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Online:Tiras Tirethi

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Tiras Tirethi
Location Veyond
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Reaction Friendly
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Follower Giving Up the Ghost
Faction(s) House Telvanni
Tiras Tirethi

Tiras Tirethi is a Dark Elf Telvanni mage who can be found with Revus Demnevanni at Veyond as his apprentice.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Giving Up the Ghost[edit]

Tiras can initially be found outside the ruins of Veyond having a heated discussion with Revus Demnevanni.

Revus Demnevanni: "Well, we can't wait any longer. We should begin the experiment."
Tiras Tirethi: "With no porters? No assistants? This endeavor's been a farce from the start, Revus. Now, it's a doomed one."

Before talking to Revus, he will be condescending towards you:

"Ah, yet another inferior intellect bumbles into Veyond. You're in good company with Revus around."

After talking to Revus and starting the quest, he will say:

Tiras Tirethi: "Taking assistance from random passersby? The magisters of the House will most certainly have opinions on this."

If you talk to him before going into Veyond:

"This is easily the most important experiment in Revus's unremarkable career, and he's soliciting aide from random passersby? Of course he is.
It would be depressing if it wasn't so predictable."
Tell me about yourself.
"I am Tiras Tirethi, first-born son of Fothas Tirethi and adopted nephew to Magister Therana of Tel Branora.
I can tell by your vacant expression you are not well-acquainted with the current affairs of House Telvanni. No great surprise there."
What brings you to Blackwood?
"I often ask myself the same thing. The Telvanni Council insists that prodigies such as I leave Morrowind for a time to experience .... whatever this is. It makes us more worldly, I suppose.
An insufferable waste of time if you ask me."
You're here to study with Revus though, right?
"That's a charitable way to put it.
Technically, I am Revus's student. But he's taught me very little beyond how to fumble aimlessly from one disaster to another. I can't wait for this to be over."
Actually, I have done some work for House Telvanni in the past.
"I see. Some minor errand, I assume?
Hmm. The house does not make a habit of employing imbeciles. You must have some talent. I take some comfort in that."

As you first approach them inside Veyond:

Tiras Tirethi: "Come to think of it, Revus, a crumbling ruin is an apt place for your final experiment with House Telvanni."

You can talk to him before speaking to Revus:

"Please be so kind as to talk to Revus, and leave me be. Self-reflection is the closest I get to decent conversation, these days."

After talking to Revus:

"Soul gem-infused runes slathered on Ayleid walls? The poor condition of the stone combined with imprecise template virtually guarantees a lack of efficacy. What is Revus, an amateur?
What am I saying, of course he is."
You don't think what Revus is doing will work?
"Finally, someone else makes an astute observation. Congratulations, you've just become the second-smartest person in the room.
The runes Revus wants painted will have, at most, a negligible impact. They're essentially just expensive vandalism."
Isn't Revus your teacher? Why are you talking about him like this?
"Oh, don't be thick. I have nothing to learn from the likes of Revus Demnevanni.
This is a mere formality. When I ascend to the Council, I will make weeding out hedge mages like Revus my first priority."
Do the other Telvanni mages share your low opinion of Revus?
"Oh, yes.
Revus knows where he stands with the Telvanni Council. On a precipice. And after today's nonsense, he will finally fall off."

If you talk to him again before leaving:

"Now, why are you still talking to me? Don't you have some expensive finger-painting to do?"

After painting the runes but before talking to Revus:

"Revus's little art project is well in hand, hmm? Well, by all means, deliver the good news."

After talking to Revus:

"Well? Aren't you supposed to be helping Revus with this folly?"
Revus said you know a lot about this sort of thing. Why aren't you helping?
"Knows a lot? I'd barely left the cradle when I erected my first arcane pylon. But if you're asking me to assist Revus in this buffoonery, I'd sooner put trousers on a vvardvark. It's just as fruitless, but infinitely more adorable."
[Persuade] It sounds to me like this might be beyond your abilities after all.
"Hmph. I suppose that's your attempt at being clever. Very well. I'll rise to the bait. The sooner we're done with this the better.
Know this, however—I'll not employ his silly, whack-a-hackwing methodology. Witness a true mage in action."
All right. We'll see what happens.

After you finish the conversation:

Tiras Tirethi: "If you're quite finished, Revus? Hmm. An artless configuration, to be sure."
Tiras Tirethi: "Balancing the crystal resonance is simple enough ...."
Tiras Tirethi: "There. A perfect calibration. Much good may it do you."
Revus Demnevanni: "It's working! Just a moment more, and ...."
Revus Demnevanni: "What? Why isn't it—? Good grief."

After talking to Revus and leaving the area to find the interference:

Tiras Tirethi: "Well. Let's get this farce underway."

You can talk to him as you search:

"So, Revus pins his failure on some disruptive anomaly. Ludicrous. There's only one thing standing in the way of the experiment's success—Revus's diminutive intellect.
Nevertheless, I am the student. Let's ... let's get on with our search."
Do you know what we should be looking for?
"Some minor defect in one of the ruin's ritual sites, no doubt.
I've heard that Ayleid ruins often suffer from disruptive arcane seepage— erratic welkynd stones, cracked aetherial wells and the like. A true mage would have accounted for such things."
Do you think we'll be able to fix it?
"Possibly—though it hardly matters. Even with a perfect alignment of arcane forces, Revus's device will still fail. We're really just delaying the inevitable.
It's not worth the trouble, in my opinion. We may as well stay here."
Revus told us to investigate.
"Yes, yes, I know. I'm not accustomed to fumbling around in the dark like a Goblin. This is a churl's task. Nevertheless, I am the student.
Let's get on with it."

