three Short Fables — A series of morals
- Myths of Sheogorath, Volume 1 by Mymophonus — Magical myths about the Madgod himself
- Myths of Sheogorath, Volume 2 by Mymophonus — Magical myths about the Madgod himself
- The Homilies of Blessed Almalexia by Almalexia — A series of children's fables, each with its own moral
- The Legendary Scourge — A short story and poem about Scourge, the mace of Malacath
- The Lusty Argonian Maid, Volume 1 — A fragment of a bawdy play
- The Lusty Argonian Maid, Volume 2 — A fragment of a bawdy play
- The Red Book of Riddles — Small collection of riddles
- Wabbajack — Story of one man's summoning of Sheogorath and descent into madness
Poetry and Song[edit]
- Proper-Life: Three Chants — Marching songs of the Alessian Order
- Song of the Askelde Men — A traditional Nordic poem about a ghost stalking those that killed him
- The Warrior's Charge — An old poem of the Redguards that deals with the constellations
- Words of the Wind — A volume of verse collected from Ashlander wise women