Valeric | |||
Home Settlement | Wittestadr | ||
House | Valeric's Manor | ||
Race | Nord | Gender | Male |
Reaction | Friendly | ||
Other Information | |||
Condition | Vampire |
Valeric is a Nord vampire found near the settlement of Wittestadr. If you enter his manor prior to starting the quest, he'll be on the second floor and warn you about being there and the creatures outside. If you already started the quest, you'll first encounter him conversing with the Argonian, Imhey.
If you side with Valeric and are able to Persuade Rala, she will grant you Rala's Blessing (reduces damage taken by 5% for 30 minutes) when speaking to her at the conclusion of The Better of Two Evils.
He and his father, Majorn the Ancient, are vampires of the Volkihar bloodline.
Related Quests[edit]
A Right to Live: Make a cure for vampirism for a young Argonian.
The Better of Two Evils: Choose to aid either Valeric's coven or Majorn's bloodfiends.
Lifeline: Search the Frostwater Tundra for the components for the Ternions' ritual.
Quest-Related Events[edit]
A Right to Live[edit]
If you speak to him before accepting the quest, while he's in his manor, he'll only say:
- "You've stumbled into the wrong place, stranger.
It's not safe here. I'd recommend leaving as soon as you can. And be careful outside."
After learning about Imhey's last known location from Sena Aralor, you'll head to the location to see her and Valeric surrounded by dead bloodfiends. Valeric urges Imhey to come with him before her vampiric infection gets worse:
- Imhey: "Stay away from me, you monster!"
- Valeric: "Damn it, woman! You need to come with me now! The sun hurts me more than you know. We need to get inside!"
He will tell you that Imhey has been infected by a bloodfiend and is at risk of turning into a vampire if she doesn't get proper treatment. He requests you find bloodfiend dust as part of the treatment process to try to reverse her vampirism:
- "Scales here is about to have a really bad day if she doesn't come with me right now.
That bite … it's spreading faster than she realizes." - What do you mean, spreading?
- "These creatures are the twisted offspring of a vampire and their bite is just as dangerous.
Once bitten, the curse seeps into your body. It gets into your blood until the fever takes you. Then the craving comes over you—the craving for blood." - Can the curse be cured?
- "There may be a way. I need to get her back to my manor, though. If she stays out here too long, the sun will find her. Then she'll experience a pain like she has never felt before.
Right now, she just needs to shut up and listen to me." - Why is she so afraid of you?
- "I'm just like the creatures that attacked her, except my mind is my own and I'm a little more sensitive to sunlight.
Now before you do something we'll both regret, hear me out. If I'm going to save Scales, I'm going to need your help." - I'm listening.
- "I need bloodfiend dust. You can get it from the creatures that bit her. Then maybe we can reverse the effects and save Scales here.
I'll keep her safe in the meantime. If you can get that dust, bring it to my manor." - You're infected with vampirism?
- "The cursed blood of my family does indeed run through my veins.
I'm not ashamed of it. What I'm ashamed of is what my people do with this power." - I need your help then.
- "I believe that I can trust you. If you help me with something, I'll do whatever you ask as long as it doesn't involve hurting anyone."
After finishing speaking to him, he'll turn to Imhey again and approach her to teleport her back to his manor:
- Valeric: "Time to go, Scales. We need to make sure you don't turn into one of these creatures."
- Imhey: "What are you doing? No! Don't let him take me!"
After collecting the bloodfiend dust, you'll find him back at his manor on the upper floor. He will mention putting Imhey in a cage after she tried to escape. He'll try to ease your concerns about Imhey's treatment, which you have to decide whether Imhey should leave the manor or remain in the manor to be under watch to make sure she doesn't fully transform into a bloodfiend:
- "Scales tried to escape, so we locked her up. Nothing to worry about. Just want to make sure everyone stays safe.
It won't be long before she gets that crazed look in her eyes, though." - Do you really need to lock her up?
- "You saw those things out there. They're mindless monsters—as ugly as they are evil and only interested in killing and feasting.
Do you really want Scales out there attacking people? No? That's why I put her in a cage." - Will the dust cure her?
