Online:The Celestial Palanquin
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Quick Summary: not written
Quest Stages: not written |
Lyranth the Dremora sent me a letter. She wants me to meet her in Fargrave, a city somewhere in the depths of Oblivion. Apparently, the Order of the Waking Flame is up to something that threatens both Fargrave and Nirn.
Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Find Rogatina Cinna near the Portal to Leyawiin in Fargrave.
- Go to find her Mistress outside the southern gate.
- Meet Madam Whim in Fargrave.
- Meet Tilgo in the Burn.
- Meet the Anchorite in the Fargrave Crafting Plaza.
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
- Sister Celdina may linger on the platform after destroying the runes, instead of fleeing like the Anchorite mentions in her dialogue. ?
Quest Stages[edit]
The Celestial Palanquin | |
Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
Lyranth the Dremora wants me to meet her in Fargrave, a city in Oblivion, so I can help her determine the scope of the threat posed by the Mehrunes Dagon cult, the Order of the Waking Flame. She should be waiting outside the city's southern gate.
Objective: Meet Lyranth in Fargrave
Lyranth isn't here, but I saw a person take down a Waking Flame cultist. Then both her hands and mine began to glow. I should talk to her and find out what's going on here.
Objective: Talk to the Anchorite
The Anchorite wants me to talk to Madam Whim at the House of Whims in Fargrave and Initiate Tilgo in the Deadlands to see what they know about Lyranth, the votive runes, or the Order of the Waking Flame.
Objective: Talk to Initiate Tilgo
Objective: Talk to Madam Whim
Hidden Objective: Destroy Dagonic Votive
The Anchorite wants me to talk to Madam Whim at the House of Whims in Fargrave and Initiate Tilgo in the Deadlands to see what they know about Lyranth, the votive runes, or the Order of the Waking Flame.
Objective: Talk to Initiate Tilgo
Objective: Talk to Madam Whim
I should go to the Fargrave Crafting Plaza and find the Anchorite. I need to let her know what I learned from Madam Whim and Initiate Tilgo.
Objective: Go to the Fargrave Crafting Plaza
I arrived at the Fargrave Crafting Plaza. Now I should talk to the Anchorite and tell her what I learned from Madam Whim and Initiate Tilgo.
Objective: Talk to The Anchorite
The Anchorite thinks that the cult leader, Sister Celdina, might be using the old baths in the Shambles as a headquarters. Since Lyranth seems to be hunting her, we might find her there. So it's time to head into the Shambles.
Objective: Go to the Shambles
We entered the area known as the Shambles. Now to make our way to the old bathhouse. The Anchorite suggested three paths we could take: the western warrens, through the central plazas, or east through Skein Row.
Objective: Reach the Bathhouse
Explore the Shambles
Hidden Objective: Explore the Shambles
Objective Hint: Find a Lucent
Objective Hint: Take the Lucent
Objective Hint: Find a Dynamus Font
Objective Hint: Charge the Lucent
Objective Hint: Return to Door
Objective Hint: Place the Charged Lucent
We reached the bathhouse. I should check the door and see if it's unlocked.
Objective: Inspect the Bathhouse Door
The main door to the bathhouse is locked with some sort of magic, but the Anchorite believes there may be another way in. I should search the area and see if I can find a way into the courtyard.
Objective: Find a Way Into the Bathhouse Courtyard
We made it into the courtyard. I should search the area and see if I can find a way into the bathhouse from here.
Objective: Search the Courtyard
Optional Step: Talk to The Anchorite
We located a cave entrance into the bathhouse undercroft. I should explore the area and look for a way to enter the bathhouse proper through the undercroft.
Objective: Explore the Bathhouse Undercroft
We found another door, but it's protected by a ward of some sort. I should discuss our options with the Anchorite.
Objective: Talk to the Anchorite
The Anchorite wants me to find a lucent, charge it in a dynamus font, and then place the charged crystal on the discharge labrum beside the door. She says this will release the energy and dispel the ward.
Objective: Dispel the Ward
Now that the ward has been dealt with, we should see what's beyond the door as we make our way to the bathhouse.
Objective: Continue on Toward the Bathhouse
We found Lyranth as we were making our way into the old bathhouse. I should talk to her.
Objective: Talk to Lyranth
Now that the Anchorite and I have met up with Lyranth the Dremora, we can accompany her into the old bathhouse and look for the cult leader, Sister Celdina.
Objective: Find Sister Celdina
We encountered Sister Celdina in the middle of casting some sort of powerful spell. I need to find a way to disrupt the ritual. Lyranth suggested I destroy the votive runes positioned around the chamber.
Objective: Disrupt Sister Celdina's Ritual
I stopped Sister Celdina's ritual before it could be unleashed on Fargrave, but she got away. I should follow Lyranth into the bathhouse.
Objective: Enter the Bathhouse
I should talk to Lyranth and see what she thinks we should do now.
Objective: Talk to Lyranth
Sister Celdina escaped, but Lyranth thinks she may have left something behind that will help us locate her. I should search the bathhouse and see what I can find.
Objective: Search the Bathhouse
I found a note written in a language or code I don't understand. I should show the note to Lyranth. Maybe she can decipher it.
Objective: Talk to Lyranth
Lyranth suggested we leave the bathhouse and return to Fargrave before the cult returns in force. The Anchorite suggested we meet at Fargrave's inn, the Bearer's Rest. I should head there now.
Objective: Meet at the Bearer's Rest
I made it to the Bearer's Rest, the inn in Fargrave. Now I should find the Anchorite and see if she knows of anyone in the city who can decipher the encoded note we found. |
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g.,
) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.