Online:Soul Survivors
This page is currently being rewritten as part of the Online Quest Project. The page is being both written and checked. All users are welcome to make changes to the page. If you make a change that is relevant to the project, please update this template accordingly, and make sure you have observed the project guidelines. Detail
Quick Summary: written by unk, checked by Solomon1972
Quest Stages: written by Talyyn, not checked |
Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Find Zirani and Ugorz in the ruins of their respective villages and talk to them.
- If you fail to convince them, kill their nearby Taskmaster.
- Head to the Overseer's Overlook.
- Talk to Suronii.
- Jump off the cliff.
- Talk with Suronii.
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
A portal in southeastern Coldharbour will send you to a pocket realm of Oblivion where Molag Bal has pulled three villages from Nirn: The Dunmer village of Silver Run, the Khajiit village of Khaj'yahai, and the Orc village of Dushnikh's Shadow. You find yourself at the southern end of Silver Run. The mayor of Silver Run, Suronii, asks for your help contacting the other two villages' mayors, Zirani and Ugorz. She asks you to tell them to meet her at the Overseer's Overlook.
The villages have been torn assunder into various islands, some of them at sea level, others floating in mid-air. You'll use a combination of portals and swimming to reach them. Beware the slaughterfish! (You can check the UESP map to see the general locations of the slaughterfish.) The islands are crawling with dremora and atronachs, and there are numerous boss-level enemies throughout.
Running straight north, you'll come to a pair of portals, one to go west to Khaj'yahai and one to go east to Dushnikh's Shadow. When you reach the mayors at the far end of those villages, there will be a portal to come back to this central location. Choose a portal, run to the far end of the village, and find the respective mayor. Tell them about Suronii's plan. If they won't listen to you, there's a dremora taskmaster nearby you may need to defeat first. Go back to the central portal hub in Silver Run and repeat the process with the other village.
Once both have been convinced, go back to the central portal hub in Silver Run and head north. Following the road northeast after reaching the mainland, you'll find a door leading to the overlook. Suronii will reveal her plan: you have to throw yourself off the cliff to save everyone. This is notably NOT explained, and, since the quest was changed from its original verion, there is no option for you to do anything but agree. "Off the cliff, then!" will be your only dialogue option. Do so.
Meet Suronii at the starting point to conclude the quest.
- The other village leaders, and their tormentors, won't exist before starting the quest.
- It's possible to kill Taskmaster Uldun and Taskmaster Mirit without speaking with village leaders first. When you come back to them, they will act as if you spoke to them before but the objective will complete nonetheless.
- When you get to the stage where you're supposed to sacrifice yourself, you can port away or take the portal to the left of the cave leading onto Overseer's Overlook. The next time you die, no matter where you are, your quest journal will update, having registered your death as a sacrifice for the group.
- After the quest, Suronii, Ugorz and Zirani will all be found around The Hollow City, Suronii at the fountain in front of The Shining Star, Zirani near a tree beside the tavern, and Ugorz by a statue at the bottom of the stairs nearby.
- As of 2024 when you sacrifice yourself. "Wayshrine" is the only option. No more getting stuck in a cliff via "Revive Here"
- Some time after March 2014, the option to refuse to sacrifice yourself for Suronii was removed. When you refused to aid Suronii, you needed to kill her, Zirani and Ugorz. Overseer Grexev appeared and commended you for your actions, before handing you some leveled gold and permitting you to leave.
- There also used to be a way to save Suronii and her troupe without dying. You would have the choice to smash a Sigil Stone against the Daedric Lense on the Overseer's Overlook to free them. If you chose to kill Suronii, you could have used the sigil stone on the lens to doom the trio, or give the sigil to Suronii to allow them to escape.
- Upon reaching the portal crossroads between the Khajiit and Orc settlements, the objective markers get confused and will always prioritize the Orc settlement. Taking the portal to the Khajiit settlement will remove all the objective markers from the map except for one pointing to the portal you just took, with the marker guiding you back towards the Orc settlement.
- Similarly, the objective marker for Ugorz points directly to the longhouse itself, even while you are not in an area that has direct access to it, instead of the portal that brings you towards the Orc settlement. When you take said portal, the marker will again point back to the portal you just took to bring you back to the general area of the dungeon so that the marker can again point to the longhouse.
Quest Stages[edit]
Soul Survivors | |
Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
Suronii sent me to find the leaders of the Khajiit and Orc villages. I need to help each to escape to the Overseer's overlook.
Objective: Talk to Zirani
(Appears if you fail to convince Zirani to leave.) Objective Hint: Kill Taskmaster Uldun
Objective: Talk to Ugorz
(Appears if you fail to convince Ugorz to leave.) Objective Hint: Kill Taskmaster Mirit
I've freed the village leaders. I should meet all three at the overlook in the central mountain.
Objective: Go to the Overseer's Overlook
I have reached the overlook. I should talk to Suronii.
Objective: Talk to Suronii
Suronii wants me to sacrifice myself to power her spell to reach Tamriel. I should either leap off the overlook to sacrifice myself, or tell Suronii that I refuse to go along with her plan.
(Stage appears if you go along with her idea.) Complete one: Jump Off The Cliff or Tell Suronii You Refuse
I have died, powering Suronii's spell. The image of Suronii remains. Perhaps I should speak to it.
Objective: Talk to Suronii
(If you sacrifice yourself) |
Objective: Kill Zirani
Objective: Kill Ugorz
Objective: Kill Suronii
(If you tell Suronii you refuse) |
I defeated Suronii and her allies, who turned on me when I refused to be the sacrifice for their spell. A Daedra appeared in the aftermath of the battle. I should speak to it.
Objective: Talk to Overseer Grexev
Objective: Talk to Overseer Grexev
) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.