
Online:The Endling

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This article is about the boss in the Grove of the Chimera. For the boss in the Infinite Archive, see The Endling (Infinite Archive).

The Endling
Location Grove of the Chimera
Species Chimera
Health 5813072 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 3.png
Reaction Hostile
The Endling

The Endling is a powerful Chimera that can be found in the Grove of the Chimera.

Related Quests[edit]

Skills & Abilities[edit]

Arctic Blast
Arctic Shread
Frozen Patch
Summon Aspects
The Endling will summon Aspect of the Wamasu, Aspect of the Lion and Aspect of the Gryphon


There is one Achievement associated with this creature:

Achievement Points Description
ON-icon-achievement-The Endling Ender.png The Endling Ender 10 Defeat the Endling in the Grove of the Chimera.