As you approach the tunnel deeper inside:

Tiras Tirethi: "Our maps of Veyond didn't depict this tunnel. Vehk's head. Be on your guard."

When you enter a room with an Azhklan Troll in it:

Tiras Tirethi: "Trolls? Hideous, savage beast! Keep that brute away from me!"

Near the end of the tunnel:

Tiras Tirethi: "There, in the distance—more Ayleid masonry. Finally, no more mucking around the dirt like some clumsy saltrice farmer."

In front of the door to Veyond Mathmalatu:

Tiras Tirethi: "There's a strange aura on the other side of this door. Can you feel it? What am I saying? Of course you can't."

Once you enter Veyond Mathmalatu:

Tiras Tirethi: "Finally. Now then. These varla stones are clouded. Some manner of arcane erosion. They must be the source of Revus's trouble."
Tiras Tirethi: "Destroying them in this state could generate an explosive burst of magicka. And draining their power is no small feat...."
Tiras Tirethi: "Unless, of course, you happen to be me. Smash away, hero, and let's get out of this place."

If you talk to him before smashing the stones:

"I suppose that even a blind vvardvark finds a grub every now and then.
I would measure your expectations, however. Even with the source of the interference destroyed, Revus's experiment remains critically flawed."
What is a clouded Varla Stone?
"Precisely what it sounds like. The meteoric glass forming the stone likely had some flaw. Over centuries, magicka ebbing and flowing through the stone heightens the flaw, causing the glass to cloud and its magicka to radiate irregularly."

After smashing the stones:

Revus Demnevanni: "Tiras! The interference! I think it may come from clouded—"
Tiras Tirethi: "Varla stones? Indeed. The help and I already dealt with them. You're welcome."
Revus Demnevanni: "Oh. Well, thank you. I— Wait. Does anyone else feel that?"
Ancient Spirit: "Intruders? Get out! Get out!"
Revus Demnevanni: "A spirit! Stand back, both of you. It's time for a true test of the Phantasmal Censer!"
Tiras Tirethi: "Get it away from me! B-back, you creature! I mean it!"
Revus Demnevanni: "Wait, Tiras! No! Argh!"

After picking up the censer:

Tiras Tirethi: "What—what is happening to me?"
Revus Demnevanni: "Oh, Tiras! Even now, I can hear him in my mind! Haunting me!"

Inside Veyond Bangrara:

Tiras Tirethi: "I ... I can't! Help me! Use ... the censer!"

After using the censer and following the Phantasmal Mote a bit:

Tiras Tirethi: "The light! The clouded light! It calls!"

Further down the corridor:

Tiras Tirethi: "Hurry! I can't— Any longer—!"

After dislodging the varla stones:

Tiras Tirethi: "No! Not ... enough!"
Revus Demnevanni: "I know that did not look like a success ... but I think I know what's happening."

Inside Veyond Gandrassel:

Revus Demnevanni: "Over there! It's Tiras!"
Tiras Tirethi: "It's ... so close!"
Revus Demnevanni: "I think I know what's going on!"

After finding him again:

Tiras Tirethi: "Argh! Help—!"
Revus Demnevanni: "Ayem's mercy, Tiras is fading faster! Quickly, just smash these stones and we'll hope for the best!"

Once you finally save him:

Revus Demnevanni: "It's working! We did it! Tiras, are you all right?"
Tiras Tirethi: "Revus! I— I ..."
Tiras Tirethi: "I'm alive! Thank you! Ayem's mercy, I thought I was dead!"
Tiras Tirethi: "I never should have cast that— But the ghost was there and I just ... just panicked!"
Revus Demnevanni: "Oh dear. Uh ... there, there Tiras. Why don't we head back to camp, all right?"

If you talk to him before leaving:

"You! I owe you such an apology. I could see everything you and Revus did. No one ... no one has ever looked out for me before. Thank you!"

Once you arrive back at camp:

Tiras Tirethi: "I'm writing the magisters straight away, Revus. You'll receive accolades aplenty."
Revus Demnevanni: "Oh! That's, uh ... that's very generous, Tiras. Thank you."

If you talk to him before Revus:

"I'll be sure to mention your role in my rescue, too. The debt of a Tirethi is a valuable thing—especially one who will one day become a magister!"

After you've talked to Revus and completed the quest:

"By the Three, this whole business really opened my eyes. I always thought true wizardry happened in the laboratories and libraries of Tel Naga. But magic is messy. It's dangerous! A second's hesitation can mean death!
Revus taught me that."
This experience seems to have really changed your outlook.
"How could it not? When faced with even the slightest peril, I panicked. Rather than listening to my teacher, I cast a spell that turned my animus inside out! An experience like that would change anyone.
Then there's the matter of my rescue."
What do you mean?
"Any other Telvanni wizard would have left me there without a moment's hesitation.
House politics are cruel. But when faced with the prospect of death or professional ruin, Revus saved me anyway. I can guarantee you, I would not have done the same."
Will you share these lessons with your kinsfolk in the House?
"I will try. Members of House Telvanni are stubborn. But true greatness comes from learning. This was a difficult, but necessary lesson."

Heroes of Blackwood[edit]

Tiras will attend the celebrations in Gideon if you previously assisted in Veyond. He will give you an update on how things have been going:

"Honor to you and you house, sera. It's good to see you again."
What's the news from Tel Naga?
"The news is favorable. My letter to the magisters convinced them that the Phantasmal Censer is a worthy enterprise. I'm to carry on Revus's work.
I believe my teacher is in good standing. For now."
So, you really did have a change of heart?
"The wise mage is the mage who can learn from their mistakes.
I may not have underestimated Revus's skill, but I definitely underestimated his tenacity and faithfulness. I learned a great deal, and that is worth all the trauma."