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Online:Silsailen Rescue

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Rescue Silsailen villagers from a Heritance attack.
Zone: Auridon
Objective: Silsailen — Help repel the attackers invading the town of Silsailen.
Quest Giver: Ilemin, Aldunie, Watchman Cirdur, Sarodor or Elenwen
Location(s): Silsailen
Next Quest: Real Marines
Reward: Average Leveled Gold
XP Gain: Standard Experience
ID: 4208
Rescue the citizens of Silsailen
The town of Silsailen is under attack by imposters disguised as First Auridon Marines. The townspeople suspect these men and woman are a part of a group called the Veiled Heritance.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. (Optional) Talk to Ilemin, Aldunie, Watchman Cirdur or Sarodor.
  2. Talk to Elenwen.
  3. Find Teldur and pick up the bucket.
  4. Save five villagers.
  5. Report back to Elenwen.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Starting the Quest[edit]

Watchman Cirdur and a Vulkhel Watch with a dead Silsailen Guard

There are multiple people you can talk to who will direct you to Silsailen. If you have previously completed A Hostile Situation, you can find Watchman Cirdur with the recently dead Silsailen Defender just outside Vulkhel Guard.

"I recognize you. You were talking with Urcelmo in the courtyard earlier. I heard about what happened with Astanya … most of us aren't like that. Will you spare a moment for the true Vulkhel Watch?"
What happened here?
"This guardsman is from the village of Silsailen. They're under attack. He managed to say something about the First Auridon Marines before he succumbed to his wounds. Something about a fire, the village ablaze."
Can't you send some guards?
"With Astanya's death we're ... well, we're a bit disorganized. Please, you handled the Captain so well.
Go to Silsailen, northeast of Vulkhel Guard. Find the Canonreeve or his daughter Elenwen, and help those people."

If you travel close enough to Silsailen, Ilemin will run up to you, yelling for help.

"They've burned the town! Please, please help us!"
Who set the fire?
"A group of soldiers came to town. They were dressed like the Marines, but... they set fire to the buildings! I heard someone say they were really part of the Veiled Heritance, that splinter group."
You should get clear. Who should I talk to?
"The Canonreeve's daughter, Elenwen, organized an evacuation. Last I saw, she was heading for the barn on the west side of town. Go quickly, please!"

Aldunie, a Silsailen Guard, can be found on the road north of Vulkhel Guard.

"Thank the Stars. This mudcrab won't stop pinching me.
Listen, you have to get to Silsailen! Help them before it's too late."
What's happened?
"It's the Veiled Heritance! The town is in flames! It all happened so fast.
Silsailen is just north of here. Follow the road, and find the canonreeve's daughter, Elenwen. She'll know what to do."
Elenwen and Canonreeve Valano outside Silsailen

All three will send you to talk with Elenwen. She can be found on the western side of the bridge on the western outskirts of Silsailen, talking with Canonreeve Valano. Alternatively, you can start the quest by talking to Elenwen directly.

"We need to get this madness under control."
"Can't you smell the smoke? Silsailen is under attack! I barely got my father out alive! The Canonreeve, almost slain!
These brutes may wear the uniforms of the First Auridon Marines, but they're imposters."
Who are they?
"They're agents of the Veiled Heritance. I'm sure of it! Teldur, my father's assistant, is trying to organize a defense.

Report to Teldur to help with defense and rescue.

Search and Rescue[edit]

Teldur hiding near the well

Teldur can be reached by crossing the bridge and following the path to the center of the town; he will be crouched next to the well.

"Are you insane? Can't you see the town is under attack?"
Elenwen sent me to help.
"Did she? How do I know you're not one of the imposters?"
Look, do you want me to help or not?
"Fine. Grab that bucket from the well and put out the fires. If you find any villagers, tell them they need to evacuate until it's safe.

Interact with the nearby well to get a Bucket of Water. You now have to save five villagers within Silsailen, some of which are being menaced by Heritance soldiers; kill the hostiles and the villagers will be able to flee. Other villagers are trapped in the burning buildings; in this case, use the bucket on the flames so they can escape.

Report Back to Elenwen[edit]

Report back to Elenwen

Once you have rescued five villagers, you can look for Elenwen, who is in the barn south of where you previously met her. She will be tending to the injured.

"The fires are under control, thanks to you."
I saved as many villagers as I could.
"We'll be a long time in rebuilding, but your bravery won't be forgotten."

You can then speak to Hanilan to find out who was behind the attack.


  • Regardless from who you accept the quest, the initial objective description will only refer to Sarodor.
  • Teldur and the villagers won't exist in the town before starting the quest or reaching the related objective.
  • Stepping into the fire you must put out doesn't inflict any damage or negative effects.
  • Some of the villagers that are originally nameless when rescued will appear with unique names when going to the barn after completing the objective.

Quest Stages[edit]

Silsailen Rescue
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
Sarodor asked me to speak to Elenwen about helping in Silsailen.
Objective: Talk to Elenwen
Latest start Elenwen has asked that I speak to Teldur about rescuing the remaining villagers.
Objective: Talk to Teldur
Teldur told me that several villagers are still trapped by the guards or fires. I can get water from the well to put out the fires.
Objective: Save Villagers: 0/5
Objective Hint: Get Bucket at the Well
Objective Hint: Use Bucket on Fires
Finishes quest☑ I rescued the townspeople trapped in Silsailen. Now I should speak with Elenwen at the barn outside of town.
Objective: Talk to Elenwen
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.