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Walkthrough: not written
Quest Stages: written by Majestriks, not checked
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Fennorian, a vampire of House Ravenwatch, asked me to help investigate a suspicious auction for a wine called Vesper Valente hosted by Gallio Valente at the Valente Vineyards and Winery.
Quick Walkthrough[edit]
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
- Fennorian will report you for any crime you commit while he is following you. ?
- Fennorian sometimes will not appear after you kill Lord Gallio and get to the designated spot. ?
- log out/log in again should fix this.
Quest Stages[edit]
Vesper Valente |
Finishes Quest |
Journal Entry |
Fennorian wants to start our investigation on the grounds of the estate. I should help him search the vineyard.
Objective: Investigate the Grounds: 0/3
After talking to an injured field hand, checking out the vineyard's new grapes, and examining a dead death hound, Fennorian wants to talk about what we may have learned.
Objective: Talk to Fennorian
Fennorian wants to investigate the auction next. We're posing as an invited vampire and his guest, using the invitation that Fennorian took from another vampire.
Objective: Go to the Auction
Hidden Objective: Attend the Auction
Fennorian and I made it inside. I should speak to Fennorian before we investigate further.
Objective: Talk to Fennorian
Fennorian suggested we split up and mingle with the guests at the pre-auction party. I should question the guests without arousing too much suspicion.
Objective: Talk to Party Attendees: 0/4
I talked to several guests at the event. One of them knows Fennorian. I need to let him know before the auction starts.
Objective: Talk to Fennorian
Fennorian advised me to enter the manor and search Lord Gallio Valente's office while he has a discussion with Lady Ursilia Valente.
Objective: Enter the Manor
Now that I'm inside the manor, I need to find Lord Gallio Valente's office to search for clues regarding the purpose of the wine he's put up for auction.
Objective: Find Gallio's Office
I found Lord Gallio Valente's office. I should search around for evidence concerning the true purpose of this auction.
Objective: Investigate Lord Gallio Valente's Office: 0/3
Lady Ursilia Valente caught me searching her husband's office. I should tell her what Lord Valente is really planning.
Objective: Talk to Lady Ursilia Valente
Fennorian found me in Lord Valente's office. I should talk to him and tell him what I uncovered.
Objective: Talk to Fennorian
Fennorian wants to head downstairs to find the alchemical laboratory in the winery. He wants to make sure this is the last batch of Vesper Valente.
Objective: Enter the Winery
I need to search the winery and locate Lord Gallio Valente's alchemical laboratory.
Objective: Search the Winery
Fennorian and I discovered some of the servants used in Lord Gallio Valente's experiments. I should speak to Fennorian about what we can do for them.
Objective: Talk to Fennorian
Fennorian believes he can brew a counteragent to reverse the effects of Lord Gallio's experiments. I need to find waxflower petals, Imperial oak tannins, and grape pulp for him in the winery.
Objective: Gathering the Ingredients: 0/3
I found the ingredients Fennorian asked for. I should return to him so he can craft the alchemical counteragent to save the captives we found.
Objective: Return to Fennorian
Hidden Objective: Talk to Fennorian
The counteragent is currently distilling. I need to wait for Fennorian to finish preparing it for use on the victims of Lord Gallio Valente.
Objective: Wait as the Counteragent Distills
Fennorian made a counteragent to help the victims of Lord Gallio Valente's experiments. I should pick it up and pour it on them.
Objective: Take the Counteragent
Objective: Administer the Counteragent: 0/3
Fennorian's alchemical counteragent worked. I should speak to one of the victims to learn more about what happened to them.
Objective: Talk to Trenton Calus
The alchemical laboratory should be in the caverns through the doors to the south of where we helped the caged victims. I should head in and find the laboratory.
Objective: Enter the Caverns
I should search for Lord Gallio Valente's alchemical laboratory.
Objective: Find Lord Gallio Valente's Laboratory
We found Lord Gallio Valente's laboratory. I should speak to Fennorian about our next steps.
Objective: Talk to Fennorian
To destroy the laboratory, Fennorian suggests I turn the flame valves under the fermentation vats all the way up. That will increase the pressure and cause them to explode.
Objective: Destroy Laboratory Vats: 0/3
To completely destroy Lord Gallio Valente's ability to make more Vesper Valente, we need to set fire to the mushroom planters and burn the mushrooms to cinders.
Objective: Burn the Mushroom Planters: 0/2
Fennorian and I destroyed Lord Gallio Valente's laboratory and the mushroom crop responsible for cultivating the grapes used to create Vesper Valente wine. We should leave the winery and meet outside.
Objective: Leave the Winery
Finishes quest |
I should talk to Fennorian and make sure we accomplished everything we set out to do at the Valente Vineyards and Winery.
Objective: Talk to Fennorian
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) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.