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Location The Chill Hollow, Near Do'Krin Monastery, Drowned Coast Dolmen, Near Fisherman's Rest, Northeast of Gavaudon Dolmen, Near Lakewatch Tower, Pelin Graveyard, Near Serenity Falls Estate, Silaseli Ruins, Sunken Road, Near Twin Falls Rest
Ebon Stadmont, Saltbreeze Cave, At and South of The Steed (Mundus Stone) in Reaper's March, Southeast of the Sunhold Wayshrine, The Vaults of HeinarweSummerset
Dark Moon Grotto, Dusktown Cavern, Lightless Hollow, The Lightless Hollow, Midnight BarrowGreymoor
Near and inside Nighthollow KeepMarkarth
East of Borderwatch, North of Gideon, South of Vunalk, Northeast/Northwest of Veyond, South of Withered Root, East of Xeemhok's Lagoon, Near and inside Zenithar's AbbeyBlackwood
Ghost Haven Bay Caverns, Lake west of Mornard Falls, Spire of the Crimson CoinHigh Isle
West WealdGold Road
Species Wispmother
Health 103,494 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 1.png
Reaction Hostile

Wispmothers are ghostlike, feminine creatures that are usually accompanied by wisps. They are predominantly found in cold areas, but can also be found along some waterways throughout Tamriel.

Related Quests[edit]

Skills and Abilities[edit]

As an elite creature, Wispmothers are immune to all crowd control effects.

Rain of Wisps
The wispmother summons a volley of wisps that crash into the ground all around its position, indicated by numerous red circles, dealing moderate magical damage each.
Wisp Rune
The wispmother conjures a wisp at its target's location, indicated by a red circle, which then bursts, dealing high magical damage.
When below 50% health, the wispmother summons two weaker clones of itself with the same amount of health as well as having identical appearance and attacks. They disappear when the wispmother is defeated.
Summon Wisps
All throughout the fight, wisps passively appear near the wispmother to attack its target.

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Broken Apart[edit]

The wispmother disguised as Alanya can be found in the cave south of Deep Graves in Shadowfen. Depending on choices you made in the related quest, she may say the following as you enter the cave:

Wispmother: "My love! Protect me!"

Regardless, when you attack, she'll exclaim:

Wispmother: "You've ruined our life together!"


In the March of Sacrifices, wispmothers have dialogue that lacks subtitles. When you enter combat with a wispmother, they'll say one of the following:

"Are you here to hunt me too?"
"I want to leave this cursed realm! Please, please!"

Unique Wispmothers[edit]


Generic Wispmothers[edit]

Generic, unnamed wispmothers can be encountered in various places across Tamriel, including delves, dungeons, and DLC content. These wispmothers have varying stats, namely health. Below is a list of wispmothers, categorized by location, difficulty and health.

Zone / Dungeon Specific Location Difficulty Health
Cyrodiil Northern Cyrodiil ON-misc-Boss 1.png 140,824
Craglorn Chiselshriek Mine ON-misc-Boss 1.png 205,248
Skyreach Catacombs Copies summoned by Saradin the Lost Love 467,554
March of Sacrifices The Wispwood ON-misc-Boss 1.png Normal117,879Veteran(?)


  • During the quest Broken Apart, a wispmother is able to disguise herself as the Altmer, Alanya, and manifest an entire alternate reality in the shape of Valrendil and Alanya's home.
  • The wispmothers found in the March of Sacrifices are considerably larger than those found elsewhere.