- "There's a chance, but it's just that. A chance.
There's no guarantee she'll survive the process. I've seen it kill as often as it cures. It's a risk, but the alternative is far, far worse." - [Intimidate] If you're lying to me, I'll hunt you and your clan down
- "I swear by the blood of my clan and my clanmates, I only want to help her. She's safe here. I'll protect her for as long as she remains with us. And if the cure fails, I'll teach her to control her urges."
- No. She seems fine. I can't risk her life
- "Very well. If it guarantees your assistance, I'll set her free. But what happens after that is on your head."
- You'll let her go? Just like that?
- "You don't trust me. I understand that and I don't blame you. A vampire helping strangers at an isolated manor house. What's not suspicious about that?
Like I said, I need your help. And you may not know it yet, but you need mine."
- All right. Try to cure her
- "You made the right decision. I promise I'll do everything in my power to help her. We'll watch over her. If she doesn't improve, we'll make sure she doesn't succumb to the bloodlust."
- Don't make me regret my decision.
- "Believe me, you won't regret this.
Poor Scales burns with the blood fever. She'll be trying to eat every face she sees soon enough. Who would wish that fate upon her? Well, I suppose my father would, but you'll learn more about him shortly."
If you choose to let Emhey stay at the manor and exit the conversation before turning in the quest, he will alternatively say:
- "We'll watch over Scales while the cure does its work."
- Don't make me regret my decision. (Leads to quest completion dialogue)
If you choose to let Emhey free and you exit the conversation before turning in the quest, he will alternatively say:
- "I will set Scales free as soon as she calms down. I don't want her to pose a threat to herself or my people."
- You'll let her go? Just like that? (Leads to quest completion dialogue)
The Better of Two Evils[edit]
If you freed Imhey, he'll say:
- "Rala will release Scales when the sun sets. We'll give her the potion and hope for the best.
Now to more important matters. We must discuss my father's creations."
Otherwise he'll say:
- "I promise we'll look after Scales. We'll make sure that she's safe and that she doesn't hurt anyone.
Now I need your help. You saw for yourself. Vampire abominations prowl the springs. Those are my father's toys—sick creations of his evil mind."
Either way how you dealt with Imhey, Valeric needs your help in stopping his father from unleashing his bloodfiends in the region:
- What's your father trying to accomplish?
- "We've all been infected. Cursed. Plagued. Call it what you will. We're vampires. But we don't have to succumb to the curse's savage nature.
My father thinks otherwise." - How so?
- "He believes we should embrace the bloodlust, the power. Taking those who can't oppose us and making them our own.
As civil war rages through Eastmarch, he feels the time is right to strike. He wants to grow an army of undead before anyone notices." - And you want to stop him?
You can ask further questions about stopping his father's attacks on the Winterland hunters:
- "My father must be stopped at all costs. He's already targeted the Winterland hunters. He's about to turn them into his puppets.
Jaruk downstairs can tell you how to save them. That's our first step." - And what do we do after that?/How do we deal with your father?
- "We turn my father into dust and end his tyranny once and for all.
The hunters are merely a distraction. If we deny him their blood, he'll grow curious, perhaps even vulnerable. He'll want to know who interfered with his plans."
- "We turn my father into dust and end his tyranny once and for all.
- Why can't you help the hunters like you helped Imhey/Why can't you save the hunters like you did Imhey?
- "This world is a deadly place when the sun glows bright in the sky. It's just too dangerous outside.
Even the wounds I recently suffered require time and a great deal of blood to overcome. Imagine the cost of trying to deal with all those hunters." - Then why haven't you approached the hunters during the night?
- "I must say, you are a strange one. Others would have drawn weapons the moment they saw what I was.
Anyway, I could attempt to scare them away. But they're hunters. I don't suspect they scare very easily."
- "This world is a deadly place when the sun glows bright in the sky. It's just too dangerous outside.
