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Home City The Hollow City
Home Settlement The Everfull Flagon
Location The Shining Star
Race Nord Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly

Solding is a Nord patron of the Everfull Flagon. After you rescue her, she will relocate to the balcony of the Shining Star, the inn located in the Hollow City.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

The Everfull Flagon[edit]

When you enter the tavern while trying to find the intended recipient of a letter you found outside, you can ask Solding who is talking with Hautt Silvertongue. Her initial greeting to you will be one of the following:

"So he said, do you want to see my sword? And I said, no not really. And he said, but it's a nice sword. And I said....
Wait. Who are you again?"
"Have you tried the Special Blend? I can't stop drinking it!"
"I never get to meet anyone new and exciting. Just the same old faces every day, day in and day out. It's so depressing! Why won't some hero wander in and sweep me off my feet and take me away?
But no one new ever comes to Everfull Flagon."
"Mead makes me so sleepy. I think I need a nap."
"I want to dance! Do you want to dance? I want to spin around and around! Let's dance!"
"I thought about going for a walk. But then I thought, it's dark outside. And cold. And there's no mead out there. Mead.
What was I talking about?"
"I'm going to stop drinking this mead. Soon. Very soon.
One of these days."
I'm looking for anyone who might know Gamirth.
"Gamirth? Sounds familiar but my memory isn't what it used to be. You should talk to Bernt. After you get a mead. The stuff tastes wonderful! I love mead."

After finding Hautt and Hridi's lute and daggers respectively, you can return to the inn to find the patrons confronting the Thane.

Romord: "You knocked down an old man!"
Solding: "I've had just about enough of this."
Thane Fellrig: "I think everyone needs a drink. How about some more mead!"
Romord: "We don't want any more [sic] mead! get out of here!"
<Thane Fellrig drops the disguise.>
Thane Fellrig: "Your souls are mine! You may as well drink up and accept your fate."
Varhilda: "Shor's bones! We've been deceived!"
Thane Fellrig: "I want to hear you beg or I'll cut off the supply of Special Blend!"
<He teleports away.>
Romord: "Where did he go? What just happened here?"

If you speak with Solding after this, she will be sobering up and will say one of the following:

"I can't tell the difference between enchanted mead or not enchanted mead. I guess I need to drink some more."
"My head feels like a dozen mammoths are dancing inside it. Why did I drink so much mead?"
"I wish I could remember how we got here."
"I have vague memories of drinking. A lot.
I hope I didn't do anything silly."
"What a great party! We need to do that again real soon!"
"Oh, my aching head!"

The Shining Star[edit]

After being rescued, Solding can be found on the balcony on the top floor of the inn.

"I like to come out here and just look at the trees.
It doesn't look anything like my memories of our lost home, but it is rather beautiful here."