Online:Through the Ashes

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ON-qico-Zone Story.png Help stop the Daedra from overrunning Dawnbreak.
Zone: Auridon
Zone StoryThis quest is part of the Zone Story
Faction: Aldmeri Dominion
Objective: Dawnbreak — Help the Marines save Dawnbreak from the Daedra.
Quest Giver: Captain Landare, Arelmo
Location(s): Dawnbreak, Abandoned Mine
Previous Quest: To Dawnbreak
Next Quest: To Firsthold
Reward: Scampcrusher
High Leveled Gold
XP Gain: High Experience
ID: 4355
Close the portal
The town of Dawnbreak has been overrun by Daedra. In response, First Auridon Marines have arrived to aid the town.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Find the five Dawnbreak villagers.
  2. Talk to Captain Landare in the manor house.
  3. Rescue five Marine patrols.
  4. Find Captain Landare.
  5. Close the portal.
  6. Talk to Captain Landare outside the manor house.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Captain Landare, outside of Dawnbreak, says the town is overrun with Daedra. Unfortunately, the recovery efforts can't begin until all the residents are clear. You offer to help, and Captain Landare gives you a list of residents to evacuate. She asks you to meet her in the manor house near the town's center after you finish. Talking to her further reveals that Estre left Dawnbreak some hours before the Daedra started appearing.

Evacuating Dawnbreak[edit]

You need to find five people in Dawnbreak.


The closest person to Captain Landare, Elannie, is in her house, the first on the right, when you enter Dawnbreak. Elannie promised her father she would wait for him. If you have the persuasion perk, you can persuade her to leave. Or, you can find her father, Almion, and return his pendant to Elannie. She will agree to leave.


Fasaran is walking around inside his house, which is west of Elannie's. He is looking for the ring of his dead wife, Fara. It is all he has left of her. If you have the intimidation perk, you can intimidate him into leaving by mentioning the Daedra. Or, you can find the ring in the basket to the south, return it to him, and he will thank you and agree to leave.


Almion's body can be found by continuing on the main path to the north. Take from him the wooden pendant Elannie gave him. Finding his body counts as finding one of the people in Dawnbreak.


Mirkalinde is inside her house near the center of Dawnbreak. All you need to do is tell her the First Auridon Marines are here and that it is safe to leave, and she will evacuate.


Pirtar is the farthest north. He is inside an open building. You will need to activate rubble in the middle of the building to find him.

Return of the Daedra[edit]

Captain Landare is inside the manor house, which is the large building on the north end of town. You can find a message sent by Estre here. You tell the Captain you evacuated everyone you could find and offer more help. However, as Captain Landare is giving you a task, Sergeant Artinaire runs in and reports that the Daedra have returned. Captain Landare tells you to search for five First Auridon Marine patrols.

The Marine Patrols are behind Mirkalinde's house and Pirtar's destroyed house. To rescue the patrols, you need to defeat the Daedra that are attacking them. You can rescue all five in one area. After you rescue five patrols, talk to Sergeant Artinaire, who runs up to you. She says Captain Landare went to a cave to the northeast. The sergeant is worried the captain is in over her head, as she immediately left for a cave mentioned to her by a returning patrol.

The Cave[edit]

The cave is an abandoned mine northeast of Dawnbreak. Captain Landare is in the first big room, in an alcove to the right, alongside an injured patrol leader. One of the patrols she found overheard Estre talking to the Daedra. You need to stop the ritual while the Captain takes the patrol back to Dawnbreak.

To stop the ritual, you will need to go to the south end of the mine. Defeat the enemies there and close the Daedric portal. Just before getting to the Dremora bosses, you can hear Estre revealing that her target is Firsthold. You can also find a note revealing their plan. You can exit through the door behind the portal, as this will deposit you closer to Dawnbreak. Go back northwest to the manor house in Dawnbreak. Speak to Captain Landare outside the manor house to receive your reward.


  • All citizens that must be rescued, except for Almion, won't exist in town before starting the quest.

Quest Stages[edit]

Through the Ashes
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
I need to search Dawnbreak for survivors. I have a list of who I should be looking for.
Objective: Find People in Dawnbreak: 0/5
Objective Hint: Find Elannie
Objective Hint: Find Almion
Objective Hint: Talk to Elannie
Objective Hint: Find Fasaran
Objective Hint: Find the Ring
Objective Hint: Talk to Fasaran
Objective Hint: Find Mirkalinde
Objective Hint: Find Pirtar
I rescued people in Dawnbreak. I should head to the manor house and report to Captain Landare.
Objective: Talk to Captain Landare at the Manor House
While speaking to Captain Landare, one of her Marines arrived with urgent news. I should listen to what she has to say.
Objective: Listen to Artinaire's Report
Sergeant Artinaire said the Daedra have attacked again. I should ask Captain Landare what she plans to do.
Objective: Talk to Captain Landare
Captain Landare asked me to search for her patrols. She mentioned they were searching for the source of the Daedra in the woods on the east side of town.
Objective: Rescue Patrolling Marines: 0/5
Sergeant Artinaire found me in the woods. I should see what she wants this time.
Objective: Talk to Sergeant Artinaire
One of the Marines I rescued reported a cave on the northeast side of town. Captain Landare went in to investigate herself. I should find the cave and see if I can help her.
Objective: Find and Enter the Cave
I found and entered the cave. I need to find Captain Landare.
Objective: Find Captain Landare
Captain Landare said Dremora still attempt to summon another wave of Daedra. I need to search the cave, find them, and stop their ritual.
Objective: Stop the Ritual
I ended the summoning ritual. Time to head back to the manor house.
Objective: Find Landare at the Manor House
Finishes quest☑ I should speak to Captain Landare.
Objective: Talk to Captain Landare
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.