Siding with Majorn[edit]
Valeric | |||
Home Settlement | Wittestadr | ||
Location | Wittestadr Crypts | ||
Race | Nord | Gender | Male |
Health | (?) | Difficulty | ![]() |
Reaction | Neutral | Class | Brute |
Other Information | |||
Condition | Vampire |
If you decide to oppose him, you must fight him. He will be accompanied by his fellow vampires Jaruk and Rala. When you engage him in combat, he'll say:
- Valeric: "You attack us? You're nothing but a puppet, dancing at the end of my evil father's strings!"
Siding with Valeric[edit]
After you decided to save the hunters from the bloodfiends, you report the success of the mission to Valeric back at his manor. The next thing to do is to finally stop Valeric's father, which will be accomplished by you sneaking into the crypts while Rala will sneak into his father's manor:
- "You saved the lives of the hunters. You ruined their clothes, but you saved their lives.
My father will be upset when his slaves fail to locate new prey. He'll become curious. Then we'll catch him off-guard." - How do we do that?
- "My father won't risk going outside. It's too dangerous. The sun is deadly to his ancient form.
No, he'll send his thrall, Tunus, to see what went wrong. We need to catch my father before he returns to the crypts and locks the doors behind him." - And then what?
- "Rala will sneak into my father's manor and wait for Tunus to arrive. She'll deal with him. I need you to enter the crypts.
Rala may be a vampire, but she's still young, She wouldn't stand a chance against an ancient." - Maybe you shouldn't send Rala.
- "Rala is quick. She can blend with the shadows. Slitting a thrall's throat is well within her capabilities.
But someone more powerful than her needs to confront my father."
If spoken to again:
- "Rala waits for you at the other manor. She'll help you find the crypt."
If you got the crypt key and before entering inside the crypts, he will say:
- "You must enter the crypt beneath my father's manor and put an end to his plots and schemes."
When you return from the crypts after killing Majorn, he will consider relocating with his friends to somewhere isolated so they won't be a danger to the public:
- "He's gone. I can feel it. His presence faded when you struck him down.
We don't need to fear his tyranny any longer." - Your father had a lot of followers. Are you worried about them?
- "You killed Majorn, not me. Don't take this wrong way. We're grateful for what you've done, but you did it.
You destroyed a tyrant who could have built a formidable force, one strong enough to challenge the Skald-King. Now that won't happen." - What will you do now?
- "We will go somewhere safe—a place where we won't be a danger to others.
My friends still have much to learn. I can't risk others until I know they can control their temptations. No one will fall victim to our people again."
If Rala ran mad and was slain, his dialogue will differ:
- "He's gone. I can feel it. His presence faded when you struck him down.
But so is dear Rala. I shouldn't have sent her. She wasn't ready." - She wanted to fight the ancients. That's why she lost control.
- "Of course. It wasn't your fault. You did what was necessary.
It's just a shame to loose a friend. May she rest knowing that my father's tyranny has ended." - What will you do now?
- "We will leave this place. Losing Rala... I see now that my friends aren't ready to be on their own.
I'll continue to train those new to this life. Temper them. Teach them not to succumb to the maddening bloodlust"
After the quest, he says:
- "We can't thank you enough. My father was evil. He abused the gifts we've been given.
With him gone, we have a chance to live peacefully … well, as peacefully as our kind can."
You can ask Valeric for help when you first meet him:
- You're infected with vampirism?
- "The cursed blood of my family does indeed run through my veins.
I'm not shamed of it. What I'm ashamed of is that my people do with this power." - I need your help then.
- "I believe that I can trust you. If you help me with something, I'll do whatever you ask as long as it doesn't involve hurting anyone."
If you decided to side with Valeric during the quest The Better of Two Evils you can ask him for help again by having him donate a vial of his vampiric blood to support King Jorunn's life support during the Dreamstride. He will be reluctant at first but realizes you're telling the truth:
- I need your help.
- "You've done a great thing, ridding this world of my father. Speak. Tell me your desire and I shall make it so."
- I need a vial of your blood. To save king Jorunn.
- "My blood? Do you intend to turn the Skald-King into one of us?
Why would you help us stop my father just to create another vampire?" - I don't want to turn him into a vampire. I just need to bolster his life force.
- "You have earned my trust, friend. Therefore I must believe you speak the truth.
Take it. Save the King. But don't make me regret giving this to you."