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Location Outside of her house
Race High Elf Gender Female
Health 133,844
15,000 (At the end of the quest)
Reaction Friendly

Vinafwe is a High Elf horticulturalist whose garden located west of Alaxon'ald has been vandalized.

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As you approach, you'll hear her cry out:

Vinafwe: "What kind of monster arranges acacias and begonias in the same beds?!"

When you speak to her, she'll tell you her woes:

"If you've come to bask in the splendor of my latest outdoor arrangement, you're too late. They're ruined. Cast into unsightly disarray by a barbaric vandal.
Just go home and spare yourself the disappointment."
What exactly has been vandalized?
"My garden—my art—has been violated. Desecrated by some vulgar Wood Elf who thinks being raised in the wild gives him the right to pervert my designs.
Now he's threatening my life. Can you believe it?"
He wants to harm you over a garden?
"Not just a garden, the very art of gardening! Eslion is waging a war on Altmer horticulture. I represent everything he despises, so he's targeting my work. He's gone too far this time, planting stranglers to ward me away.
They could kill someone."
I could deal with the stranglers for you.

Offer to help and she'll give you more information:

"Stranglers are a stubborn breed. Hacking them up would only be a temporary solution. What I need is proof that that Wood Elf is responsible, so he can't do any more damage.
Perhaps Eslion left something at my gardens that could be incriminating?"
How do you know this Wood Elf, Eslion, is responsible?
"Weeks ago, Eslion came here to convince me that wilderness should be allowed to grow unchecked and untamed, as in Greenshade. Obviously, I found his argument lacking. It wasn't long after that the tampering began."
Have you spoken to the authorities?
"Of course, but they are little help. Can't spare time for criminal mischief. It seems sullying our pristine lands doesn't count among the worst things all these nebarra are up to.
It's obvious who the culprit is, but I lack proof, so he runs free."
What sort of proof am I looking for?
"The Wood Elf's tampering is sloppy. Careless—maybe even thoughtless. I'm sure he's left traces of his work: a discarded trowl [sic], foreign seeds, his own dung, or whatever a Wood Elf uses to fertilize soil. It'd be trivial if not for the stranglers."
Why would the vandal target you specifically?
"I am the foremost authority of the Altmer botanical arts. My vision has literally shaped the lay of the land from Alinor to Sunhold and my best arrangements grace the Royal Palace. If you take issue with our methods, you take issue with me."
Do people often take issue with your methods?
"Occasionally. There are always up and comers looking to stir up controversy or make their mark, but no one who desired any respect in the field would stoop to sabotage or assault."
What was the issue Eslion had with your work again?
"He called our wilderness sterile and artificial. Nature is unruly and chaotic, but he's rather missing the point. Orderly cultivated gardens are a refinement of the raw. A plant lacks the intelligence to reach its true potential, it must be guided."
Why do you think the strangler infestation and the vandalism are related?
"Those monstrosities aren't native to any isle of Summerset and they couldn't have crossed the seas naturally. Even if they could, the stranglers would be more widespread.
They were brought here and planted deliberately among my arrangements."

Speaking to her after Eslion is arrested, she'll say:

"I never expected Eslion to show his face willingly around here again. Your search must have spooked him out of hiding.
He came here with his head bowed, hoping I'd overlook his transgressions. He can take his pleas to the court."

If you speak to her after you choose to let Eslion go free, she'll indignantly say:

"You know he is guilty of these crimes, and yet you intend to speak on his behalf? You arrivers really are a blight on our society.
Go on, I have nothing else to say to you."
Inform Justiciar Oradel of you decision and you'll hear the following:
Justiciar Oradel: "Free the prisoner."
Eslion: "Sorry! Really, truly sorry, I am! Won't happen again, officer."
Vinafwe: "You aren't seriously taking his side in this?"
Afterwards she'll say:
"A slap on the wrist. It'll take months, if not years, to restore my work to its original condition.
You've done me and Summerset a great disservice today."

If you speak to her after you choose to send him to jail, she'll cheerfully say:

"Once Eslion is gone, I'll finally be able to begin the long process of restoring the beauty of these lands."
Inform Justiciar Oradel of your decision and you'll witness the following:
Justiciar Oradel: "Eslion of Valenwood, you are under arrest for crimes against nature. You will be jailed until the court determines your punishment. Move along."
Eslion: "Crimes against nature! Insult to injury if ever there was!"
Vinafwe: "I cannot be rid of this weevil soon enough."
Justiciar Oradel and Bailiff Lisagnor will lead Eslion off and disappear up the road.
Speaking to her afterwards, she'll say.
"Finally this ordeal is over. I'm just glad to be rid of Eslion. Fixing all the damage he caused will leave me little time to dwell on the outcome of his trial, but I hope they plant him where the sun doesn't shine."