Online:Sergeant Sjarakki

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Sergeant Sjarakki
Home Settlement Fullhelm Fort
Location Thane's Manor
Race Nord Gender Female
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Ebonheart Pact
Sergeant Sjarakki
Housecarl Sjarakki

Sergeant Sjarakki is a Nord found in the Thane's Manor at Fullhelm Fort. She is renamed to Housecarl Sjarakki following the completion of The Thunder Breaks if Hallfrida becomes thane.

You will initially find her standing guard overlooking the fort's courtyard.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Approaching Thunder[edit]

She can be found on the steps to the manor. When you approach her:

"Just once I want to live somewhere nice…quiet."

You will tell her that you're looking for shards of Wuuthrad. She will suggest speaking to Thane Unnvald as the fortress' garrison has been suffering attacks from the undead lately:

"You don't find a hero of the Pact on your doorstep without a reason. What brings you to a backwater like Fullhelm?"
I'm looking for shards of Wuuthrad. Ysgramor's axe has been shattered.
"Wuuthrad broken? I wonder if that's related. We're surrounded by undead. They come in waves. We expect another attack soon."
Who commands this fort?
"Thane Unnvald. Unnvald Ironhand? He was granted the fortress when he retired. You can try to talk to him if you want, but - well, with all we've been through, he's not glad of visitors."
It's best I speak to him quickly.

You can ask her further questions about both the history of the thane and the fort:

"The Thane holds court in the manor hall."
Should I know the name "Unnvald Ironhand?"
"Sure as Sheogorath's a madman. Back before the Pact was formed, Unnvald raided all along the Morrowind coast. His crews always came back laden with gold and honor."
How did he react when the Pact was signed?
"It's not how he reacted to the Pact. It's how the Pact reacted to him. Suddenly it wasn't polite to venerate a Dark-Elf murderer. He's been out here ever since."
Isn't this fort near the border with Stonefalls?
"Aye, but no one uses this pass anymore. Merchant ships cargo from Ebonheart to Windhelm, and then make the trip down to Riften."
Did you see much action during the skirmish with the Covenant?
"Hah. First time the soldiers have mustered out since the end of the Akaviri war. We provided support for Riften's troops, and tended to some of the wounded from Virak."

After speaking to the thane and before speaking to Housecarl Thorulf, she won't be surprised by the cold reception from the thane:

"Got a cold greeting, eh? For what it's worth, I'd be glad of any help you give while you're here."

After you tell Hallfrida of finding Bonebane, the sergeant will barge through the hall doors to let the thane know that the undead will attack the fort. She'll announce the news to everyone in the great hall and urging all-able bodied men and women take up arms to defend the fort:

Sergeant Sjarakki: "The undead! They march on Fullhelm!"
Sergeant Sjarakki: "My lord. We're holding the stairs, barely."
Sergeant Sjarakki: "Anyone in here who can fight, get yourself outside."

She will storm out of the hall to prepare the defenses. You can speak to her outside on the stairs before speaking to Hallfrida:

"Tell Hallfrida not to worry. We'll be back on the walls in a few minutes. Go on, now. I've got to organize this mob."

The Thunder Breaks[edit]

After raising the flags at the rally points, you'll find the housecarl outside the main building. The defenders have set the storage shed on fire to slow down the attackers. You will need to enter the storage shed to drive back the undead infiltrators:

"Glad you're back. We've got a little problem."
The undead set your storage shed on fire?
"No. We did that. The bastards tunneled up from below, into an old cave we used for storage. While we were defending the walls, they went under us. The fire's keeping them down, but that won't last."
Then we need to go in.
"I was hoping the hero of Bal Foyen, Ash Mountain, and elsewhere might volunteer. If you smash enough of them, maybe the Worm behind this will appear. Good luck." (If you completed Bal Foyen and Stone Falls questlines)

You can speak to her again, and she'll offer some reassurances.

"The door to the storage area is inside the shed. Sorry. Careful not to burn your hands on the door.
We'll try to get the flames out while you're in there."

If you chose to save the Thane, you'll find Sjarakki at her post just inside the fort's walls. She has no new dialogue, only greeting you again as if she has not met you before.

"You don't find a hero of the Pact on your doorstep without a reason. What brings you to a backwater like Fullhelm?"

If you chose to hunt down Thorulf, you'll find Sjarakki next to Hallfrida on her throne:

"A grim day. Who could have seen this coming?"

After you finish the quest, she'll say:

"The first thing we do is ensure the dead have been given the Rites of Arkay. We'll have to send to Riften for a priest. I'm not going to let another damned necromancer play around here."
You're to be Hallfrida's Housecarl?
"It's what she wants. I don't feel up to it, but I guess I can't do a worse job than the last fellow. Sorry. I know it's too soon. I'm trying to keep Hallie's—to keep Thane Hallfrida's spirits up."